Astrofest, a new reason to visit La Palma (and celebrate the best skies in the world)


La Palma is celebrating, because during the month of May the world astronomy day , a date that is taken very seriously on the island. The reason? Your heaven is world's first Starlight Reserve (it was already certified in 1988) thanks to its extraordinary dark conditions, which allow us to observe the stars without a trace of light pollution.

In addition, this year also marks the fifteenth anniversary of the World Declaration in Defense of the Night Sky and the Right to Observe the Stars, signed in 2007 by multiple international organizations

For all these reasons, the astronomy festival astrofest, which will end in November, this year will be even more special, spreading throughout the island all kinds of events aimed at enjoying this unrepeatable sky: popular marathons with astronomical observations; planetariums and traveling photographic exhibitions; children's workshops; rebroadcast of the Perseids the night of August 12 - from the brand new visitor center of the observatory of the Boys roque !-, “G-Astronomical” and pairing sessions; archaeoastronomy events…

La Palma Visit the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory

The fascinating observatory of Roque de los Muchachos, one of the best in the world

The observatory, in fact, is a necessary visit on any trip to the beautiful island. The same is found at more than 2,000 meters above sea level, generating the phenomenon known as "sea of ​​clouds", that allows to obtain the panorama of a completely clean atmosphere.

Also, in its newly opened visitor center there are three exhibition halls : Canary Islands, which explains the conditions offered by the sky of La Palma for astronomical observation; Exploring the universe, which teaches the current state of knowledge we have about the Universe and Back to Earth, which shows the natural setting in which the observatory is located.

But, in addition, to enjoy the clear night sky of the island, it is also a joy to visit one of its famous trails and astronomical viewpoints. Thanks to them, we will walk through Los Llanos del Jable, the Wall, the Llano de la Venta or the Montaña de las Toscas accompanied by specialized guides who help us understand what is happening in the bright sky that accompanies us in the most spectacular nights, those of La Palma.

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