Tell me your zodiac sign and I will tell you where to travel in 2022


Where travel in 2022? Now that the borders seem headed -little by little- to finally open, there are many of us who ask ourselves this question. To answer it, how about we let the stars guide us? Search for your zodiac sign below and we will reveal which is the destination (which, probably, you still do not know) with which you will enjoy the most this year.

ARIES (March 21 to April 20)

Aries have a Energy and an overflowing vitality, which they use to live thousands of adventures. In addition, they carry the essence of pioneers in their hearts, and they love to be the first to discover everything. Anything else? That those born under this sign are enthusiastic and brave, spontaneous and dynamic , and have a strong independent spirit: they tend to be clear about what they want, and they don't hesitate to get it. Your perfect destination is... Folkstone.

TAURUS (From April 21 to May 20)

Taurus are persistent and determined. They love tranquility and dedicate time to reflection; rush overwhelms them more than any other sign! Therefore, they feel in their element when they are in the middle of nature. But that does not mean that they are exactly sober: they love pleasure and comfort They don't tend to worry too much and enjoy good food, art and architecture. Your ideal destination will be... Wolf's Fang Camp (Antarctica).

GEMINI (From May 21 to June 21)

Look at that person who is the life of the party with her strange stories, who fills the room with her laughter... and who, two minutes later, is completely absorbed in reading a book that she has taken from him. loaned to the host. Ask her about her horoscope: it's probably Gemini. Those born with the stars in this sign are enthusiastic and vital, imaginative, restless and radiant . They get bored with the simple - you'll never see them doing one thing at a time - and are drawn to the intellectual, the novel, the unusual . Your perfect trip will take you to... Valencia.

CANCER (From June 22 to July 23)

Those who belong to this sign are sensitive and intuitive , and they are very attached to the earthly: they love to spend time at home, in nature, with their family... but they also have a imagination that flies above the kites, which causes them to be tilted towards the art . Of course, do not think that Cancers like to always remain in their burrow, because shine in all kinds of social events and love a good party. For all that, your favorite destination will be... Camels Lloret (Montréal, France).

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Where will 2022 take you…?

LEO (From July 24 to August 23)

Leos are as creative as risky : It is not difficult to see them in the theater or in a concert, nor climbed to the highest peak, conquering challenges and adventures. Because these kings of the human jungle are ambitious, strong, brave and independent. In fact, they are true leaders who are not afraid of obstacles, but thrive on them. Perhaps that is why they like to access so much, whatever it takes, to can , and enjoy its associated luxuries. Your perfect destination is... Paris.

VIRGO (From August 24 to September 23)

Those of the sign of the virgin do not support disorder or poorly done things, because they are really meticulous and perfectionists. In fact, they are also not friends with uncertainty or the unknown, and they do not enjoy being in crowds. What do you like? Lead a healthy life, learn new things, music, such pleasant and elegant surroundings like themselves... And they love this destination... Montreux (Switzerland).

POUND (From September 24 to October 23)

Libra loves people, but she can't stand crowds. She is affable and cordial, but she resists taking orders. she is extremely intelligent , and at the same time, incredibly naive. She talks a lot, but she is also very good at listening. First up, then down; That's Libra in constant search of harmony , and, perhaps, the sign with better taste of the zodiac, what he expresses by developing in environments balanced and beautiful . To find that balance, she knows he must alternate bouts of frantic activity with periods of complete rest. Her favorite destination will be... Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic).

SCORPIO (From October 24 to November 22)

Scorpios are outspoken...perhaps too much. Probably for this reason, they attract both loyal admirers and spiteful enemies. They also know how to be sweet, empathic, generous and brave , and behave like faithful friends. They usually demonstrate interest in everything mystical and in the phases of life and death ; In addition, they are passionate lovers and when they are determined, they can achieve everything they set out to do. Your unforgettable destination will be... Ruigoord (Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

Two scuba divers swimming between rocks

The most daring will have their adrenaline rush in the destination that the crystal ball dictates...

SAGITTARIUS (From November 23 to December 21)

They have a unique combination of wit, intelligence, naivety and optimism . They are restless and talkative, and they are not usually very tactful when it comes to speaking, but they are not lacking in sincerity or mean anything. They love animals, and are attracted to danger , whether in sports, at work or in your hobbies. They are always planning something spectacular with which they intend to amaze the world. They love to eat, drink and travel. Your ideal destination will be... Bustamante Bay (Patagonia, Argentina).

CAPRICORN (From December 22 to January 20)

You will find a Capricorn anywhere where he has an opportunity to improve. In fact, they are disciplined and selfless . In addition, they respect authority and honor the tradition . They tend to be spectators rather than main actors -although they like positions of power, they behave soberly- and they radiate a certain gravity and melancholy. They have great manual dexterity, are practical and like to find the security In their lifes. Your favorite destination will be... Ribe (Denmark).

AQUARIUM (From January 21 to February 19)

Near an Aquarium, you will have to be constantly ready for the unexpected . Good-natured and calm by nature, he nonetheless enjoys defying public opinion and scandalizing to conventional ones. Is it so ahead of their time , and it is said that what Aquarius thinks is what the world will think in 50 years. They are interested in practically everything - not in vain, this sign is known as "that of the geniuses " - and he loves to surround himself with friends . His ideals: equality, brotherhood, universal love, live and let live, seek the truth and experiment. He will be happy in... Eindhoven (Netherlands).

PISCES (From February 20 to March 20)

How much more creative and artistic The more idle and esoteric the environment, the more Pisces you will find in it. With a calm spirit, those of this sign prefer a comfortable existence, without great shocks and, if possible, not very hard. They are big dreamers, they have a marked sense of humor and they usually see the good side of humanity, to which they like to reach out. They love to take refuge in the nature and they feel comfortable with the contemplative life. Your perfect destination is... Time + Tide Safaris camps (Zambia).

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