From beach bar to beach bar on the beloved beaches of Cádiz


Feduchy Beach

Delicious cuisine with views of the beach and sunset. What more could you want?

Let's get serious: it's time to put on your flip-flops and put on your swimsuit. To throw sunscreen, towel and umbrella. The beaches of Cádiz await us and there we go headlong ready to conquer its sands, its waves... and its bars! Because let's be honest: Who wouldn't give their kingdom right now for an aperitif overlooking the sea?

And as in Traveler we like to do a good field work to always offer you the best of the best , we have seen what swims in the Atlantic are like, mojitos with sunsets in front of the sea and open-air concerts with your feet sunk in the sand. The true pleasure is this and we want to share it with you. Are we going on a Cadiz beach bar route? We go!

We start our enjoyment journey —let's call things by their name— in Tarifa, of course . There, in the paradise of wind and kitesurfers, in the southernmost corner of the south and under the protection of a Mediterranean that embraces the Atlantic merging into one, there is also a place for back and forth days on the hammock —with chill out music in the background, please—.

That's why our first stop goes to Los Lances beach, where the Carbones 13 beach bar awaits us to make our dreams come true . There, in the middle of an endless expanse of sand, their straw umbrellas and well-lit stoves await. And it doesn't matter if the lift does its thing because in this little corner of Tarifa a delicious ceviche and a burrata with fresh tomato fix the problems of the world . Meanwhile, in front of us, the strait and neighboring Africa, which looks at us out of the corner of its eye in the distance.

A few steps further Waikiki Tarifa invites you to savor the coast and to drink life under the Cadiz sun proposing to set ourselves up from home: with its weekly playlists, we will take Tarifa wherever we want. The beach club Mandala , meanwhile, offers the perfect alternative for those fleeing the arena: in its pool with sea views the musical sessions are glorious.

And here we can stay until the sun decides to set and the horizon captures the entire palette of reddish tones, or we can move forward on the road, which we still have a lot to discover. Although we will not have to go too far: the next stop is in Valdevaqueros . You recently voted for her as the best in Spain and it is not for less: to celebrate his honorable title we ask for a mojito —and whoever says mojito, says caipirinha or margarita— in the Tumbao bar.

Classic as they come, with its colorful painted wooden structures, summer afternoons in this temple to hedonism should become a Cadiz heritage by excellence. Here there is room for sand, but also for grass, where you can lie down — ha! — on huge cushions while you gobble up a delicious house brand hamburger and contemplate the spectacle of multicolored kites. On weekends he plays good flamenco : let it not be said that we are not in the south.

But Valdevaqueros gives for much more, what do we believe. And if you want to do a beach bar tour under the protection of the enormous dune of Punta Paloma, then we do it. For example, stopping at Tangana Tarifa, where healthy food rules —their menu has room for tartars, pokés and vegetable quiches—, or in his cute clothing store, Conchinchina . And without stopping looking at the sea, a great among the great: Dani García awaits us at Bibo Beach House Tarifa to seduce us with the always appetizing dishes from him. And that they take away the dance.

But come on, we're here to give it our all, and in Bolonia they make it easy for us: considered one of the last virgin beaches in southern Spain , in its fine sands we share space with the retintas cows on their morning walk. There is also Sirocco , a beach bar with a white boat as a presentation where we will have to choose between lying on its poufs to watch life go by or delight us with the most exquisite menu in its open restaurant.

And it was the turn of Zahara de los Atunes , the eternal desired by all those who live from Despeñaperros up. A land rich in landscapes, in gastronomy, in leisure proposals and in the spirit of its people , which welcomes the stranger with open arms every summer: if its 3 thousand inhabitants become 30 thousand in the summer period , there must be a reason.

An epic place on the beachfront is El Pez Limón , which with more than 10 years of history offers the most varied live music every week. It will not be strange to see familiar faces in the area: a good dance, mojito in hand, with the Atlantic breeze as a companion, will be the best of plans. Although if the concerts on this side are not convincing, perhaps the ones on La Luna, another beach bar with a name in Zahara . Here we add some snacks to the drink: we already have the plan set up. To finalize the experience in Zahara, it is El Trompeta Beach: they assure that the best sunsets are contemplated here.

The adventure comes from the hand of Zahora, already in Barbatean lands : these really are wild beaches and the rest is nonsense. But pay attention, because here is one of those half-secret-half-mysterious places that this 2021 is going to give a lot to talk about: to reach the brand new Faro Beach, located next to the historic Trafalgar Lighthouse , you will have to leave the car parked behind the dunes and walk inside the sand for 15 minutes. The reward? Good DJ sessions, a huge beach for us, a huge cocktail menu and the exclusivity of meeting in a remote and unknown postcard of the Cadiz coast.

And if you don't feel like walking, no problem, because Sajorami Beach has its own car park . Also located in Zahora, or what is the same, between the acclaimed Caños de Meca and El Palmar, this little piece of Eden leads to the ultimate experience by enjoying, either in one of its armchairs or wooden tables, the perfect pairing between a local wine and some specialty: mussels, some red tuna and rice with shrimp will make us even happier.

