The video to dream of Indonesia until we return to it


Indonesia video frame by Oliver Astrologer

The video to dream of Indonesia until we can return to it

In her new video, Indonesia - The Archipelago of a Thousand Colors , director Oliver Astrologo has condensed into just over five minutes of visual pleasure many of the things we miss about traveling.

Namely, scenery that would make anyone rush to buy a plane ticket without much thought, lost towns in the middle of dense jungles; the people of those same little towns well supplied with crafts, traditions and stories with which to weave its History and celebrate and venerate it through rituals and festivals that, with pure color and intensity, transport us to a time that disappeared not so long ago and that we hope to recover soon.

Indonesia video frame by Oliver Astrologer

Flashes of beauty in the waves of its rice fields rocked by the breeze

Aware of the impossibility of fully exploring Indonesia, a country whose territory is counted in thousands of islands, Astrologo got wet and chose five of them. From Sumba to Lombok, passing through Raja Ampat, Sumatra and the omnipresent Bali.

And of each of them, details. flashes of beauty in the waves of its rice fields swaying by the breeze; of freedom with each kid perched on his surfboard; out of curiosity when a camera sweep shows us a new tradition. The unknown knocking, again, at last, at our door.

Of Sumba, in East Nusa Tenggara province, he was captivated the traditional thatched houses located on top of the hills. "They are grouped around unique megalithic tombs. There, the inhabitants they continue to pay tribute to their ancestors respecting the ancient religion of Marapu and maintaining a large part of the indigenous culture and traditions that have lasted for generations," Astrologo tells

"It is absolutely worth it because I have not found a more complete and rich culture and such a varied landscape anywhere else in the world", insists the Italian director.

Indonesia video frame by Oliver Astrologer

Crafts, traditions and stories with which to weave its history and celebrate and venerate it through rituals and festivals

A Lombok recommends going for the incredible beaches of the south coast and its epic Mount Rinjani. At more than 3,000 meters, life is seen differently and, in the case of this island, it looks and feels more relaxed and still slightly removed from the modernity and rhythm that have already colonized Bali.

That the Apple of his eyes is Raja Ampat became clear to us a year ago when he dedicated a film to this island located in the center of the coral triangle. "It is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. Here you find more than 1,400 species of fish and 75% of all known coral species in the world."

In fact, in that short film, Raja Ampat - The Amazon of the Ocean, he already denounced the pollution and destruction that plastic causes in our oceans. A theme that he points out again in Indonesia-The Archipelago of a Thousand Colors.

"Unfortunately, in the two years it has taken me to return to Indonesia, I have come across a significant increase in plastic, especially in Raja Ampat, which endangers one of the most unique places in the world ", describes the experience of him Astrologer of him.

Indonesia video frame by Oliver Astrologer

Landscapes that would make anyone buy a plane ticket without much thought

“I think we should also try to make a difference. It's enough to make simple daily choices to reduce the amount of plastic we use each day. And as travelers we can act like ambassadors of a plastic-free future, helping to spread knowledge about the problems facing our oceans”, reflects the director.

Astrologo's first trip to Indonesia was two years ago. Pure crush on the country. He pure crush with his people. “The beauty of traveling to Asia is that it is a safe destination and Indonesia is no exception. In fact, the people here are extremely hospitable and warm. No matter who you are, you will always find a new family waiting to make you feel at home."

And to integrate into their reality and participate in those rites that have so much prominence in this video. What the Ogoh Ogoh ceremony, figures made of paper mache about 7 meters long that walk through the streets of Bali until they reach the beach. There, they are burned and "it is believed that with the fire any evil spirits that have brought disease and misery to the island in the past year will also be banished."

Because this tradition takes place the night before Nyepi, a day dedicated entirely to silence and in which the island comes to a complete standstill for after six days of celebrations to welcome the new year.

No, it's not in December, but in spring, one day after the black moon of the equinox, when day and night are approximately the same length. Perhaps for the next one, we can already celebrate it in situ. Until then, inside video.

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