The Pyrenees, best mountain destination in the world in 2022


We have spent a lifetime facing the eternal question: Beach or mountain? When in reality, the correct question is: why choose? We enjoy nature in all its aspects and, sometimes, our adventurous spirit takes over our vacations . So much so, that there will be many times that we have returned from our getaways more tired than when we left, but the saying goes: scabies with pleasure, it does not itch.

Black's, the British brand specialized in mountain , has been asked about the destinations that we enjoy the most when it comes to taking long walks. And we are not talking about a simple walk, but about full contact with the environment, about the adrenaline accumulated when we reach a peak, about looking at the world from above and feeling our lungs full of fresh air. The result? The list of the best mountain destinations in the world To go on vacation.

Thus, the firm has traveled the world from mountain range to mountain range, using multiple sources to analyze a series of factors. The number of spikes according to PeakVisor, the number of trails according to AllTrails, how many searches the destination has had on Google (between December 2020 and November 2021) according to Google Ads Keyword Planner, the number of Instagram posts through their hashtags, the temperature of the place according to Climate Data and the average price of accommodation according to Kayak listings.

In this way, they have achieved a complete list of characteristics that perhaps help us choose our next adventure and, of course, the first place is just around the corner. Do we discover them?

Route through the Pyrenees

Are we going on a route through the Pyrenees?


Who was going to tell us that the winner of the competition was going to be right before our eyes? The Pyrenees It has always been a star destination for mountain lovers , and now this classification reaffirms it. Its score has been high in all the factors analysed, especially in regard to web searches, with more than 1.5 million annually on Google and 2 million posts On Instagram.

But the leisure that such a natural environment offers us has also had a lot to do with it: its ski resorts, national parks and long trails they take it to the top of the list and make it one of the most complete mountain experiences. Being so close, we run out of excuses not to put on our boots and plan a rural weekend.

Second place takes us to Africa, to the Cordillera del Atlas . Its extension, along 2,400 km, means that it encompasses all kinds of natural settings, but the award has gone to it specifically for being one of the warmest destinations , as well as the one that presents lower rainfall rate . It also enjoys a high popularity on Google and its number of peaks amounts to 32,573.

And, although the three destinations have been very even, third place goes to Andes, in South America . It is considered the longest mountain range on Earth, thanks to its 8,500 km in length. The reasons that have brought her here have been the low price of accommodation your environment, too its number of peaks (55,806) , and the fact that it includes some of the highest volcanoes in the world.

the high atlas

The Atlas Mountains get the second place.


Now, it is the meeting of a good result in all the aspects analyzed that has led to this final ranking. However, if we pay attention to the factors independently, there are other notable mountain destinations. For example, looking only at the number of peaks, come to light Alps, with 61,049 . And as for the weather, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in Colombia , surpasses all others, with 25.4ºC.

If we talk about fame, the one that enjoys the most popularity on the web is the Himalayas , with 10.75 million searches. But considering that Instagram seems to dominate travel souvenirs these days, the Alps are the most instagrammable, with 8.75 million posts . In terms of low rainfall and cheaper accommodation, the Atlas and the Andes continue to hold their place, respectively.

All of them are known destinations and that, on more than one occasion, we have had in mind, depending on the degree of adrenaline that each one prefers. What we are clear about is that nature is essential in our getaways, and therefore, the mountain as well. Pushing ourselves to the limit, surpassing ourselves and achieving that satisfaction at the top are, sometimes, the best vacations.

The Andes

And the Andes enter the podium!

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