47 things to do in Castilla y León once in a lifetime


Long live Castile

Long live Castile

1) Start in green, in the curves of the Rock of France and on the flowery balconies of The swimming pool , where the wooden frameworks draw a very attractive rural reality, far from the dictatorship of stone, wind and claret.

two) Understanding walking within the walls of Ciudad Rodrigo why calling oneself a 'city' is not great.

3) Put on your sunglasses for the shining stone of the city of Salamanca don't dazzle the view.

4) Do the foreigner in its Plaza Mayor , cross from one cathedral (the old one) to another (the new one), try the hornazo, eat tapas (yes, you can) and find the frog, the astronaut and the devil with the ice cream. In short, tour with your eyes the city with the most beautiful facades in Spain.

The stone of Salamanca

The stone of Salamanca

5) Subscribe to the fan club Plateresque.

6) Regain a few years of life by drinking in the fountain of eternal youth that is the Salamancan night. Singing with the prickly pear, laughing at the prickly pear, trying to flirt pretending to be a tuno without wearing tights (them) or being foolishly fooled by Clavelitos or Las mañanitas (them).

7) Pass the hangover in one of the most succulent places in Spain, Guijuelo; or looking for Doña Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart where she began her lineage: Dawn of Tormes.

Gaudi in Astorga

Gaudi in Astorga

8) Do not take a single curve going up the Ruta de la Plata.

9) try to define the raw and solemn beauty of Zamora , the same one that is allowed to have a Romanesque cathedral with some decorative excess, walls that cannot be conquered in an hour and churches on every corner.

10) Accompany the Duero to Toro and drink this locality that sweats wine. Get hooked on that new flavor, that softening of nuances that makes him go from being a nerdy broth to being a hipster gentleman, making his neighbor Ribera tremble.

eleven) Fill the space between glass and tasting in places like the Collegiate Church of Santa María la Mayor and its glorious Portico de la Majestad.

12)Learn that the lake of Sanabria It is the only one of glacial origin in the entire Peninsula. Leaving geography classes walking it, rowing it and leaving it behind advancing through its forests.

The Marrows

the marrows

13) Soak up the Bierzo , from that kind of peripheral region of Castile full of natural beauty, paired with good wine and finished off by monuments such as the castle of Ponferrada or the churches of Villafranca del Bierzo.

14) Hallucinate that kind of Castilian Cappadocia, with one of the most overwhelming man-made natural landscapes: the marrows . To conclude that yes, these Romans must have been crazy but the one they left mounted is worthy of admiration.

**15) Look for Gaudí in Astorga **, have a maragato stew in Castrillo de los Polvazares and treat yourself to the best meat in the world in a steak (the best, of course) in Jiménez de Jamuz.

16) Kick Lion by day , be amazed by the colors of the stained glass windows of his cathedral and the Pantheon of the Kings of the church of San Isidoro. Get lost in the gastronomic temptations of the Húmedo neighborhood.

17) Wander through the nocturnal temptations of the Humid neighborhood.

18) Freak out in colors in front of the MUSAC . And then make an effort to understand your interior.


Plaza Mayor of Valladolid

19) Go up the Camino de Santiago to find places with character such as Sahagún, Carrión de los Condes or Frómista.

twenty) Pilgrimage seeking the raw and sincere religiosity of the Romanesque of the province of Palencia and end up sweetening the day in Aguilar de Campoo.

twenty-one) Stroll in the Sunday suit the main street par excellence of Spain, that of Palencia , that of Juan Antonio Bardem and his gallant bastards. Blink in front of the casino and eat some chestnuts under its arcades. And, at the end, ending up in the bar with the most gins in the world.

22) Calling a Palenciano a Palenciano. And then implore, on your knees, for your life.

23) Straighten up your hair, tie your expensive shoes well and avoid any other paleism when you arrive at Valladolid, that city where it is very cold, there is a beach and where a lot of gastronomic potential begins to take shape. Coming across its monumentality, with its regal Plaza Mayor and its museum jewel: the National Sculpture Museum.

