58 things to do in Andalusia once in a lifetime


58 things to do in Andalusia once in a lifetime

58 things to do in Andalusia once in a lifetime

1. Shelter from the future, rainy skyscrapers and 2938129 messages in the inbox on the beaches and little ports of Cabo de Gata where everything seems to be safe and work with the wind, the sun and the sand.

two. Tastefully trace the curves that separate the Mediterranean from the mountains to reach Mojacar and spend a long night walking through those steep alleys, between white walls and churches that tremble with silence.

3. Get to know Almería again to eliminate prejudices, an easy task if you enjoy the show of sunset colors from its Alcazaba.

Cabo de Gata

Cabo de Gata

Four. Finding Martian beauty in the sea of ​​plastics ejido . Detoxify, if required, on the beaches of Roquetas and Almerimar.

5. Feeling Clint Eastwood for him Tabernas desert while the torrid shots of Sergio Leone and the music of Morricone play in the mind.

6. Emulate Juan Carrion ('Anthony' in Living is easy with closed eyes ) looking for the John Lennon who derailed in Almería and who was never the same again. Find a little piece in the charming cinema museum and chat with him sitting next to the mythical statue of him in the Plaza Flores de Almería.

7. To wander like a stubborn and innocent Englishman through the wild villages of the Alpujarra and come back to reality on its spectacular balconies, its springs and its delicious Trevelez ham.

8. Caress the sky climbing Sierra Nevada, daring with the Veleta and fearing the Mulhacén. See the sea from its peaks and confuse the horizon with Africa.

9. Being an authentic Moorish king walking (with the bib on) through the Nasrid palaces of the Alhambra . Stay in awe looking at the ceilings, the muqarnas and the filigrees. Check that the Courtyard of the Lions is real.

The courtyard of the lions

The Patio de los Leones, too white?

10. Stand in the center of the courtyard Palace of Charles V and wonder why, dear monarch, why?

eleven. Stroll love through the Generalife.

12. Tapas for four dollars for the thousands of neighborhoods of Granada and for its millions of taverns. And to rest, a bit of Catholic Monarchs, Christianized Madrasas and souvenirs in the Alcaicería.

13. Cheer for the ride from the sad ones to the picturesque corner. Climb the Albaicín , pay homage to every corner, every step, every altar of a neighborhood that is pure history. End up dying of love for the Alhambra from the viewpoint of San Nicolás.

14. Find the 'good little flamenco' diving through Sacromonte.

fifteen. Have breakfast at all hours muffin with oil and tomato (or salmorejo).

16. 'populate' by the Arab memories mixed with Christianity of Guadix and its hole . Search for an impossible: climb to all the castles, citadels and fortresses that recall the Reconquest.

17. browse the sea ​​of ​​olive trees of Jaén , the most impressive cultivated landscape in Spain.

Caves in Sacromonte

Caves in Sacromonte

18. Reconcile with nature in the Cazorla Natural Park , Segura and the Villas; of its pleasant forests and its virgin streams. Return to civilization enjoying the rural beauty of Cazorla and La Iruela.

19. Cheer for the precious Renaissance of Ubeda and Baeza and claim it forever within the Spanish cultural inventory.

twenty. Losing respect for Despeñaperros and Sierra Morena strolling through its gorges and its oak forests.

twenty-one. Honor as it deserves to that mini city called Antequera full of churches (don't miss the collegiate church of Santa María la Mayor), squares and palaces. Feel the past in the surrounding dolmens and in the Roman and Arab sites.

22.**Go down to Malaga**, walk it with folkloric, commercial and capital intentions. Take the photo corresponding to its cathedral, the citadel and its curious Roman theater.

23.**Be surprised by the modernity (and modernity) of Malaga**, with its Picasso, its Thyssen, its throbbing CAC and its future Pompidou. Note that it is going to be (if it is not already) the main pole of contemporary culture in the south of Spain.

24. Capsizing along the Costa del Sol from espeto to espeto.

25. Go back to childhood remembering Verano Azul in Nerja and end up penetrating the bowels of the earth through its famous and cathedral caves.

26. Put sanity to the bipolarity of Marbella alternating clubs and shopping in Puerto Banús and the patios and orange trees of the town.

