The Airbnb revolution: taking you to places you didn't know you wanted to visit


there is someone who has your fixed list of places to visit . Others ask fellow travelers for recommendations or are inspired by watching movies, series or following Conde Nast Traveler . The most classic still launch a dart on a map or stop short, with the index, a globe out of control.

“The search for destinations has always been the same during these last 25 years”, reflects Nate Blecharczyk one of the founders of Airbnb, during a conversation exclusively with Condé Nast Traveler. "Basically you type a city and select some dates. That is a very limiting thing. And we love to see how tourism has been scattered in the last two years and has been able to discover hidden gems.

Nate Blecharczyk one of the founders of Airbnb

Nate Blecharczyk, one of the founders of Airbnb.

The dispersion that our interlocutor mentions is a side effect of the pandemic. The closure of international borders and, in many cases, the adoption of telecommuting they created a change of habits for the more adventurous.

Why not explore your own country by looking for accommodation in a charming corner (and good Wi-Fi signal) so you can kick back or explore new territory at the end of your workday? The future seems to take us over there.

Without going any further, starting this year, the Airbnb revolution begins with let your workers choose the way they want to work, whether it's face-to-face, hybrid or fully remote. The latter presents a novel opportunity.

“We will continue to see people doing that big international trip once a year but, for those who have a large flexibility and can extend their stay for more days, we wanted to offer a tool to find those experiences interesting things they are looking for,” explains Blecharczyk.

To that effect, Airbnb has introduced a big little change to its search bar: categories. There are more than fifty labels that group the 4 million accommodations around the world in its catalogue.

Frank Lloyd Wright's Schwartz House

Schwartz House, by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Here the city where they are It is not important, as Blecharczyk explains to us. “Some categories are tied to an activity, like camping or skiing, or to a general location like tropical landscape or deserts. But there are also options that focus on the aesthetics of the house because there are some that have appeared in design magazines or have been built by famous architects. Or even they are historic buildings”.

If you have dreamed of spending a night in a castle or in Hollywood star mansions or famous singers, now is your chance. They are where they are.

Sunflower House El Port de la Selva Catalonia

Sunflower House, El Port de la Selva, Catalonia.

Some categories define themselves and already anticipate the content: amazing pools, caves, flouting houses But there are also labels that add a specific experience. “We have categories that focus on houses with chefs kitchens or that they have a Grand piano for all those who want to promote a specific activity”.

To create is another of the thematic sections that groups apartments with recording studio or paint shop to stimulate your creativity during the trip. Thus, you will have many possibilities both outside and inside your accommodation.

Moulin Rouge Airbnb

Moulin Rouge, Paris.

is finally the most fascinating category, called singulars, which has a perhaps more precise name in English: OMG!. They are so original accommodations that, ohmygod!, hard to believe. "These are houses that you didn't even know existed and that, even if you're not going to stay in them, it's fun to browse," says Blecharczyk. At last you will have the opportunity to rest in a UFO, in a bus, a submarine or even in the very Moulin Rouge windmill . This category seeks to provide you with that experience so unique and unrepeatable.

Another new element introduced by the Airbnb revolution are the so-called combined stays that allows you to reserve two different apartments within the same trip. “If you are interested in doing a booking for many days sometimes hard to find the same house available for all that time. EITHER maybe you are restless and you like to change neighborhoods to have a more complete experience of the city you visit.

Airship2 Scotland

Airship2, Scotland.

Your search results will now include possible combinations to divide your stay and thus have every day covered”, reveals Blecharczyk, which ensures that, in addition, the user will be able to choose from among all the possible recommendations and order them according to their taste.

Is now easier open up to new destinations, without even knowing what they are, to enjoy an experience that We never thought we could have

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