50 motorhome routes to discover Spain in its splendor


50 motorhome routes to get to know Spain.

50 motorhome routes to get to know Spain.

what of travel in a motorhome It is a dream for most travelers, those who like freedom and visit landscapes and nature; and the truth is that more and more young people are joining this trend, that of caravanning , which is actually older than we think.

More than a million European motorhome drivers currently travel the roads of the five continents enjoying a freedom that only those who have gotten behind the wheel of a motorhome truly know. But those wishes travel freely having the needs of rest and comfort covered were already sought after more than a century ago, when totally revolutionary ideas were born that changed the concept of travel”, indicates the recently released book of Peter Wood Travel for free. 50 van routes through Spain (Geoplanet Nomads).

Free travel by Pedro Madera.

Free travel by Pedro Wood (Ed. Geoplanet).

In the 1930s, the first motorhomes could already be seen in Germany and the USA ; After World War II, this vehicle experienced a boom. Obviously its predecessors were the horse drawn wild west caravans , but it is true that the years 1940 and 1960 were key to understanding the caravanning of nowadays.

Germany is the country with the most motorhome registrations, with half a million, followed by France and Italy, with around 250,000, and the United Kingdom with around 200,000. In Spain they began to become popular in the 60s with Caravansa , the first caravan company in Spain.

The first campsites began to appear in Catalonia , thanks to the influence of many travelers who came from France. Currently, about 45,000 vehicles of this type are registered in our country.

Van route through Castilla León.

Van route through Castilla León.

** Travel for free. 50 van routes through Spain ** (Geoplanet Nomads) is a basic guide for those who are new to caravaning, or not_,_ with topics as necessary as: regulations for both driving and parking , types of vans and motorhomes, how to rent and what to consider , mobile phone applications, how to camperize a van , or how to drive in extreme weather.

But above all it is a guide with 50 motorhome trips lived in the first person by its author, Peter Wood , historian, journalist and passionate about all kinds of travel.

His first “motorhome” was a Renault 5 GTL "That he used to sleep on some trips around Europe in the 80s." Although he confesses to Traveler.es that he has never had a caravan of his own because he is more in favor of renting.

“If there are long-term trips abroad, it is the best option. I have used a lot mercedes vitus adapted. With minor modifications it can be converted into a road home very versatile”.

His guide, produced in 5 years, is a compendium of 50 trips from the Costa de la muerte to the beaches of Cádiz , going through the Jerte Valley or for the enchanted forests of Navarra.

Routes through Navarre.

Routes through Navarre.

For example, on this last trip, Pedro proposes two routes: the first, 119 km, starts in Pamplona , goes through Akerreta, Eugi, Aldudes, San Juan Pie de Puerto, Roncesvalles , and again I walk Pamplona. In this circular itinerary your motorhome will not miss the beauty of the esteribar valley , its small medieval towns such as Eugi with its reservoir and part of the French Camino de Santiago . The second of the routes through Navarra elapses from the Bárdenas Reales to Artajona.

The interesting thing is that in each proposal the book indicates camper areas with QR code to locate them at a glance, in addition to the points of interest and distances in all the Autonomous Communities.

In the one in Madrid, he proposes a 156 km journey through the most beautiful reservoirs in the Community: starting with the one in Santillana up to the reservoir Riosequillo . On this route we can get to know the medieval town of scratcher and the Los Batanes paper mill , where the paper that was printed in the first edition of the Don Quijote of La Mancha.

Routes through Madrid by van.

Routes through Madrid by van.

Meanwhile in Andalusia Peter points us five great journeys , which one is more interesting. One of the routes to live the 'slow life' takes us to Cádiz, and begins in the cradle of flamenco, Jerez de la Frontera , continuing through the inland towns such as Medina Sidonia and his castle, and old . He then drives to the coast where he stops at Conil , the Mecca pipes, barbate , and finally, Rate.

Just as exciting is the route he suggests through the Almanzora Valley , the land of ham, which runs through the A-334 and makes us know the beauty of the interior of Almería. We also discover in his 50 motorhome routes the Sierra Norte de Sevilla Natural Park.

Routes through Andalusia.

Routes through Andalusia.

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