27. take over Gibraltar, conquer it for a while, challenge the monkeys and cross, once again, the uncomfortable border.

Malaga hipster in one day

Hipster Malaga in one day

28. Dressing as an Andalusian gentleman for a walk Round , to circumambulate its bullring and admire how it continues to balance at the foot of its Tagus.

29. Crossing the mountains and finding ideal little villages to detoxify as Grazalema, Olvera, Zahara, Ubrique , the iconic old border a or the heroic Border Arches.

30. Tame the wind in Rate kite or board in hand. Or directly forget the gusts in an eternal and solitary walk along its infinite beaches.

31. Blend in with the environment , put on a faralaes dress (or a Cordovan hat) and look for happiness from booth to booth at any local fair.

32. Sacralize the tuna in Barbate and salivate, from that moment, with only his memory.


Wind lovers paradise

33. Beat the rungs of the west tower of the cathedral of Cadiz to plan a whole rogue day in Cadiz.

3. 4. Kick the 'silver cup' to understand so much literature and so much deserved adjective. Subscribe forever to ‘Cadizfornia way to life’ , his humor and his honest bars.

35. Look for the beach and find an essential shot of Andalusianism and heritage in the Santa Maria Port.


Cádiz, without prejudice and with humor

36. smell sherry, its wines, its cellars, its barrels, its burnt rubber, its urban flowers, its equine tradition and sublimation, and its hidden churches.

37. Delete the term 'fritanga' from the vocabulary.

38. Reach Seville imagining a metropolis and finding the opposite. It has no explanation.

39. put hours into Cathedral of Sevilla , the largest (in extension) in Spain. Remember that it was a mosque thanks to its patio and its minaret (oh, sorry, Giralda).

40. Kiss whoever comes in the cool alleys of the Santa Cruz neighborhood, between orange trees, Christs, squares, terraces and Japanese.

41. Instagram like crazy Reales Alcázares de Sevilla with the hashtag: #NotAlhambra.

Houses of Seville

Put on La Giralda as a neighbor

42. Discover what a cover is and a real ride from tavern to tavern throughout the city.

43. Choose between the Triana and the Macarena , between Betis and Sevilla, between Sevilla or death.

44. walk from the Torre del Oro to María Luisa Park to learn a bit of history. Sort carriages between the rides in the park. Feel like Queen Amidala or Dictator Aladeen making decisions in the curious architecture of the Plaza de España.

Four. Five. Wondering what the hell are the 'Mushrooms of the Encarnación'.

46. make a stop at Carmona, in his Parador and in that kind of miniature that is of big cities with a Moorish soul.

47. Get lost among the columns and lobed arches of the Cordoba Mosque. Discovering that his Mihrab is not oriented towards Mecca and that here the Guadalquivir has certain divine behaviors.

Roman bridge of Córdoba over the Guadalquivir

Roman bridge of Córdoba over the Guadalquivir

48. To curse Carlos V again for allowing the cathedral pastiche with which the Church took over the most precious Arab monument in the West.

49. Aspire to live and take care of a Cordovan patio. Take a complete imprint visiting the Palace of Viana.

fifty. Stroll gastro-bebercialmente around the Plaza de la Corredera without refusing a salmorejo, a good tapa of sausage from Sierra Morena or a gigantic tortilla.

51. Cross paths with the brunette women painted by Julio Romero de Torres, either on the street or in his curious museum.

52. Reconstruct in memory what was medina azahara without choking on so much stone.

patio cordobs

More than an award for Córdoba, it is an award for the people of Córdoba

53. Pilgrimage salivating to the lands of Jabugo. Hug a ham.

54. Bringing the connection back to Houston when you 'land' in the strange landscape of Rio Tinto.

55. Getting started with ornithology (and by the way to patience) through the wetlands of Doñana, that 5-star hotel for migratory birds. Finding the surprisingly exotic population of El Rocío, with its pilgrimage fervor and its beloved virgin.

56. Saying goodbye more than 500 years later to the caravels that left from the port of Palos de la Frontera commanded by a certain Christopher Columbus.

57. Not finding a single soul on the infinite beaches of Huelva.

58. Longing for Spain as soon as you cross the Guadiana little road to Portugal.

Follow @zoriviajero


Salmorejo: the most Cordoban cold soup

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