The Gazoline Stand, the coolest gas station in the… world?


In The Gazoline Stand unblinkingly present themselves as the place where, in the not too distant future, it will be possible to find the best matcha latte of Paris, when the city has run out of money, to be exact. In fact, they move neither more nor less than the nineteenth winter quarantine that we will face in 2024, when Covid-28 invades us.

So with a touch of black mood and irony, the versatile businessman Ramdame Touhami, the same one that in 2021 sold to LVMH its Office Universelle Buly 1803 , ultracool cosmetic firm that he created together with his partner, Victoire de Taillac-Touhami, now it has opened the doors of this new service station concept. a place where the fuel, It's not exactly the main character. At least not the only one.

The Gazoline Stand Paris.

The Gazoline Stand, Paris.

Located in the Boulevard des Invalides number 17, in the VII district of Paris, its branding is somewhat excessive and very colorful, a pop celebration full-fledged with a certain nostalgic look. Its aim: to put an end to the "boring" concept of a gas station to which the 21st century had accustomed us and, above all, marvel at a place in which we not only refuel vehicles, but also ourselves, the humans.

At this point, the question is: how do they get it? It may be your wonderful coffee, your kiosk with national and parisian mastheads (very well selected, by the way), the t-shirts, accessories and snacks motley people who sell or their letter conceived by you n chef of Japanese origin, that he works with regional products.

The Gazoline Stand Paris.

The Gazoline Stand, Paris.

They are defined as “surely the most cheerful shop in Paris”. And fuel has little to do with it, which definitely remains in the background, although together with the pumps they have some eloquent panels –designed by the Christofle goldsmith– that give you the choice between “No lead 95, it is not good for the planet”, and "Diesel, not good either." Sarcasm is a house brand until its last consequences.

But joy itself may have to do with the reggae what sounds background. Or also with the fun soft drinks menu in which Japan, Jamaica and the United States are very well represented, with flavors such as the olive drink, lemonade in tablet form or Kombucha.

The Gazoline Stand Paris.

The Gazoline Stand, Paris.

From the food menu, how not to mention the organic hot dogs –carnivores and vegans– with fried onions and ten sauces to choose from. But we are in Paris, so honoring the city is a sine qua non: you can also find paninis, "crepes" with nutella or jam, chocolates... And, as we already anticipated, the best coffee and matcha in the city.

In short, Touhami saw a gap in the market –probably unexpected for many– that he could fill with something interesting. And so he did. A place designed to be in any Instagram feed self-respecting, and that becomes must see for those who go to Paris, whether or not they have to refuel their vehicles.

And, to finish, as a penultimate declaration of intent, The Gazoline Stand team declares without hesitation that "If gasoline has become a luxury product, why not bring luxury to the gas station?" And it is that, if we add a little fantasy to the practical, everything ends up being much more fun.

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