Tell me what your father is like and I'll tell you where to escape for Father's Day


If your father is adventurous, do not give him a spa treatment

If your dad is adventurous, don't give him a spa treatment.

Although you are probably one of the people who knows your father best, It would not hurt if you reviewed their hobbies, tastes and desires in order to be much more successful when choosing the destination to which you should travel together.

Forget spas if camel trekking is your thing. Don't waste time learning how to cook either. maybe it's better that you take him to taste the street food of some exotic destination.

From a luxury camp in the desert to a visit to one of the most famous libraries in the world, through the gentle swing of a hammock hanging over the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean, here are ** 13 proposals for you to lose your fear of travel with your father.** Shall we start?


Siesta is his religion: let him lie down in this place...

The Bauhaus is his school: let him sleep in this bed...

Read two books a week: let him get lost in these corridors...

You know that you are not going to inherit anything because you are going to donate all your assets: that you participate in this initiative...

It could become the best climbing partner: let him start by walking the heights...

He talks more with dogs than with people: he should know these other animals...

It's Dr. Livingstone, I suppose: let the adventure continue...

The sea is his homeland: it had better be the Ionian...

He knows more about social networks than you: let him connect to this super fiber...

He is more indomitable than Will Hunting: let him hear the crack of ice...

Not even Capel knows as much about gastronomy as he does: let him leave the tables and take to the streets...

He likes a coastal town more than Chanquete: give him a coast and rich!

He is aware of the classification of the World Cup: he buys tickets for a match...

He accompanies you, supports you, understands you and helps you, it is time for you to return the trip.

He accompanies you, supports you, understands you and helps you, it is time for you to return the trip.

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