Are we lost? Spain premieres labyrinth!


Are we getting lost? Spain premieres labyrinth

The place to get lost without fear of being found

The creator is Emilio Pérez who decided to make the illusion of his life a reality and build a labyrinth that will now be his daughter Mónica, unemployed, in charge of managing, he explains to For the design, Emilio says that he drew it inspired by other labyrinths and that was the easy part. The complicated part came when the time came to put it into practice, since he had to constantly calculate because "every two or three meters he had to leave a gap". He took three days to complete it, for which he counted at times on the help of friends and neighbors.

walk the maze it can be done in 40 minutes if you orient yourself very well, and you don't make mistakes at any time, or in an hour and a half if, on the other hand, you are easy to lose and cannot find the right path at first. There is only one solution to reach the main exit, although along the way you will find two escape routes in case you get tired of trying. Also, don't panic. At the entrance to the labyrinth, visitors will be given Emilio's phone number so that if they don't know how to continue, he will come to your rescue. He is the only one who knows the route!

The ticket price is four euros for adults and three for children. It is recommended that visitors do not have mobility problems and that children who attend can walk. Advice for people going into the labyrinth? Let them go calm and get psyched up that they will have to walk.

*This text was initially published on 02.21.2017 and updated on 04.30.2017

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