The acebales of Soria that you should visit in December


Why is holly one of the symbols of Christmas

Why is holly one of the symbols of Christmas?

A European legend tells that the Holly King he exercised his power when winter came, reigning during the dark time of the year. Secondly, The Celts believed that holly was a sacred tree, christened Tinne, whom they venerated for the winter solstice in order that luck would accompany them in the coming year.

Another of the beliefs of this people was that if they carried their leaves and fruits in a bag, the flame of passion was lit in the couple. The Romans also faithfully believed in their love magic, that's why they used to give holly to newlyweds thus wishing them a happy marriage.

Hang a holly wreath to protect your home

Hang a holly wreath to protect your home

But the miraculous effects do not end there: it was also said that if its branches are cut at dawn, hidden treasures discovered ; that serves as a talisman for business and that if it hangs on the door of homes, protection is assured.

Nothing less could be expected from a plant able to bear fruit when the air is frigid , the same as with their serrated and spiny leaves warns animals that they should not be tempted to eat their attractive red berries. And, for all these reasons, its strength has made it one of the symbols of Christmas .

“ Soria has that authentic charm , of the unknown and of well-kept secrets”, says Raquel Soria, rural development technician at the Commonwealth of Highlands of Soria . It is true that the Castilian-Leonese province can boast of having some of the most spectacular holly forests in Europe, and in December they shine with all their splendor.

leafy and immense, the holly trees dominate, above all, the northern mountains from the province. A clear example are the landscapes of the region of Highlands of Soria , where these wonderful trees dot with red flecks about 600 hectares.

Holly of Castilfrío

Holly of Castilfrío

The most famous in this area are the acebales de Oncala, Castilfrío de la Sierra or Las Aldehuelas. “Soria has several forested masses of holly. They are all in the northeast of the province, and they are the southernmost in Europe and **the most important in Spain**”, explains Raquel Soria.

The natural vaults formed by the thickness of the branches of the holly trees they shelter roe deer, wild boar, foxes and birds such as thrushes, thrushes or robins from the cold. Although it is an arduous task not to succumb to the charms of holly, it is it is forbidden for visitors to cut its branches during the ride. Only controlled pruning is allowed in order to regenerate the forest sustainably.

But which one to visit? “If we have to recommend one of them, I would say Acebal de Castilfrío and Las Aldehuelas . They are the most beautiful to be very compact forests and where we can contemplate both the splendor of its fruits in winter and stroll through their sestiles (natural caves where the cattle take refuge) ”, comments Raquel Soria.

“For your part, the one in Oncala is very well located, near the town and can be accessed more easily. These three are in the Tierras Altas de Soria region, just half an hour from the provincial capital,” she adds.

In this iconic holly tree, during the winter blizzards, more than 1,500 sheep were sheltered. The route who leads us through his paths begins at 1,000 meters high, in the port of Oncala, and covers a little less than 5 kilometers, an ideal plan for a family weekend.

But apart from admiring the beauty of this jewel of nature that the people of Soria proudly preserve, there will also be activities such as the collection of branches in controlled pruning or workshops so that creative souls can design holly centers and learn to make Christmas pastries , as well as Crafts for the little ones.

Where? In the town of Oncala, which celebrates once again the ** XI Holly and Christmas Ornament Fair from December 6 to 8.** This market offers Christmas decorations, artisan sweets such as nougat , delicacies to fight the cold like hot chocolate or roasted chestnuts and of course holly everywhere.

Learn to make Holly Wreaths in Oncala

Learn to make Holly Wreaths in Oncala

Oh, and in case we hadn't convinced you yet, Oncala will also have a skating rink, a living nativity scene, street performances and fireworks at nightfall.

“We have been celebrating the Holly Fair for 11 years. It is already a key and important appointment within the Christmas markets and fairs not only of Castile and Leon , but also at a national level”, points out Raquel Soria.

But this ode to holly does not end in the december bridge . During the rest of weekends of the month , in the other towns of the Highlands of Soria, such as Yanguas or Bretun , will continue to be made workshops and routes for the holly trees.

"The entire month of December and until the first weeks of January the holly will maintain its splendor. The routes are designed for all ages so that everyone can get to know these natural places that are full of mystery and They are a perfect Christmas card ”, concludes Raquel Soria. Are you going to miss it?

Very close to Oncala, a town in this land of transhumants that well worth a visit is Castilfrío de la Sierra . peppered with palatial homes , this charming mountain town enjoys a privileged location: It is located on the hill of San Miguel.

Shall we run away to Oncala

Shall we escape to Oncala?

After enjoying your large stone houses , mostly built during the 17th century, and with its religious architectural gems (such as its Gothic and Baroque church of Our Lady of the Assumption and the hermitage Our Lady of Carrascal ), a route awaits you that will lead you to Turquilla Rock.

This itinerary will not only immerse you in a spectacular landscape dotted with holly , but will also reward you at the top with inspiring views of this beautiful Soria landscape. Also, on the hill of Castillejo , very close to Castilfrío, you can contemplate the wonderful Ruins of a Celtiberian fort. There is a signposted castros route between Castilfrío and Gallinero , and the site can be accessed by car.

And to finish soaking up the history of these lands of Soria (which is not little), A megalithic monument that you must visit is the Alto de la Tejera dolmen , with an antiquity of between 4,000 and 5,000 years. Although it rises in Holm oaks of the Sierra , there is a country road that starts in Castilfrío and that will guide you to this magnificent treasure.

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