The Galician swing where everyone wants to be photographed


Terra Brava swing

The Galician swing that triumphs in social networks

When Breogán Pereiro installed this swing in his vineyard, About eight years ago, he did not imagine that it would become a claim for many curious people who came here guided by word of mouth and social networks.

"I always liked paragliding and with so much work in the vineyard, the closest thing was to put the swing in the oak," he says. Breogán, owner of the Terra Brava winery, in Doade, a town belonging to the municipality of Sober (Lugo).

The Terra Brava swing was becoming more and more famous and There came a time when many visitors stopped respecting the vineyards in order to get the long-awaited snapshot.

The solution? Create a tourist route whose final experience is to ride the swing and enjoy the impressive views over the Sil canyons.


The spectacular swing with views of the Terra Brava winery was installed to be enjoyed in a particular way, but Its location, the influx of tourists from the Ribeira Sacra and social networks have made it an almost obligatory point of pilgrimage for Instagrammers, but also for nature lovers and photography enthusiasts. And is not for less.

Hanging from a hundred-year-old oak, the swing offers a beautiful panoramic view of the Sil river canyons: an idyllic enclave that could well be in Norway or Switzerland but not: It's Galician!

The swing is located in a very touristic area where hiking trails and other outdoor activities are carried out, "one day someone noticed the swing, uploaded it to social networks and that's where it all started", Breogán tells

And everything was going well until more and more people started arriving: "They did not respect the vineyard, they damaged the vines and I had to intervene on several occasions," explains Breogán.

Terra Brava swing

The Sil at your feet


Breogán opened the winery in 2012, although the truth is that the vineyard dates back to 1995: “We sell grapes to other wineries and we make four types of wines: a young red wine, a young white Godello and two Crianzas (a Caiño and a Mencía).

To preserve your vineyard and protect it from disrespectful visitors, Breogán has created a tour of the Terra Brava facilities whose end is precisely the swing.

“The route consists of a visit to the winery of the vineyard, where we explain how we make our wines, the care of the vineyard, the grape varieties...”, Breogán tells us.

“To access the vineyard and take the route that ends at the swing, the visitor must buy a bottle of our Crianzas, from €20, concludes Breogán, who also makes it clear that he does not intend to overcrowd the place, “The orography of the land does not allow us to have much space to park, we want people to come, of course, but without losing the magic of these sacred slopes”.

You can book the visit by calling this number: 661430007

Terra Brava swing

Of wines, vineyards and swings!

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