Punta del Fangar: a walk among the dunes of the Delta


Towards the Fangar Lighthouse.

Towards the Fangar Lighthouse.

You are about to enter **one of the most beautiful natural spaces in Tarragona**, also one of its most protected and well-kept secrets. Surely you have been to many beaches, some with the passage of time will have changed, the most curious thing about this one is that it seems that time has stopped on it.

And that's the perfect Ebro Delta, As the years go by, it remains equally beautiful and simple at the same time. ** Punta del Fangar ** is a 410-hectare peninsula of sand crossed by a large sandbank about 4 meters long. This is where our excursion begins.

Make yourself comfortable, take everything you need to make the journey of **about two hours (about 7 km in total) **; That will depend on how your step is and if you do not decide to make a rigorous stop to try the salt water that bathes it.

Fangar beach , as its name suggests, is fine sand and becomes compact with sea water. You can also cycle through it, but keep in mind that there are no services along the path that takes you to the fangar lighthouse , the most recognizable icon of this place.

Four km of route to the lighthouse.

Four km of route to the lighthouse.

The immense sandbank that is presented to you is one of the areas with the most ecological value of the Catalan coast . Why? Well for the dune formations that inhabit it and its equally protected native fauna.

During the walk you will see that you will not be able to access the dunes but you can contemplate them in all their splendor. Take care of them and observe them without stepping on them. There are two types: some fixed with vegetation on top and other mobile without vegetation.

It is nice to see the contrast of the dunes, with the sea and the sand; Some giant trunks have arrived here and have been stranded on the shore.

April to August is nesting time.

April to August is nesting time.

This space is also protected by the nesting of seagulls and terns, especially from April 1 to August 15 . Numerous insects, small mammals and amphibians also live here, in addition, in the marine bay or Puerto del Fangar, molluscs also proliferate, so it is common to see shellfish in the area.

There is no shade that protects this walk , so don't forget to bring a cap or hat if you want to get to the lighthouse on sunny days. Which by the way, is white and red; If due to the effect of fatigue you see that it changes color, rest. And no, it is not a mirage, there is a lighthouse at the end of the road.

In Delta lands.

In Delta lands.


Until here you can arrive by the AP-7 towards Ampolla de Mar . then take exit N-340 . Follow the signs to the Ebre Delta on TV-3401 . Enjoy the landscape and its stillness.

you'll get to the Marquesa beach and the Vascos Restaurant , to your left begins the route of this walk.


You can take the car in the direction of the buddha island , there in the Ebro Delta there are several restaurants that offer local products that you should know, the mussels they are one of them. For example: Casa Nuri and Casa Nicanor.

Others further away but recommended are: Casa Montero , in L'Ampolla de Mar, Restaurant La Barrac a , in L'Ampolla de Mar, and La Llotja , in l'Atmella de Mar.

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