Zahara de la Sierra, what if you only came to Cádiz to meet her?


I remember the impression that my arrival at Zahara de la Sierra . Nothing in our way calmed by the Route through the White Towns made us anticipate what we would find, I am not saying that Arcos, Ubrique or El Bosque are not beautiful -they are, and a lot-, but I did not expect that at the end of a road of extensive and vast Cadiz fields, I would find myself a reservoir crowned by a beautiful mosaic of houses perched on the mountain.

Zahara de la Sierra is the perfect white town, declared a Historic Site by the Ministry of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía, which is located on the slopes of the Sierra del Jaral . Imposing and pristine. It has many peculiarities, as you can imagine, perhaps the most striking is its geographical position on the reservoir of Zahara-El Gastor.

Who said that Cádiz was not rich in water? It is and a lot, in fact Zahara is in the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park , one of the areas where it rains the most in Spain. Also in the distance you can see on clear days the Algodonales Natural Park.

We're not going to lie to you many come to Cadiz for its beaches, logically , but the interior is just as magnificent. Luckily, it is further away from "tourism", such as towns like Vejer or Zahara de los Atunes, so in summer, despite the fact that there is a lot of life, it is pleasant to visit.

It has the charm of a small town in Cadiz that one looks for when traveling to this province that never ceases to amaze.

The perfect white town.

The perfect white town.


You can start your visit at Zahara de la Sierra viewpoint at the foot of the town, which allows you to contemplate the magnitude of the reservoir (you can also go down to it and do some water activity).

One option is to park the car here and walk seeing every corner of the town. As in many municipalities of Cádiz, the streets are cobbled and steep , so a comfortable shoe will be your ally. You'll make cufflinks, but they're for a good cause.

Go up its silent alleys and admire its flowery patios, the houses as always will be perfectly whitewashed and clean . You will find different viewpoints on your way so that you can enjoy the views, you can take different streets, if you want to go to the center directly, choose the Olvera Street.

The beautiful square of San Juan de Dios Letrán.

The beautiful square of San Juan de Dios Letrán.

Zahara is petite and flirtatious, and although you can see her in hours, you will surely want to stay a couple of days to infect you with that tranquility that emanates . With effort you will have reached the Zahara Town Hall, from here you can look for the Alameda of Lepanto , an old square with a stone fountain from which you will have fantastic views of the reservoir.

By round street you will find the most authentic taverns, bars, craft shops and souvenirs in town. At the end of this street, the pretty Saint John's square with terraces it is perfect to have a snack or relax al fresco.

Here you can see two of the great monuments of the town: Clock Tower Y the Chapel of Saint John of God Lateran . The first of them is a tower attached to the hermitage of San Juan Letrán, this being the only thing that remains of it. It received this name because at the beginning of the 20th century a pendulum was installed at the top.

While the Chapel is a small church from 1958, which as a virtue has a beautiful semicircular arch doorway and three bells in the center.

natural sources are a common good in the town, some of them are works of art such as the Fig Tree Fountain or the Pilar, which is located at the entrance of the town. Its houses are also curious, most of them with two floors, which are either constructions with small doors and windows from the 16th and 17th centuries, or from the two following centuries, these differentiated because they have shields.

Views of the Santa María de la Mesa Church.

Views of the Santa María de la Mesa Church.


Taking the round street in the opposite direction to the Clock Tower there is a beautiful path to discover other of the great treasures of the municipality; again, testing the resistance of your legs.

Zahara had a Nasrid settlement of which there are some visible remains that can be seen along the Nasrid Way, which has excellent views. The main church It is one of the vestiges that remain from the fifteenth century, and what do you think, could house a mosque at the time of the Conquest.

The Church of Saint Mary of the Table , declared an Asset of Cultural Interest, is the jewel of the town. It was finished in 1755 and some of the materials from an old hermitage called San Francisco were used for its construction. Today it is one of the most photographed views of the town.

The Castle and the Keep They are the last two great monuments on this walk, more remote than the rest, but with sensational views of the entire town from above. Both give us an idea of ​​how the medieval town of Zahara . Certainly privileged thanks to its geographical position.

Its essence.

Its essence.

See images: Route of the white villages of Cádiz


My recommendation is that at least sleep one night in Zahara If it's summer better, because that's when the town exudes life. In August they celebrate several festivals, one of them is the White night -around the second week of August- in which the town at night is completely illuminated by candlelight, dances are held and everyone is dressed in white.

The Sierra de Grazalema It has so many corners that it will be perfect if you enjoy nature and adventure sports. Algodonales, for example, is ideal for those who want to go hiking or parachute.

If you want something quieter, don't miss Zahara's star: “your little beach” . In the Arroyomolinos Recreational Area This secret is found in Sierra of Monte Prieto . Right next to the Cueva del Susto, and taking advantage of the course of the river, an artificial beach has been created surrounded by vegetation and fruit trees. It is a pleasure to spend a relaxed day here.

Zahara has more secrets like her green throat , another natural enclave that is worth visiting. In it is the Hermitage of the Gorge , a grotto formed by the action of geological agents worthy of admiration.

Cádiz is infinite.

Cadiz is infinite.


This white town also enjoys a luxury gastronomy , like all the Route of the White Towns . Here the most typical are the gruel , tortillas and asparagus stews, hearty dishes such as chard with chickpeas , known as "boiled soup" either "toast soup" , the tomato soup; the quince meats , different varieties of olives, which is why its olive oil is so distinguished.

Get in position at:

The farmhouse of Zahara (Paseo de la Fuente, 2) : traditional cuisine with Moroccan touches.

El Gallo Brewery (Calle San Juan, 6) : it is one of the classic stops of the town. Their specialty is tapas.

Meson Onate (Calle Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, 9) : good views of the Zahara reservoir and typical gastronomy. Their specialty is game meat and grills.


Hotel by the Lake (Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Street, 11). If what you want is tranquility and absolute calm, this is the perfect place, they will also treat you like at home. You can have breakfast, sleep and dinner with views of the entire reservoir.

Hotel Lodging El Pinsapo (San Juan Banquet Street). It is a rural accommodation in the center of Zahara, much more comfortable if you do not want to go up and down streets.

The square of the Bar Josefi.

The square of the Bar Josefi.

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