The most amazing beach in the world is red


red china beach

red china beach

The show attracts tourists from all over the world , who take advantage of the visit to observe the 321 species of the Hekou Shuangtai Nature Reserve (a large part of it, protected or in danger of extinction) . red-crowned cranes, gulls, black-billed terns and seals are found in this key ecosystem for migratory birds on the route from East Asia and Australia. Therefore, the area is protected, and humans are only allowed observe from picturesque walkways placed for this purpose.

To witness this natural wonder, the best thing you can do is fly to shenyang city , which is located about 100 kilometers from the "red beach". From there you will have to drive or take a bus to the point of the gulf of the Yellow Sea where the reserve of Hekou Shuangtai. When you arrive, the image your retinas will capture will be so surreal that, no matter how many years pass, it will hardly be erased from your head.

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