Where to buy typical products of the German Democratic Republic in Berlin


Where to buy typical products of the German Democratic Republic

When you circulated through life with a trabi

Under the name of Ostalgie, the sum of the words East and nostalgia in German (ost+nostalgie), there are many who remember this time. A) Yes, you can live the experience of going back to the times of the GDR driving a trabi (car used at this time), a tour offered by several companies in the German capital; **visiting the GDR Museum in Berlin; or contemplating the Ampelmännchen **, the typical traffic light man of the GDR that has become an icon and popular souvenir.

Also, There are many products that Germans use in their daily lives that still come from East Germany: from a well-known brand of sparkling wine to a laundry detergent, passing through a chocolate cream.

Where to buy typical products of the German Democratic Republic

Ampelmännchen, the typical traffic light man of the GDR

For example, one can start the morning with a Rondo coffee and a Filichen toast with Nudossi (chocolate cream), while waiting for the washing machine to finish, in which Spee detergent has been put. **Those who like Coca-cola can change it for Vita-cola ** and, incidentally, have a Thüringer Wurst (sausage) with Bautz'ner mustard and Werder ketchup, with some Spreewälder pickles (the ones the protagonist was looking for from Good Bye, Lenin!).

For dessert, a chocolate: from Mokka bohnen, Halloren chocolates or Knusperflocken. And finally, you can toast with a glass of Rotkäppchen Sekt , a sparkling cava found at many German parties (and whose name means Little Red Riding Hood), **or with a shot of Pfeffi** (a mint liqueur). This is just an example and it must be said that all these products found in many supermarkets (at least in the German part of the GDR) .

Where to buy typical products of the German Democratic Republic

the alternative

Outside these supermarkets, if you have a sweet tooth, you can order a **a box of GDR sweets through Amazon**. In Berlin, you can go to Intershop 2000, a shop with products from former Soviet Germany. The name comes from the time and refers to supermarkets of good quality items where you could not pay under the German Democratic Republic. **You can also visit the Ostpaket Berlin **, near Alexanderplatz (and they are currently on tour in different German cities), featuring items from that historical period.

Where to buy typical products of the German Democratic Republic

Former Soviet Germany is bought here

Also in the German capital, you can sleep in a hostel set in the times of the GDR, the Ostel : with colored paper on the walls, furniture and lamps from that era...

At lunchtime, be sure to visit the Osseria , a restaurant with specialties from the GDR. Although if your thing is sausages, there is still a street food stall (Imbiss) , where they serve the Ketwurst, a typical sausage of those years and whose name comes from the mixture of the words Ketchup and Wurst. You can buy it at the Alain Snack (located in front of the shopping center on Schönhauser Allee) .

Where to buy typical products of the German Democratic Republic

The place where you sleep in another time

If you're looking for something different, you can always buy **some ZEHA shoes**, the Adidas from East Germany.

Where to buy typical products of the German Democratic Republic

The Adidas on the other side of the wall

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