Cádiz, the Spanish province you have to visit in 2019 according to The New York Times


Cdiz the Spanish province you have to visit in 2019 according to The New York Times

New destination pending!

** Andalusia likes the New York Times.** Proof of this is its presence in the last three editions of 52 Places to Go , your selection of destinations to travel to each year. **Yes, in 2017 it was Antequera** the representative of the community and in 2018 Seville , this 2019 it's your turn to Cadiz, the only Spanish presence on the list.

From the province, which ranks 50th in the selection, the journalist Andrew Ferren begins by highlighting its capital, Cádiz, of which he says that it has “an atmosphere more similar to that of Havana than that of Madrid”. highlights gastronomic novelties of the city and uses the pleasures of the table as a common thread to justify a visit to Sancti Petri , and those of good wine for get closer to Jerez de la Frontera.

Beyond the asphalt, The New York Times does not forget the charm and magic that they give off its white villages nor of the incredible ** beaches that dot the Cadiz coast.**


52 Places to Go in 2019 is the result of the contributions that the journalists, collaborators, correspondents and photographers that The New York Times has spread all over the world they did to the travel editors when they were asked by the newsroom which places they considered most interesting for the coming year.

Summarizing their proposals in 150 words each, they became part of a great document that this year exceeded 70 pages, explains Amy Virshup, Senior Travel Editor, in this article.

That extensive list became the center of discussions and exchanges that would take place in successive meetings.

To decide which destinations remain among the chosen ones and which ones do not, there is an element that remains constant year after year: change, what makes it different and makes it a potentially visitable destination right in this moment.

For 52 Places to Go in 2019, the editors of the travel section have paid special attention to those places whose existence is being threatened by climate change and the increasingly extreme phenomena that accompany it.

Now ending, the final list is the result of assessing all these elements as well as also take into account historical events, cultural events or natural phenomena . A wonderful cocktail made list.

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