Okinawa: the Japanese archipelago from which it will be difficult for you to return


Cape Manzamo in Okinawa

Cape Manzamo in Okinawa

This archipelago does not let the controversy over its political situation, and the multiple attempts by the central government to put an end to its unique culture and language s, tarnish its beauty and the incredible kindness of its people.

If you are attracted to crystal clear beaches covered with coral , an impressive nature and a history of overcoming that reaches our days, then you should not miss visiting Okinawa. A Fire land , home of the Shisha protective spirits and an astonishingly long-lived population.


Beach in Tokashiki

Okinawa Prefecture (Okinawa-ken) is the southernmost prefecture in Japan . It is part of the archipelago of Ryūkyū (or archipelago Nansei according to its official Japanese name), which is in turn comprised of more than a hundred islands, although most of them are small uninhabited coral islets. This archipelago owes its name to the kingdom of Ryūkyū , an independent kingdom that ruled the islands for centuries and is the reason why the history, culture and people of Okinawa are so different from those of other parts of the country. This prefecture is made up of three groups of islands within this archipelago: the Okinawa, the Miyako and the Yaeyama.


The creation of this archipelago is surrounded by myths. Legend has it that the Emperor of Heaven, Tentei-shi , looked down from his heavenly castle, and seeing that there was no land, he ordered the goddess Amamikyu to create the ryukyu islands . At first, the emperor provided the goddess with materials to build fields, mountains, and buildings, but when Amamikyu wanted to mold the inhabitants, he found that she had no way to do it.

Not receiving an answer from heaven, because the other deities did not want to have anything to do with the earthly, she and the God Shierikyu they ended up fathering five children, three men and two women: the firstborn became the king of the islands, the second the first feudal lord, and the third male a farmer. The two daughters they had became Noro priestesses, in charge of maintaining the family union. The firstborn became a high priestess , protector of the royal family, and the youngest daughter in the village priestess.

This myth marks the beginning of the history and culture of Okinawa, and its legacy continues to this day, since the sons of the gods would be the progenitors of the first inhabitants of the archipelago (some claim, however, that Okinawans are the children of the ocean , in a much less divine version of his birth).


View of Naha

But since it was an independent kingdom that survived on relations with China, Okinawa had to deal with attempts by Japan , first, and USA , later, to seize her due to her strategic position.

Thus, the history of Okinawa has been a constant struggle to maintain its autonomy. Finally annexed to Japan during the restoration Meiji , World War II left the island almost without inhabitants after the bloody battle of Okinawa, during which many of the citizens came to commit suicide trying to escape. After World War II, Okinawa came under American administration, and it was not until 1972 that it was returned to Japan.

Today 96% of the United States military bases are still in this archipelago , although there are many who begin to protest so that they move to another site.

Despite what might be expected, so many centuries of tragedies and occupations did not manage to eliminate the culture, art and history of Okinawa. Although now the influences of China, Japan and the United States are evident, the Ryukyu culture remains, and the Uchinanchu (as Okinawans call themselves) defend and proudly display it.

Naha city center

Naha city center


Despite its past, today Okinawa welcomes the visitor with a smile. Being the preferred destination of the Japanese to escape from stress , every year the number of tourists from other parts of the world also increases. As soon as you land on the naha airport , capital of Okinawa prefecture, one better understands why the natives of this part of Japan feel different.

Okinawa moves at a different pace than the rest of the country, its inhabitants dance to the quiet harmony but with a strong personality of subtropical climates. The typical dance of the area, the Eisa , carried out by young women and men who dance to the rhythm of drums, is an example of this. As well as its dialect, considered its own language by many and in danger of extinction today.

The small airport in the capital through which you enter the prefecture looks more like a bus station than an airfield, and as soon as you walk out the door, two great Shishas, ​​the legendary half-lion guardians, half dog , typical of Okinawa, welcome us.

Shishas the guardians of Okinawa

Shishas, ​​the guardians of Okinawa

Naha is on the main island of the prefecture, Okinawa-Honto , former center of the Ryukyu dynasty. With its 325,000 inhabitants, naha (Naha-shi) , is a vibrant city that it's easy to forget was nearly burned to the ground during the war. This city is today banner of modernity: tall, colorful buildings, a futuristic-looking elevated monorail, and an illuminated main street, Kokusai-dori, packed to the brim with people and all kinds of shops and restaurants.

Another attraction of this city is the Shurijo castle , former home of the Ryukyu dynasty. This castle, which bears the ancient name of the capital, was built in the year 1300, and although what can be visited today is only a replica, it keeps the essence of the past intact. Also, from the top of the hill on which it is located there are wonderful views of the city.

