Art paints the gray of a Madrid street with color


Urban art paints the gray of a Madrid street with color

So the streets walk differently

There are those who represent the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa or to the mythical Wally (we have finally found him!), others pretend to be a totem, there is also some as a pen or lighthouse and even a convict pulling his heavy ball. But they all have in common that they provide color, a lot of color, with creations at times fun and at times vindictive, to a street that previously went unnoticed, they report from We are Malasana .

Art paints the gray of a Madrid street with color

The Tower of Pisa by Curruncho

The new image of Calle Galería de Robles is the result of the **work carried out during the ¡Pint Malasaña! 2016 **, which held its first edition on April 17 with the participation of 100 artists in charge of intervening the closures of as many shops.

The artistic creations that took shape in this street were also part of the official section of the contest and the winner was Alejandro Ontiveros-Robles, with a proposal of concentric circles: (HE) STATUS (DIS) CONNECTED , which talks about the importance of connecting with oneself.

Art paints the gray of a Madrid street with color

The winner, Alejandro Ontiveros, working on his speech

Art paints the gray of a Madrid street with color

This is how Pablo Burgueño sees Wally

Art paints the gray of a Madrid street with color

Nikita Rodriguez's totem

Art paints the gray of a Madrid street with color

Little cuties by Kapone

Art paints the gray of a Madrid street with color

The rosy world of Jesús Parrás

Art paints the gray of a Madrid street with color

The Prisoner by Please

Art paints the gray of a Madrid street with color

by Senk

Art paints the gray of a Madrid street with color

Keru's Intervention of Kolorz

Art paints the gray of a Madrid street with color

Cova Ríos gave us this beautiful

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