Vacation or pleasure? This is how digital nomads travel


How to choose your next destination with the laptop in tow

How to choose your next destination with your laptop in tow

The experts have spoken: by 2025, there could be a billion digital nomads in the world. That is to say, people whose freelance work will allow them to leave the offices, the fixed schedules from nine to six and the same routes every day and exchange them for a one-way ticket without a clear return and new views whenever they want. Live a few months in Asia and the following jump to Latin America, or be between the US and Australia.

Digital nomads are those people that most of us admire today when we accidentally fall on their Instagram profile and we see them working with their feet in the sand one day and the next, in a cafe on Fifth Avenue. They are also people glued to a phone and a computer. They travel a lot, as the word nomad indicates, but they are also permanently connected, as the second word says and sometimes we forget. The digital nomad benefits from a job that they can practice remotely as long as they have good equipment.

But do they travel to work or work to travel?

It is the million dollar question and there is everything. There are digital nomads who travel because their work is already related in some way to the trip itself: some great influencers or youtubers today would fall into that category. Others, many, travel and also work. They have to work to keep traveling. The difference is that in this group are those who have prioritized adventures and experiences around the world and they have adapted their profession to that vital choice.


For both of them there are some basic requirements when choosing a destination, whether they are going to spend a few weeks there, or whether what they are looking for is to settle in that city for a medium-long season. They take the office with them and only have one faithful co-worker: their laptop.

Therefore, they need lightness, speed in connectivity, security... And if already passing you add design to make Instagram photos more polished… Models like the ** ASUS ZenBook Pro 14 ** provide everything a digital nomad could ask for in a single laptop. Their high capacity battery It offers autonomy for the whole day, that is, it allows you to work the whole day from the beach. And when you have to plug it in, thanks to its fast charge, reaches 60% in just 49 minutes.

Take one selection of ports so complete that you will not miss anything in an ordinary office. Plus, built-in Wi-Fi gigabit speeds on the computer without the need for cables, they will facilitate work even in destinations where the Internet is not the great strength. Which is a great advantage to choose perhaps even more lost destinations.

A fundamental factor for the good digital nomad who does not think where to go based on his work, but imagine the adventure first and then choose the destination.

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