The total solar eclipse that occurs every 400 years will be seen in Antarctica: enjoy it on this cruise


Apocalypse; HellBoy; 2001: A Space Odyssey; The shop of horrors. There are many films that have a full solar eclipse in its footage, and not a few books that include them: the fascination What causes this phenomenon to us is such that, despite not being very common, it is recurrent in science fiction.

The next December 4th , however, it will be possible to enjoy one of these curious alignments, in which the moon will pass in front of the sun and will obscure it from the eyes of the inhabitants of the Earth.

total solar eclipse

Total solar eclipse, a not very common phenomenon

That yes, not of all: it will be those who are in the Antarctica those who will be able to see the phenomenon more clearly, that only takes place every 400 years and that it will last in phase of totality around two minutes -with a total duration of one hour and six minutes-. Even though it will happen during night hours, can be seen in this region thanks to the magical phenomenon of the midnight sun.

See photos: Antarctica, a journey in images through the frozen continent

In itself, the possibility of seeing a day with 24 hours of sunshine justifies the journey to Antarctica, but if it is going to take place a unique event in four centuries It's hard to resist making the trip. If we add to all this that the Hurtigruten adventure cruise company organizes a departure on those dates, it's like running out to buy the ticket.


Hurtigruten has put together a comprehensive cruise itinerary, with astronomers on board , to encourage travelers to observe the unusual wonder. It has 18 days duration and will depart and end in Santiago de Chile, from where you will communicate by plane with Punta Arenas, Start of the tour by boat. It will stop in the Malvinas, and on December 4, in the Orkney Islands of the Sun , where the best visibility of the total solar eclipse is expected.

These insulae are partially formed by glaciers , so, in addition to contemplating the phenomenon, passengers will also have the opportunity to observe penguins and seals . They will not be the only wonders you see: during the trip, you will also see Whales , they will go through the legendary drake passage -the stretch of sea that separates South America from Antarctica- and will cross the Strait of Magellan.

At each of the points along the way, the passengers of this exclusive cruise -it only has 500 seats- will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the wild and unique nature of a continent like no other , with the added bonus of being able to contemplate a phenomenon that they will never forget.

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