No, public transport in Spain is no less efficient than in Europe


girl in paris metro

In Madrid we spend less time at the stop than in Paris

How much time do you spend waiting for the subway? And the bus? The efficiency of public transport is a key factor when measuring the well-being of a place, and in Spain we tend to think that that of other European countries is always higher than ours.

However, according to the Public Transport Index of the urban mobility app Moovit, the data does not seem to be true. For example, Barcelona is the city, worldwide, with the shortest waiting time : For 36% of trips, you only have to wait five minutes or less. They are followed by London (36%) and Milan (28%). Also, Madrid turns out to be the European capital with the least waiting times in relation to Paris, Rome, London and Berlin.

On the other hand, in the large Spanish cities, travelers spend more than 40 minutes on average on their journeys , a number that, a priori, seems high. Specifically, in Madrid they stay around 46 minutes, while in Barcelona they are around 36.

However, in both cases, the data are better than those obtained in the capitals with the longest averages, which are Istanbul, with 72 minutes, and Mexico City, with 69 . London, for its part, is the capital with the highest percentage of journeys of more than two hours (5%) in Europe, followed by Berlin (4%).

girl with helmets and cell phone waiting for tram

Burgos is the city, among all those analyzed with more passengers who do not make transfers


This travel time we were talking about does not exceed half an hour in average-sized Spanish cities such as Burgos (where it is around 20 minutes), Granada or Malaga. And yet, the latter has another handicap: a lot is expected at its stops, specifically, 13 minutes. Something else awaits in Tenerife, where this time amounts to 14 minutes, while Lanzarote takes the cake with 19 minutes of waiting.

In addition, these last two are also the cities where the distance in meters traveled by users from the origin to the stops and from them to their final destination is greater, including the distance traveled in possible transfers: in the case of Lanzarote, 1.4 kilometers, and in Tenerife, 1.3, a figure that is better understood if we compare it, for example, with that of Madrid, which does not reach 625 meters. Malaga, for its part, borders on the kilometer, with its 991 meters on average.

Compared to Europe, however, our capital does not fare badly, as the average distance traveled on foot during a journey is 754 meters in Paris, 715 meters in Milan and 695 meters in Berlin. Even London, Berlin and Rome have higher numbers than Spain at this end , according to Big Data extracted from tens of millions of trips made worldwide with Moovit, as well as surveys carried out in 25 countries by the company.

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