Calm, magical sands and turquoise waters in Porto Santo, the other side of Madeira


In just three kilometers of runway we landed in Porto Santo, the first Portuguese overseas discovery and part of the Madeira archipelago. Three kilometers that drive us to the most absolute calm. Here there are no traffic lights to regulate traffic or stress, nor is it necessary.

We can fly from Lisbon, in an hour and a half, or from Madeira, in barely 15 minutes. It is also possible to get by sea from Funchal, the capital of Madeira. The journey lasts two and a half hours in which to entertain yourself with the ship's many services, including a movie theater or a video game room.

If you opt for the plane, large letters announce our destination. If we choose the ship, The port of Abrigo will receive us with colorful prints made by crew members as landing stamps. The serenity that invades us will be equally comforting in both receptions.

Porto Santo

Golden sand beach on the island of Porto Santo (Madeira).

The first thing that will surprise us if we travel from the mountainous and green Madeira is the low elevation of Porto Santo. The amazement intensifies when we move between arid tones. Peculiarities that respond to the landscape and they complement neighboring Madeira with a calmer tourism.

The drought problem is part of its history, a story told by the traditional Casa da Serra, a museum opened in 2011 that shows how they squeezed their meager resources to dedicate them to agriculture and civil construction.

Porto Santo

The peace of the waves of the sea.


The tourist company Lazemar is a perfect option to get to know the corners of the island . Led by Nuno Santos, we observe it from all the viewpoints, and we fall in love with it almost as much as our guide does: Pedreira before the Ana Ferreira peak, Portela and its photogenic mills, Pedregal to the northeast and Las Flores to the west.

From the latter we see the point of San Lorenzo de Madeira, about 50 kilometers away, and two of the protected islands of Porto Santo, the islet of Ferro and that of Cal from where the lime used to paint the houses of the archipelago was extracted.

Another of the protected islands is Farol, which is accessed after a short boat ride. Once there, 700 steps, more than 100 years old, ascend to the lighthouse that gives it its name, seducing us with more panoramic views of our new Portuguese paradise.

Porto Santo

Isla de la Cal seen from the Mirador de las Flores in Porto Santo.

Pico do Facho, with 517 meters of altitude is the highest of the mountains that outline the north coast, contrasting with the beach, to the south, soul and pride of the portosanteses.

the center hides Quinta das Palmeiras, Carlos Manuel's dream turned into an oasis. This Madeiran challenged the land in 1990 by planting different species of trees. Thus he created, to the disbelief of the neighbors, a small botanical garden with various types of birds.

Vila Baleira is the largest municipality. Whitewashed houses with a strong Portuguese accent sit on cobblestone streets adorned with palm trees.

Among its treasures we cannot get lost the Municipal Palace, the paintings of the Matriz church, the San José fort and the Christopher Columbus House Museum, sign of the years that the navigator spent on the island preparing his trip to the Americas. During that period he also had time to marry Felipa Moniz, the governor's daughter.

Porto Santo

The infinite beach of Porto Santo is the only natural one in the archipelago.


It was not until a little less than 30 years ago that tourism began to arrive in Porto Santo attracted by proposals that completed the trips to Madeira. With an annual temperature of 20 degrees, it has been able to avoid overcrowding while still offering activities such as scuba diving, snorkeling, or therapeutic sand treatments in two of its ten hotels, Vila Baleira and Porto Santo.

Golf is another of its claims and aims to position the island among the main destinations for lovers of this sport. Its 27-hole course was designed by Severiano Ballesteros.

The impressive stone rows of Pico Ana Ferreira, which recount the volcanic origin of Porto Santo, they witness swing after swing when they are not acting as a stage for shows. The lawn is irrigated with sewage, because about squeezing their own media here they know a lot. In fact, they bet on becoming an ecological and completely sustainable island.

Porto Santo

What do you prefer? Diving, snorkeling or a treatment with therapeutic sand?

Regarding the gastronomic offer, they highlight grilled beef skewer, limpets or swordfish accompanied by the prized bolo do caco, typical round bread with garlic butter. To toast, punch, the typical Madeira liqueur made from honey, lemon juice and sugar cane brandy.

The restaurants Panorama and Ponta da Calheta, each one at one end of the coast, they offer typical dishes along with the best views of the beach.

At night, island cuisine is savored under the stars in the Tia Maria Beach Club.

Golden beach in Porto Santo Madeira Portugal

Golden beach in Porto Santo, Madeira, Portugal.


The infinite beach of Porto Santo is the only natural one in the archipelago and, therefore, the biggest attraction of the island. Nine kilometers of fine golden sand surrounded by unexpected turquoise waves that we can enjoy in solitude even during the busiest months.

Touching sand is like touching silk. That fossilized coral made up of large doses of calcium, iodine and magnesium It is capable of repairing any ailment. We slid our bare feet along the almighty delicate beach.

And so, step by step, we reach the tip of Calheta where we feel we reach the island of Cal. Sunset, calm, passion. Porto Santo, stay a little longer.

Porto Santo

Sunset in Porto Santo.

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