Hortobágy, a treasure in the Great Hungarian Plain


The traditional csikós horsemen of Hortobgy

The csikós, traditional horsemen of the area

"Is in the wide plain like the sea where my home is and my free soul flies like an eagle in the infinite steppe ”. This is how the romantic poet Sándor Petofi described his love for Great Alföld or Great Plain , an extensive steppe prairie just two hours from budapest through which to wander in search of the most authentic hungarian culture.

In Hungary , the Danube river seems to separate, with its prevailing romanticism , the eastern Hungary of the western , thus leaving the Great Plain to lie empty in the east of the country and extends even beyond its borders, towards Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine, Croatia and Serbia.

herd of cows in Hortobgy

Herds fill the plain with life

The Puszta , as this desolate herbaceous desert is known, is the largest steppe in Europe . The nakedness of its immensity is the consequence of passage of the Turks through the territory , expelling the inhabitants and cutting down the trees that they were here.

This inhospitable landscape has served as constant inspiration for Hungarian writers and poets swept away by the charms of an unfathomable terrain in which the Tiza, the most important river in the region and a tributary of the Danube, meanders giving its touch of life and wealth.


Among the arid meadows of the Great Plain, the Hortobagy National Park is one of the strongest redoubts genuine that the country, despite its pride, keeps without too much emphasis.

However, it is a privileged place for bird lovers (with more than 340 species) and contact with nature in general.

The first image that is perceived of the park is something bleak, invaded by ocher tones in summer and autumn and with a little more color in spring. But here it is better to get carried away by the hidden charm that produces nothing and shipwreck between the verses of Sandor Petofi in search of the magic of the place.

spoonbill bird

In the park you will find more than 300 species of birds

Hortobágy was inaugurated in 1973 Given the need to preserve their rich nature and cultural value. In 1999 it was declared World Heritage , and is currently the largest protected area of Hungary, with 82,000 hectares.

In this territory, life seems impassive over time. The sturdy shepherds they have the arduous task of keeping their safe herds inclement weather, but, during the hottest days of summer, they also struggle to avoid being fooled by the mirages that the heat causes in the countryside. Within the village of Hortobágy, its story is told by the Shepherds Museum , the main attraction of the place along with a tourist restaurant decorated by gypsy musicians.

But, before entering the town, you should pay attention to another detail. Specifically, on the stone bridge of the nine holes, that has special relevance in the landscape and in the history of the park, because for years it was the only way to cross the river with the cattle. It is, therefore, an outstanding enclave for locals, but for outsiders it passes perfectly unnoticed.

Inside the park, ponds complete the landscape, defensive burial mounds of ancient nomadic peoples and some inns. You can cross the Puszta visiting its farms.

black racka sheep

The impressive racka sheep will fascinate you

In them, they highlight the racka sheep , with spiral horns, and the mangalica Pigs, characterized by hair that covers its body very similar to that of sheep. Other animals that can be seen in the territory are the cranes , geese or water buffalo.

The Hortobágy estates also offer fascinating horse shows in which the csikós or riders demonstrate, with great mastery and dressed in costumes traditional , What dominate their horses making loud noises beat their whips to the ground . A technique that has passed from generation to generation since it was originally used to put on safe from robbers.

Ox-drawn carts are another of the fundamental elements in the life of the park and, therefore, their owners walk them with special satisfaction, like the great relics What are they.

This picturesque image joins the image of the herds grazing through endless meadows, skilled riders who appear out of nowhere riding their horses and the bucolic setting that deserves to be discovered without haste, and that will make the traveler dream as it did the Hungarian poets.

csikós hungarian horsemen

The tradition of the 'csikós' passes from generation to generation

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