ShuriJo Castle

Shuri Jo Castle

However, although the liveliness of the city makes it easy for us to forget that Okinawa was the center of a war only decades ago , the prefecture has many monuments that can be visited so that we remember all those who lost their lives in the war.

The largest of them is Peace park , south of the main island. This park focuses on the tragic experiences of Okinawan citizens during the occupation. Within the route to this park is the Himeyuri no To , a former war hospital witness to one of the most dramatic moments of the American occupation: the suicide of almost all of the 240 nursing students who treated Japanese soldiers during the Battle of Okinawa for fear of systematic rape by part of the soldiers of the other side.

If the visitor likes ancient history and wants to get an idea of ​​what Okinawan villages looked like in the past, one place to visit is the Ryukyu Mura, or Ryukyu village , north of Naha. A well-kept recreation of how the islanders lived under the Ryukyu kingdom , with dance and theater performances, or traditional music instruments such as the shanshin, a three-stringed instrument, usually made of python skin, precursor of the famous shamisen.

However, if you don't want to visit a playback, many of the traditional tombs can still be found everywhere on the island, calls tortoise graves for its resemblance to this animal. Okinawans claim that they represent a womb, which they say we return to when we die. On the other hand, pairs of shisha figures can be found everywhere, both in temples and on top of the houses of the island's inhabitants.

Peace park

Peace park


There are many who come to Okinawa looking for nature , one of the strong points of the island. It is not surprising that, with a fauna and flora so spectacular , this prefecture is the birthplace of all kinds of mythological creatures, such as trolls and dragons. Surrounded by emerald green mountains, a sea so transparent that you hardly need even diving goggles to observe the colorful fish dodging corals, and year-round warm weather, Okinawa is the place to be for nature-loving travelers.

within one's own Okinawa-Honto, you can find fairly well-kept beaches. Even so, to enjoy the true beauty of the archipelago, it is recommended to take one of the many cheap and short ferries that depart from the main island to the other islands that make up the prefecture.

The tourist attractions of the islands surrounding Okinawa-Honto are the white sand beaches, mountain hiking, snorkeling and scuba diving. The kerama islands , the closest to the main island, are perhaps the most appropriate for lovers of the aquatic world who do not have many days to enjoy the archipelago. The miyako islands they have some of the most beautiful beaches in the prefecture, making them perfect for those who want to sunbathe and relax; and the Yaeyama Islands Being further away from the hustle and bustle of the more populated areas, and home to the last virgin subtropical jungles in Japan, they are perfect for lovers of adventure sports.


Due once again to influences from China and the United States, as well as its climate, which is different from the rest of Japan, the typical dishes of Okinawa differ considerably from those of the rest of the country. Okinawans like to eat and drink outside. It is easy to find a good restaurant or bar where you can enjoy typical dishes, especially within the cities. But even in the smallest towns, it is hard not to find good food served with great kindness and care. Among the unique and most popular ingredients in Okinawan cuisine are: goya , a bitter vegetable that is used for dishes such as shampoo , made from mixing fried vegetables, and the umibudo , literally sea grapes, small ball-shaped algae that are served with vinegar to accompany drinks, in true tapas style.

apart from the champuru and the umibudo , Okinawa is famous for its soba Although this dish bears the same name as those served in the rest of Japan, the different way the noodles are prepared, as well as the accompanying ingredients, give it a totally different flavor than in other parts of the country. Among the recipes that Okinawa assimilated after the American occupation is taco rice, a cheap and easily satiating meal, prepared mainly with rice and minced meat, among other ingredients.

Okinawan Honto

Okinawan Honto

But talking about eating in Okinawa also means enjoying a good drink. The most popular of them is the orion beer , originally from the archipelago and today is famous throughout the country for being very easy to drink and refreshing. In addition to beer, another of the most typical drinks is awamori. This almost 40 proof alcoholic drink is created from indica rice, a variety of rice different from the one used in the rest of Japan, which gives it a unique and particular flavor.

Without a doubt, Okinawa is special. Its creation, surrounded by magic, the intensity and interest of its history, beautiful nature and the strong, cheerful and pleasant personality of its people, make it an almost obligatory destination for those who love the heat, sea tourism and subtropical climates, where everything seems to move at a slower pace, to the rhythm of the three strings of a shanshin.

Although Okinawa is probably not the main destination for many first-time visitors to Japan, it is recommended as a destination. A different alternative to the rest of the tropical islands of the Asian continent. If when you return from the archipelago you haven't bought a bunch of shisha figurines, which come in all colors, sizes and shapes, to protect your spirit from whatever comes, then you haven't fallen in love enough with this chain of islands created by the gods centuries ago.

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