Enjoy nature in a wheelchair this summer


The expressions " nature " Y " wheelchair accessible ” seem incompatible, but they shouldn't be. If there is something that unites all people, regardless of physical abilities, age or anything else, it is the being able to enjoy outdoor adventures . Thanks to the work of natural parks , of the public beaches and other places of interest, places that were previously off-limits to wheelchair users are now finally accessible.

This trend of making nature wheelchair accessible seems to be universal. The John Dillon Park of New York offers a Zone of camping, Adirondack State Park areas, fully wheelchair accessible trails and shelters , and a few years ago accessibility improvements were made to the elevator in the Carlsbad Caverns National Park , with which they have brought the speleology to all users and in a totally secure way.

Parvinder Chawla was encouraged to travel the world traveling alone in a wheelchair.

Parvinder Chawla was encouraged to travel the world traveling alone in a wheelchair.

If you use a wheelchair and dream of enjoying everything that nature can offer us, but you have never known how to do it, this is your guide . Next we will explain the essentials to enjoy nature in a wheelchair , since things that cannot be missing in your suitcase (either to walk trails or to sunbathe), most suitable destinations for beginners and communities that will give you even more reasons to explore all that the world has to offer.


Before you venture out, and to avoid pitfalls and stress during the excursion, it's important to think about what you might need . Apart from the basics, like a Lantern , a compass, sunscreen , a oilskin and one water bottle (or two), there are some items that can make life a lot easier for people who use wheelchairs.

you already use one Handbook or one motorized chair , it can be difficult to navigate the rugged trails of natural environments. Uneven ground can even loosen parts of the wheelchair and cause them to slip out of place. , so it is important to always have a Allen key set in case maintenance is required on site. If you have limited upper body control, consider use velcro straps around the chest or feet to increase stability.

If your destination is a place where accessible restrooms may be non-existent or hard to find, a disposable urinal travel john either Travel Jane It can be a good option, and it is also easy to take with you. If you're going from a wheelchair to a beach or off-road wheelchair, an ableSling can help with transfers.

Finally, think about the products that make your life easier on a day-to-day basis and how you can satisfy those needs while out in nature. There are often smaller, more portable options for the same accessories you use at home.


Although many beaches offer their own terrain-specific wheelchairs and some parks have off-road wheelchairs that you can borrow, it is vitally important to consider how you are going to move around the outside before leaving home . Research the destination in advance to see if your current wheels are suitable.

If you plan to go on nature excursions in a wheelchair on a regular basis, Consider purchasing an all-terrain wheelchair that you can take with you. There are many options on the market and with different prices, but the GRIT Freedom chair It is a great option for users of manual wheelchairs with more force in the upper part of the body; if you need one motorized option , consider the Magic Mobility Extreme X8 or one Action Trackchair.


You can enjoy the outdoors in many ways ; If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that public spaces (such as natural parks or beaches) have not only not run out of steam, but also are more popular than ever.

Fortunately, Most of the world's great natural parks have accessibility measures , from the Grand Canyon until Yellowstone . In Spain, although a guide has been made to promote the adaptation of natural parks to all people, only 5 of them are currently accessible by wheelchair: Teide National Park, Doñana national park, Tables of Daimiel National Park, Sierra Nevada National Park Y Timanfaya National Park.

Álvaro Silbertein greets some llamas in Machu Picchu from his wheelchair.

Álvaro Silbertein greets some llamas in Machu Picchu from his wheelchair.

A good option is to consult the app Wikiloc , since among its filter options is that of accessible routes , with which you can ensure that you are on an adapted path. Outside of Spain, especially in the United States, the app Trail Link allows you to search for wheelchair accessible trails throughout the country, and is especially attractive “find a trail near me” function.

If what you are looking for is sun and sand, Please note that beaches can be very patchy when it comes to accessibility . In some areas of Spain, such as the Region of Murcia , you can consult your beach search engine, but in any case You should be able to consult their list of accessible beaches on the websites of regional governments.

For a beach to be considered accessible, it must have elements such as reserved parking spaces for people with disabilities, ramps of access, catwalks to the shore of the beach, changing rooms and adapted showers, lifeguards and support staff technical aids available (beach wheelchairs, bathroom wheelchairs and amphibious crutches) and adapted street furniture , among others.

There are various types of wheelchairs for the beach , from the standard manual options to the amphibious beach chairs that can get into the water, and even the motorized options that can be operated with a joystick Just like an electric wheelchair. Depending on your personal characteristics, one type or another will be better for you, so Before moving, investigate which ones you will have at your disposal.


If you want to start your nature adventures in a wheelchair calmly, parks and beaches in your area are perfect ways to gain confidence , but to expand your horizons in more ways than one you can cheer yourself up with sport activities As the cycling , the snowboard or the water skiing with organized activities.

In Spain we have the Spanish Federation of Sports for People with Physical Disabilities , which not only organizes activities, but also has links of interest and federated clubs with which to explore your limits.

Your way of enjoying outdoor activities may be a little different from other people, but That does not mean that you have to give up all the joys that this immersion in nature brings. . Now that you know where to start, the only thing left is leave insecurity behind and dare to live the experience.

This report was published in May 2022 in the international edition of Condé Nast Traveler.

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