Unknown Costa Rica: seven places that will surprise (even more)


Rio Celeste in Costa Rica

Rio Celeste in Costa Rica

Yes, the Pura Vida! It has come so far that it has even crept into the most festive football chants. This attitude, beyond being the phrase most used by every self-respecting Costa Rican, is the best way to summarize wild and raw beauty that can be enjoyed in this green Central American country.

Not in vain, nature has become the main attraction of ** Costa Rica **. In just 51,100 km2 it is home to up to 227 different species of animals and a 5% of the planet's biodiversity . Some figures that amaze, but that become more real than ever in its forests, jungles, mountain ranges and seas.

Quetzal in Costa Rica

Costa Rica represents 5% of the planet's biodiversity

It is normal that in the retina, or in the first trips to this green paradise, some of the most spectacular corners such as the Gandoca-Manzanillo National Park, where sloths reign at ease or the bare slopes of the Arenal volcano. And yet, there is still much to discover among its forests and mountains. Unique places, of those that when contemplated cause a "But how did I know this existed?" in the head.

The good thing about facing a trip through these coordinates is that you can trace a route through places that no one on your Instagram has posted throughout the country. In addition, as it happens with the rest of the Costa Rican natural wonders, they are destinations with infrastructures and ecological , a combination that allows you to enjoy live an overwhelming ecosystem without negatively affecting it.

Llanos de Corts Waterfalls

Llanos de Cortes Falls

In addition to the incentives of being the first and living each experience intensely, these places have plenty of reasons to fall in love. On the one hand, there is the experience of contemplating the animals in their habitat and in their splendor, whether in the waters of the Las Baulas National Marine Park or in the pools of Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge , a wetland where birds feed during their migration.

Then there are the geographical finds like the Death Hill , where you feel like the king of the world when crowning a summit from where you can see both coasts or the most magical streams and waterfalls. And it is that both the aquatic show of the falls of Plains of Cortes like the magnetic psychedelia of Río Celeste deserve a little excursion.

And suddenly, when it seems that the human being is not present, his presence and his works appear in dialogue with the environment in very different ways. For example, in the Orosi Valley , between peaks and thermal rivers, appears the Church and the Colonial Museum of the 18th century . Further south is the Bribri indigenous community, who preserve very attractive customs and way of life on the banks of the Yorkin River, on the border with Panama.

And if this trip through a Costa Rica still not many likes you have known little by little, here the route is widened through these hidden treasures that are waiting for you.

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