Burgos Cathedral

Burgos Cathedral

24) Mark a very Isabel route, that kind of Game of thrones to the Spanish by spectacular castles such as Coca, Medina del Campo, Simancas, Cuéllar, Íscar or Urueña. Enjoy literature in the latter, taking advantage of the fact that it is the book town of Spain.

25) Give the familiar and sweet Rueda wine route a try.

26)Driving on the N-122 surrounded by vines, moors and some of the most amazing wineries in Spain. That yes, deviating towards Curiel de Duero (what a town) or to Roa de Duero to look out on your balcony.

27) Observe the hypnotic castle of Peñafiel from three different places: under the colorful roofs of Bodegas Protos; on the wooden balconies of the Plaza del Coso and, already inside, from its battlements to understand its boat shape.

28) Get lost in the labyrinth of streets that is Douro Aranda . Get disoriented by its underground cellars.

29) Do the salmon along the Duero to reach impressive corners such as the Plaza de Penaranda douro , the caves of San Esteban de Gormaz. And now, deviating a bit, enter that mini city that is El Burgo de Osma and that beauty in ruins that is Calatanazor.

30) Do not get left on the side of the A-1 nor visit the very modern and Fosterian Portia Winery , nor the obligatory stop at Milagros (the tastiest service station in Spain) nor the walk through Lerma.

31) Guide yourself through Burgos looking for the Gothic in its magnificent cathedral , in the monastery of Miraflores and in the Monastery of Las Huelgas. End, of course, talking about black pudding.

Frias a vertiginous town

Frías, a vertiginous town

32) Stand square in front of our most charismatic great-great-grandfather: Miguelón. enjoy the past in Museum of Human Evolution , where the bones with the most history are exhibited in a most contemporary space. Finish off the archeology masterclass by visiting Atapuerca.

33) Gobble down a suckling lamb or suckling pig anywhere between the Duero and the Central System.

3. 4) Listen to the Gregorian of Santo Domingo de Silos . Complete the day admiring its cloister, strolling through the Yecla Gorge and having art and protein for lunch in Covarrubias.

35) Go up to the most mountainous Burgos, to the Neila lagoons, to the vertiginous Frías to say goodbye to the Meseta in the Pancorbo gorge.

36) Search for mushrooms in the lush forests of Soria.

37) Finding oneself surrounded by an overwhelming and silent landscape. Or what is the same, go through the Lobos river canyon among water lilies, caves and Templar hermitages.

Hermitage of San Bartolom on the Lobos River

Hermitage of San Bartolomé, canyon of the Lobos River

38) tour the Collao of Soria . Wrap yourself up from the cold in its cafes or in Romanesque churches such as Santo Domingo.

39) Going down to the Duero, looking for the landscapes that Machado described and walking with his memory through the surprising monastery of San Juan de Duero to reach the stony San Saturio.

40) Tear Spanish Siberia, that of the fields of Gomara , to end up finding an authentic pearl: the Roman, medieval and Renaissance town of medinaceli.

41) Be baptized in the fun sport of rowing through the fast-paced Sickles of the Duraton while the vultures fly over the sky. And no, there is nothing creepy about it. Quite the contrary.

42) Schedule a photographic safari through the most photogenic city in Spain: Segovia . Not resisting the thousand snapshots in the aqueduct, in its fat cathedral or from the fierce Alcázar.

The photogenic Segovia

The photogenic Segovia

43) Cool off in the Eresma to, from its urban meadows, be frightened by how impressive the Alcázar is and approach the surprising and very mystical hermitage of Vera Cruz.

44) Pose like a king in the gardens of La Granja de San Ildefonso while visiting the copper fountains that one day dreamed of living in Versailles. Finish off a Royal day among the fallow deer of the Royal Palace of Riofrío.

The views from the Alczar of Segovia

The views from the Alcazar of Segovia

45) Conquer Avila climbing up to its walls and enjoying unparalleled views of the city. Enjoy its foundations on Calle San Segundo between tapas and wine.

46) understand that the Romanesque it can be beautiful visiting its churches outside the walls.

47) End up in the mountains, visiting the rugged peaks of the Sierra de Gredos , hiking its bare slopes and enjoying the reward of a hard day in the first Parador that opened its doors in Spain, specifically in 1928.

The walls of Avila

The walls of Avila

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