The map showing the most popular dog names in each country


The platform Budget Direct has conducted a study to discover the most popular dog names from every country in the world and reflected them in a curious Map (actually, in two, one for feminine names and one for masculine ones).

In his day, we already told you what they were the most popular dog breeds of the world, what country were our four-legged friends from and even the preferences regarding the dilemma "dogs or cats". How could we not be piqued by the curiosity to know the canine names What else is repeated in the world?

Did you know that if you go for a walk with your pet in the park in Spain, you will most likely come across some dog named Coco ? Although you may also find more than one Moon , well the most repeated name in the world for females.

Dog walking accessories.



To conduct the study, the Budget Direct Insurance Pet team investigated the ten most common names of dogs, males and females, from each country using “data from national dog registries, animal welfare charities, and animal insurance providers.”

Then, it was done a cross reference from these lists to identify the most popular male and female names around the world.

The names of the dogs were scored according to their rank within each country (1st = 10 points, to 10th = 1 point). "These scores were tallied across countries to determine the world's most common male and female dog names," they explain from Budget Direct.

Luna and Bella are the most popular dog names in the world.

Luna and Bella are the most popular (female) dog names in the world.


moon and belle stand out as clear winners in terms of names for female dogs, as they are the most popular in 30 countries of the world: Luna in 16 countries and Bella (or Bela) in 14.

Both words come from Latin but are also the favorite names in countries like United Kingdom, United States, Denmark or Australia (Beautiful and Finland or the Netherlands (Moon).

The map contains twenty different female names , and as Budget Direct points out: “although some are number one in various countries, some of the most interesting are 'exclusive' to a single country”.

For example, the most popular name in Brazil is Mel, which in Portuguese means honey and in Poland they love it Figa (fig in Polish). Barley (barley) is the most repeated in South Korea.

The Icelanders, for their part, prefer Pearl. In India and Russia they prefer Jasmin and the favorite in Egypt is Vodka!

The third most popular female name is Lola (the most common in Ireland and Argentina) , followed by molly (Indonesia, North Macedonia) and Lucy.

Completing the top 10: Kira, Daisy, Mia, Nala and Nina.

In Spain , in order of preference, are: Luna, Nala, Kira, Lola, Bima, Mia, Noa, Kiara, Dana and Gala.

Max the most repeated dog name in the world.

Max, the most repeated dog name in the world.


As far as masculine names are concerned, the study reveals that it is more frequent that these have human names without any common meaning , unlike what happens, for example, with female names such as Bella (beautiful) or Luna (our satellite), which function as names and as words.

However, we find exceptions such as Duman in Turkey which means smoke; sora in japan which means sun; either Draugas in Lithuania, which is used to designate friends, comrades and colleagues, as well as buddy.

A curiosity? Estonians' favorite is Leedi , like Leedi and the Tramp (The Lady and the Tramp).

The most popular name for our loyal male four-legged friends is Max, the most used in 13 countries: Costa Rica, Croatia, Ecuador, Greece, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, the United States and Venezuela.


Who can resist that little face?

The second most repeated name in the world is Charlie , favorite of countries like Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand and Sweden.

They follow in third position Buddy (most popular in Indonesia and North Macedonia), in fourth place Rocky (the favorite of the Swiss) and in fifth place Jack (Belgium and Italy).

Completing the top 10: Milo (Argentina and Singapore), Toby (Chili), Leo, Bruno and Rex.

The ten most popular male names in Spain to call our most faithful friends are: Coco, Thor, Max, Rocky, Toby, Simba, Leo, Lucas, Zeus and Bruno.

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