9 reasons why Roquetas de Mar is the dream beach destination


Aguadulce Beach Roquetas de Mar Almeria

9 reasons why Roquetas de Mar is the dream beach destination

No doubt Almeria is one of the preferred Andalusian provinces for those seeking beach, sun and fun. But if it's about sea ​​rocks, there are many more reasons to stay there for a good season. We give you a few reasons why this municipality has become the ultimate summer destination.


It might look like a modern town, but it is many years old. In fact, there is evidence of passage of the Romans through the ancient city of Turiana, that dates from the 1st century and that can be visited at Las Palmerillas beach. Of the Nasrid period his most valuable inheritance has remained, the Santa Ana Castle, a fortification from the end of the 16th century that currently houses exhibitions inside.

Next to the castle is the Roquetas de Mar lighthouse that stopped lighting ships in the 1940s and is currently the most desired selfie. Exhibitions and temporary shows inside and the best views of the Mediterranean.

From the castle of Santa Anta of little Nasrid the views are unsurpassed.

From the castle of Santa Anta, from the Nasrid period, the views are unbeatable.


Not everything is beach and sun if you want to take advantage of the summer holidays. This small city hides some museums for those who are looking for an added cultural plan, as well as a Theater-Auditorium that has paid tribute to the best of flamenco art or comedy theater.

In addition to the exhibitions of the Castle of Santa Ana, Roquetas de Mar has a ethnographic museum and an impressive classroom of the sea, an entire aquarium museum on the fishing past and the Sciences of the Sea, which preserves the archaeological treasures found on the seabed of the city of Almería. This year 2021 has been recognized as Blue Center for his work raising awareness and defending the environment.


In the road to El Ejido is one of the natural places preferred by the acuatic birds to breed and nest. Well, and also by the seekers of virgin beaches. Today, it is considered by the European Community as a Special Protection Area for Birds that find, in the salty pools between the salt flats, the perfect place to rest and nest.

It is not uncommon to see groups of flamingos roaming freely among the wetlands , although it is advisable not to get too close as many of these species are in danger of extinction. There are a path that allows skirting the marshes to be able to enjoy this little natural paradise without disturbing the animals that live there.

The Aguadulce Marina begins to warm up at sunset.

The Aguadulce Marina, at sunset, begins to warm up its engines.


The fact that many locals from the surrounding towns come to Roquetas to enjoy the lively summer nights already gives us a clue as to what is going on here. And there is something for all tastes, from the places that bet on impossible cocktails like those of Coconut, on the serena beach, to the nights of music and drinks in the local Aguadulce Marina What The Rascal of Havana or the Mojitos Beach. Obviously, things have changed a lot due to the anti-Covid measures, but they have been able to adapt perfectly to enjoy those nights that never seem to end.


Do not think that the Mediterranean Sea has been plagued by sharks this summer. This is one of the most fascinating activities that not everyone knows can be done in Roquetas de Mar. To do this, you have to go into the Aquarium Costa de Almeria , an aquarium of about 3,000 square meters that runs through different ecosystems and where, in addition to being able to touch the stripes, you can dive inside a cage to dive with sharks. Of course, you have to book in advance as it only opens three days a week.

For beaches like these... it is the perfect destination.

For beaches like these... it is the perfect destination.


Enjoying the sunrise or the sunset is a spectacle . It's time to put on some good shoes and go along the paths that run along the coast to capture the best views of the sun emerging from the sea. The Greenway that connects Roquetas de Mar with Aguadulce runs through the salt pans. Here is the beach of the low that reaches Aguadulce through the Paseo Marítimo.

If you are looking for a spectacular photo and a bit of adventure, continue through the Aguadulce Old Road which, possibly, was once a ancient roman road. This path enters the cliffs of Cañarete and surprises with the best views of the province.


It is without a doubt the greatest attraction of this small city of Almeria. In the year 2021, Roquetas de Mar can boast that the blue flag flies on all its urban beaches: Aguadulce, La Romanilla, Roquetas Urbanization, La Bajadilla, Las Salinas and Playa Serena Urbanization. Its coastline stretches for 16 kilometers and its beaches are well known for their cleanliness, accessibility and the large number of services that can be found around them, including security and rescue, water activities, showers and stretches of sand that allow the long-awaited social distance. Despite are the busiest beaches in Almería, you can get a feeling of "intimacy".


Diving lovers know perfectly well that the seabed of Roquetas de Mar is a true scandal. The posidonia gardens They are forests that fill the bottom of the sea with life and color, the most extensive underwater meadows of the entire coast of Andalusia.

The Posidonia Barrier Reef in Roquetas de Mar It was declared Natural Monument in 2001 and it is one of the most desired by divers, not only because of its natural wealth, but also because the large amount of light allows for the most spectacular images of underwater nature in all its splendor. Besides, the The warmth of these waters favors the practice of scuba diving and free diving all year round.


Almería has managed to carve out a niche for itself on the map of Spanish gastronomy, not only because of its products from the sea and the land, but also because of its ability to reinvent itself. Sitting at the table in Roquetas is going through the forced almeria gurullos, that some confuse with rice although wheat flour is used for its preparation. Here the rice is made with seafood, in a land where lobster, lobster and sea bream they move the baton in the kitchen.

Seafood and casserole table as in the Chiringuito the Anchor , in front of the beach. In addition, gastronomy has managed to preserve the cultural heritage of the cuisine that the Arabs left us more than a thousand years ago, in the marinades and in the sweet What the indalotes of the Cruz y Garcia Bakery of Sweet water, A must stop for those with a sweet tooth.

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