Santander from bar to bar


the Bombi

the Bombi

We assume you know, but in case you didn't remember, ** Santander is one of the capitals of good national food.** In addition to its cultural and architectural value, the Palacio de la Magdalena, the lavish Botín center, the Paseo de Pereda , Sardinero beach and a breathtaking Casino, the Cantabrian capital stands out above many for its gastronomy.

And this is how the products of the Cantabrian sea sneak into the menus of restaurants, so that you return from there with the benefits of Omega 3 well rooted in your body. His iconic dish? The squid rings, of course. They have become the queens of the aperitif due to their simplicity and unique flavor.

But man does not live by rabas alone, so We are going to tell you about the bars that you have to frequent on your next visit. Ready? Bon Appetite!

Croquettes from Rioja Santander

Croquettes from Rioja, Santander

THE BIGGEST _(Juan of the Thing, 5. Tel. 942 216 973) _

If you treat yourself to a pleasant walk along the majestic Paseo de Pereda and visit the Botín center, surely at some point your stomach will start to growl with hunger. Thus, It so happens that many of the bars that we will talk about are located on the outskirts of the center of Santander. Our first stop will be at La Mayor, a small restaurant located behind Calle Castelar.

At the front is an always willing and smiling José, who He serves some of the most prized squid rings in all of Santander at his bar. He has the classic fresh magano (large squid), but if you ask for the house ones, you will see their particularity, since here they make them with baby squid, crispy and with a perfect batter.

Don't even think about pouring lemon over them, you have to appreciate their flavor without any seasoning. But that's not the thing, because His offer is completed with mussels, sandwiches, Russian salad and seafood. You can always take a look at his nursery or ask what came in that day: barnacles, spider crabs, crabs...

They are also masters in the preparation of fish such as turbot or sea bream that you can savor in its upper dining room. Of course, do not expect luxuries in the decoration, here it is the least of it.

The biggest

The biggest

THE BOMBI _(Casimiro Sain, 15. Tel. 942 21 30 28) _

opened in 1934 and since then, they have positioned themselves as one of the essential places to make our stomach happy. His story begins when Antonio del Ojo and his wife, Bernardina, open the La Bombilla tavern where, behind a small bar, They made famous their anchovies in oil and their freshly brought sardines from the port. Over time, the parishioners begin to affectionately call her The Bombi.

Already in 1985, Boni Movellán transfers the restaurant and consolidates it forever. Being every day at the foot of the canyon, They have managed to ensure that only the best raw material and the freshest fish and shellfish from Santander are found in their bar -and restaurant-.

Although the room is impeccable, to us, who are more of a bar, we fell in love with this space that is conceived in a 'horro vacui' key with hundreds of photographs of the landmarks of Bombi, wines and memories. If you go, the tribute has to go through some squid rings, their famous pan-fried clams, grilled anchovies or onion-flavoured magans.

La Bombi Bar

Putting the elbow here is a WONDERFUL experience

THE TUCHO _(Corbán, 12. Tel. 94 233 61 77) _

Though away from the usual circuit and a little out of hand, it seems to us of special importance that you know The Tucho.

Located on the outskirts of Santander, right in front of the Corban seminary, it has more than 50 years of history behind it. It was in 1956 when Antonio Gómez and Juana Soto, better known as La Tucho, opened a grocery store that included a food court.

The thing grew and they started to have a bar and an attached restaurant that is now run by the next generation. In La Tucho you ensure enjoyment around the table.

We were eager to try it but at night, the kitchen doesn't open until nine. Seated at a table that we found in the bar area, we hurried down a few bottles of beer while the place began to fill up to the brim.

What to order in La Tucho? To get started, his squid rings, large, delicate, tasty and without a drop of extra oil . To continue, as well they are experts in shellfish, you can ask for some morgues open in a pan with a few drops of oil without masking their flavor, and to finish, fried hake or monkfish. What a simple and delicious thing. They are served with a little lettuce and tomato and they are impressive.

The Tucho

The Tucho

THE CRAYFISH _(Daoíz and Velarde 19. Tel. 942 210 184) _

Wine lovers! Here is a mandatory stop in the Cantabrian capital. "Every day we open to follow the history... of the good and of the wine", this is how we get into this wine cathedral and wine museum.

His story begins on the honeymoon of Mariano Conde Caballero and Moisesa Camazón Benito. As fate would have it, they spent it in Santander and decided to make it her residence. From that day on, his only obsession focused on filling The Cigalena flavors, memories and the best of each vineyard.

Entering there is doing it a world of wine relics, newspaper clippings and travel souvenirs that have been making La Cigaleña what it is today. Now in the hands of the Conde Laya brothers, they have been the ones who have cared for the tradition of the place. The best of all is that they have opted to stock up on natural wines, adding them to the relics of old wines that are difficult to find in other establishments that they store in their cellars.

They sell them by the glass and at more than democratic prices , because wine is not speculated here, and so they invite you to try more on each visit. To accompany, order some Torreznos from Soria, skewers of seasonal products or cheeses well selected.

"Bread that is left over, meat, that is enough and wine... that is not lacking"

The Cigalena

The Cigalena

RIOJANO WINERY _(Río de la Pila, 5. Tel. 942 216 750) _

This historic Santander winery is home to the world's first 'Museo Redondo'. And what is that? It is a vast collection of nearly 120 works painted by renowned artists on the lids of wine barrels, always in round format, of course.

Its bar is always very busy and is completed with a few small tables for a snack, without forgetting the huge room that they have after passing through a door.

Founded in 1940, it has gone through ups and downs to get to where it is today. It was in 2006, after being closed for a few years, when Carlos Crespo took over the management of the restaurant while keeping an eye on the tradition and history that permeates its walls.

The essentials of the house begin with some wonderful snails stewed Riojan style, followed by piquillo peppers stuffed with meat and ending with a caramel egg flan to remove the hat.

But oh friends, Don't forget their creamy tuna and egg croquettes, their Russian salad, a stewed potato omelette with tripe sauce, Iberian chorizo ​​and aioli (softies refrain) and a pedrés chicken ravioli with fresh foie gras and celeriac cream.

Riojan winery

Riojan winery

THE GARDEN PIZZA TORTILLA SKEWER _(Autonomy, 2. Tel. 942 39 18 81) _

One of the best tortillas in Santander is in a gym cafeteria. Yes, as you read it. We didn't believe them either until they tipped us off and we decided to go meet them. It's called ** Pizza Jardín and it's inside the Body Factory gym complex in Mataleñas.** The best? That every day they prepare a multitude of potato omelettes ideal for the breakfast skewer.

From Santander with their coffee and pincho, to those just out of exercise, they pass by for their portion. What we don't know is how effective it is to sweat and then stick a spike between your chest and back. Anyway, we went to breakfast and if you want to get your share, you have to hurry. Many days, around twelve o'clock, they no longer have any left.

They have them with potatoes or stuffed with tuna, ham and cheese or vegetables. The skewer is what we would call perfect: with the potato well done and neither too curdled nor too liquid. It is served with a good piece of bread, so you make sure you leave there with a good breakfast.

Pizza Jardín omelette skewer

Pizza Jardín omelette skewer

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