The sleep map of the world: how much do we sleep on average?


Experts recommend an average of seven hours of sleep. . Not sleeping can cause many health problems: a weak immune system, memory problems, symptoms of depression, sadness, apathy, heart problems... The list of consequences is very long.

Most Europeans sleep an average of 7 to 9 hours a day, which is within normal sleep parameters. This is confirmed by the map public health maps which measures the average number of hours that Europeans, Asians and Americans rest. To obtain the data, it has used sources such as Landgeist, US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Asia & Europe - Sleep Cycle of 2018.

Average hours of sleep in Europe.

The map of sleep hours in Europe.

according to the map, Europeans sleep more than seven hours . The most sleepy are the Finns, the Dutch and the English, who exceed 7.30 hours. Spaniards sleep an average of 7.13 hours , in line with Bulgaria and Romania. Those who sleep the least are the Turks who do not get to seven hours a day.

Average hours of sleep Asia.

The map of sleeping hours in Asia.


Rest hours drop drastically in Asia , compared to Europe. Few countries on the continent reach the recommended seven hours of sleep. In fact, there is only one country that reaches the European average and it is, surprisingly, China. Also, Hong Kong Y Thailand they are close to seven hours of sleep.

“This could be because most Asian cities are much more densely populated. Asian cities also tend to be much noisier, which can disrupt people's sleep. The tropical climate in Southeast Asia definitely doesn't make it easy to sleep either," they point out in Landgeist.

Among the Asian countries that sleep less are Japan and South Korea, both less than 6.30 hours. “One probable cause is the high-pressure work culture. In both countries it is very common to work overtime. Even when work ends, most wage earners often go out for dinner and drinks with their colleagues and boss. Especially in Japan where it is common for salarymen to go to a Izakaya after work. They stay out until the wee hours of the morning and have to get back to the office on time the next morning,” they explain.

US average hours of sleep

US sleep map


And what does the map reflect about Americans? The average is 7.19 hours , with a clear difference between the west and the east of the country. “Western counties have the lowest percentages. The same goes for the Northeast (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire) and parts of Alaska. Population density could be an important factor here,” they explain.

When it comes to the highest percentages of fewer hours of sleep, four states immediately stand out: Hawaii, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia . Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Ohio, and Michigan are also marked on the map.

The truth is that the reason why rest in these areas of the country is less does not appear, although it could be an unhealthy lifestyle and diet. The tips for sleeping more hours are not much of a mystery: get rid of screens and loud noises two hours before bedtime, exercise, have a light dinner and relax.

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