Niue, the first country in the world to receive the Dark Sky badge



Under the Niue sky

The International Dark Sky Association (IDA) o International Dark Sky Association has recognized Niue What International Dark Sky Sanctuary and International Dark Sky Community.

This small island in the Pacific thus becomes the first country to receive Dark Sky recognition throughout its territory , which now enjoys protection as a 'dark sky nation'.

The call International Dark Sky Places Program (IDSP for its acronym in English) was born in 2001 to encourage communities, parks and protected areas around the world to preserve and protect dark sites through responsible lighting policies and public education.

In February 2020, the number of places with the Dark Sky badge was more than 130 –among which were the Grand Canyon National Park in the United States or the municipality of Albanyà, in Girona– but This is the first time that an entire country is recognized as a Dark Sky place.


Located about 2,400 kilometers northeast of New Zealand, in a triangle between Tonga, Samoa and the Cook Islands, Niue is popularly known as the Rock of Polynesia.

With around 1,600 inhabitants and an area of ​​259 square kilometers , this island has earned recognition from the International Dark Sky Association and now enjoys formal protection from its sky, its land and its sea.

Such protection is in addition to existing measures, such as the marine reserve that encompasses 40% of Niue's exclusive economic zone and the Huvalu Forest Conservation Area, which is home to some of the most endangered species of flora and fauna in the world.

“The people of Niue are proud and delighted to receive such an important recognition from the International Dark Sky Association,” said Felicity Bollen, Executive Director of Niue Tourism.

“The stars and the night sky are of great importance to the Niue way of life, from a cultural, environmental and health perspective. Being a dark sky nation will help protect Niue's night skies for future generations of Niueans and visitors to the country,” added Bollen.

Specifically, Niue has the status of International Dark Sky Community for the western coastline, from the southern edge of Mutalau village to the northern edge of Hakupu village.

On the other hand, it has also received the status of International Dark Sky Sanctuary for the central core and east coast of the nation of Niue. Both Dark Sky designations thus cover the entire country.


Niue, the first country to obtain Dark Sky recognition


IDSPs are appointed by the International Dark Sky Association, which follow a rigorous application process that requires applicants to demonstrate strong community support for dark sky protection and the specific documents required by the program.

Applications are reviewed bi-monthly by a standing committee of the IDA made up of dark sky experts and representatives of places already recognized as dark sky. In addition, the regular updates of state ensure that the designated places continue their commitment to the preservation of the dark sky.

After granting the certification, the association works with certified places to promote its work through media relations, member communications and social media.

As we see, an international designation of Dark Sky Place helps improve visibility of designated locations and encourages increased tourism and local economic activity.


Huvalu Forest


Niue has taken important steps towards becoming a dark sky nation. The initiative, promoted by Niue Tourism, received support from the government and the community, and the entire island joined lending their support to make the necessary changes.

“The Government of Niue has accepted and supported the project for the country to become a dark sky nation, demonstrating a commitment to protecting, managing, and enhancing the nation's dark skies,” said Andre Siohane, Director General of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Chairman of the Niue Dark Sky Committee. And he added “some of the significant measures taken by the government include the total replacement of the streetlights on the island and the improvement of domestic private lighting”.

The New Zealand couple formed by Richard and Gendie Somerville-Ryan took it upon themselves to research and write Niue's application. After successfully completing the application for Great Barrier Island (New Zealand) to become a Dark Sky Sanctuary, the pair offered Niue their technical and specialized expertise.

“Niue has an ethic and a history of conservation and environmental protection. The journey to protect the nation's pristine night skies began in mid-2018 when we were delighted to form a small team with Niue Tourism who understood the positive impact this initiative could have for Niue and its people. Then we started to share our excitement about the quality of the island's dark sky with the wider community,” says Richard Somerville-Ryan.


Niueans have a long and interesting history of star navigation and a life regulated by the lunar cycles and the positions of the stars.

It is the elders of the community who have the greatest knowledge of the night sky , which has been passed down from generation to generation.

“The skies of Niue have been observed and appreciated for centuries. The status of the dark sky nation adds a new emphasis to the importance of our traditional knowledge, providing a reason to retell and share this knowledge before it is lost." Misa Kalutea, one of Niue's guardians of culture.


The elders of Niue, guardians of the firmament


The official recognition of the Niue Dark Sky is intended to provide a significant economic opportunity for this small island when it comes to astrotourism. In fact, Niue enjoys a prime location as a Dark Sky Shrine, isolated yet easily accessible and linked to the rest of the world with twice weekly flights from Auckland, New Zealand.

Niue boasts several** whale watching and ocean access locations** and its dark interior offers spectacular views of the sky.

“Visitors will be able to enjoy Guided astro-tours led by qualified members of the Niuean community. Thus, they will be able to witness the wonderful night sky illuminated by thousands of stars. The Milky Way with the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds and the Andromeda constellation are truly a sight to behold,” adds Felicity Bollen.

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