From the Portillo to the Arganzuela… Pichi sleeps here!


Dance on a brick, transform the letter S in a jot have some breakfast Churros and sing the violet . All this will happen to you when you come to Madrid (my sweetheart) and stay in Calatrava 4 . Before it was a dilapidated palatial house in the heart of the castizo neighborhood of The Latin . Today, Darya Modern Living , the home division of Dazia Capital has turned her into apartments of short stay and tourist.

We don't know if his idea was to make the visit a immersive course of the Madrid culture , but he has succeeded. Because it's walking through the door and you're already asking for one Mahou good 'frejquita' while the hustle and bustle of the bars in the area reaches you.

General view of the entrance to Calatrava 4

Calatrava 4 main hall.


We do not owe the miracle to San Isidro , patron of the capital. This time the credit belongs to the architect Antonio Ruiz Barbarin , and the interior design studio Codoo. Together they have managed to capture the essence of the Madrid of verbena, chulapón and fun, with smell a donuts of the saint Already Churros in the morning , where the most typical topics become essential and no one resists talking to the neighbors while they hang out the laundry. first from Madrid . And as all that and more is Madrid, it is what was sought when facing the rehabilitation project.

In the expert hands of Ruiz Barbarin Y Codoo , the building has become fourteen apartments one, two or three bedrooms, available for the rental for days or months (a maximum of eleven). The Project has preserved the most singular elements of its origins , such as the central staircase, doors or even window sizes, thus rescuing part of the architectural heritage of the city and giving each house the creative and modern style typical of a European capital of the 21st century.

Views of the dining room of one of the Calatrava 4 apartments.

Views of the Calatrava 4 apartment dining room.


Calatrava 4 has been conceived to be a home for days or months , but with all the mod cons Y services of a hotel included in the price. Weekly cleaning, supplies, high-speed internet, electronic lock, and 24-hour emergency services. Connected with the neighborhood and its cultural associations and businesses , they will inform you of what can happen around. The idea is that the visitor feel like one more neighbor , making the relationship with the environment part of the experience of residing here. All this without stopping feeling that you are in the real Madrid.

Main view of Calatrava 4 apartment living room.

Main view of Calatrava 4 apartment living room.


"For us breakfast is the favorite meal of the day, after the sacred hour of vermouth, Of course. That is why we had the obligation to create a space where when guests woke up, they knew that they were in the heart of the most traditional neighborhood in Madrid and not in Berlin”, comment the creatives of Codoo Studio.

"After the morning shower, a few meters away, half a churro to dip in coffee with milk and a bar where you can quench your thirst at any time, with any excuse, await you steaming hot. with any chulapo and some torreznos".

Panoramic view of a Calatrava 4 apartment bathroom.

Views from a Calatrava 4 apartment bathroom.

They say that this city never sleeps but let's say we sleep in Madrid. Let's say we do it in the Calatrava street and we woke up a Sunday of Trace . Let's say we stay in that apartment, 'which could be the new headquarters of PS Management , if Paquita wanted. The apartment of the new queen of Drag Race Spain . The lair where the next original screenplay is written that will win a Goya . Let's say you tell me I love you for the first time, or dare I tell you... with smell of vervain ’. You're going to want to stay, this happens a lot.

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