Although this year things are about premieres, and in his search we landed in El Palmar . On the beach where posture is pure art and where living with matted hair and salty skin becomes law, Papaya Beach just opened : high wooden ceilings, a decoration in bamboo and rattan and waitresses made up in the purest tribal style, reminds us of the distant beaches of the Mexican Caribbean . Let's ask for something to toast and celebrate the life that is to come.

But the joy continues, and it does so with traditional proposals such as The Golden —his concerts and jam sessions are legendary— The postman -open all year long-. Already in Conil de la Frontera, La Ola is our beach bar : here the pleasure of eating with your feet in the sand shows us once again that happiness is found in the simplest things. The product of the sea, the land and the garden is perfectly combined in its kitchen — oh, that hedgehog scramble; oh, that almadraba bluefin tuna —, where the soundtrack is provided by the waves of the sea.

But they also set the days in Conile beach bars like Feduchy Playa , which after the success of its premises in the heart of the town, was encouraged to open at the foot of the shore. Is it for places to worship the Cadiz coast?

And of that very thing, of worshiping the beach, gastronomy, good times and life in general, they know a lot about The Cuartel del Mar, on the Chiclanera beach of La Barrosa . In this former civil guard barracks converted into a meeting place for locals and foreigners, the same goes for having some first-class cocktails to try the most authentic cuisine — that of chef Manuel Berganza , absolute top— or, while you're at it, attend a concert or exhibition. And from the front… from the front, the sea, of course, with an ancient watchtower as a reference, clinging to the Loma del Puerco for centuries.

At the opposite end of Chiclana and next to the old town of Sancti Petri —the one that decorates the facades of the old fishermen's houses with murals of tuna—is Bongo, with traditional and market cuisine to enjoy with views of the islet of Sancti Petri, where the remains of the old castle remain. It is said, it is commented, that the sunsets from here are tremendous . And a little further, between the beach and the marsh, La Casa del Farero is an ode to top cuisine written in capital letters: the place to give us a well-deserved tribute.

It turns out that in the capital, it does not skimp on proposals either. safe bet is I drink the winds: that promotes good environmental practices with initiatives such as the exchange of a glass of butts collected on the beach for a soft drink, he already gives us a glimpse of his philosophy. But this charming beach bar in the middle of Victoria beach , is much more: his letter gives us a feast for the senses — a little fried fish, this is Cadiz, for God's sake —, but also its hammocks at the foot of the shore. Lying under the sun with a good book, we will have the day served.

Or not, because we can keep adding experiences. For example, in NahuBeach, on Cortadura beach : here, in addition to the gastro experience, there is a commitment to hostesses. Some copichuelas there, some cocktails there, and the wonderful feeling of —surrounded by dozens of bamboo lamps that we would like to take home—, feeling it like a home. Is it possible to ask for more? Well, look, yes: let's ask for more jarana, that life is two days and it's there to enjoy it.

Three beach bar treasures await in Puerto de Santa María . And it's not for nothing, but deciding which one to opt for will take a while. Because in Palapa Beach, in Valdelagrana , again the reeds, jute and bamboo take over the decoration giving a picture of those that invite you to let the hours pass without looking at the clock: how can they not conquer us. Sun loungers overlooking the sea and at the table, the best fish and seafood in Cádiz: what happiness.

Something different is offered in Puerto Sherry, where Phi Phi Beach manages to concentrate customers on Sunday nights with lively evenings: invite to barbecue and offer live shows , but their cocktails with natural juices are the best. El Chiringuito Salvador is on Las Redes beach and has been making history since 1987.

And from Puerto de Santa Maria, to its neighbor Rota with a stop at Las Dunas, its star beach bar . Two steps from the shore, here you can choose between four spaces: indoor restaurant, outdoor terrace, armchairs or hammocks. Meeting place for locals, but with open arms to tourists who, as soon as they set foot in it, already know how to recognize the merit: the good vibes are such that they are contagious. Anything else to add? Of course! Their concerts, specialists in animating the atmosphere with the best music.

And the route is coming to an end, but there are still surprises. Because the beach bar universe in Chipiona are big words . Already there, on the Tres Piedras beach, La Manuela Cocina to prove. And we love this place: behind the white walls that surround the perimeter hides a universe in which the only objective is to make us have a good time. A large terrace with wooden floors and elegant furniture is captivating, but it is the atmosphere that has just won us over. To top it off? Your kitchen, where the product of kilometer 0 is the boss.

Already in the town the offer shoots up between classics anchored in the sand — Los Manolos, La Gaviota, San Agustin — and the new additions — the AWA Chipiona beach club, which bets on the flavors of Southeast Asia — although we are left with The Corrals , named in honor of the fishing corrals that, at low tide, are discovered in the landscape. where to put their shrimp tortillas, their fried choquitos and their nettles , remove everything else.

And the last of our proposals is found where the Guadalquivir forms the natural border between Cádiz and the beautiful Huelva: Sanlúcar de Barrameda exudes art on all four sides, but also flavor and good cuisine . And although its gastronomic treasures are found above all in its interior, it still has several tricks up its sleeve: in the rogue kitchen of Vida Mia —Las Piletas beach—, in the integral goodness of Afrikano —Las Jaras beach—, in the atmosphere of Alfonsito's life —Bajo de Guía— or in absolute classics that, although they are not full-fledged beach bars, cannot be missed: Casa Mustache and its XL prawns , with views of the indomitable Doñana, is the best ending we could hope for.

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