The best places in Spain to discharge adrenaline after confinement


Destinations to download adrenaline

Destinations to download adrenaline

After long weeks of confinement, the moment to return to nature and feel how the breeze caresses our face is something that deserves a big celebration. Gone are the emotions suffocated between four walls to drink, in large anxious sips, as if thirsty in a desert oasis, life without hesitation.

In Spain there are dozens of places where you can experience that intoxicating sensation produced by adrenaline circulating freely through the body. Feeling alive while connecting with nature and enjoying a sublime landscape. We deserve it.

River Noguera Pallaresa Spain

A rubber boat propelled by several people armed with oars in the Noguera Pallaresa


A rubber boat propelled by six people armed with oars and an experienced helmsman who is dedicated to avoiding, in the best possible way, the rapids of a wild river. For those who have spent a few weeks going from the living room to the bed, passing through the balcony and the supermarket, there are few things more electrifying to get the adrenaline flowing again.

And one of the best places in Spain to carry out this activity – known by the Anglo-Saxon word rafting - is he Noguera Pallaresa. This river is the one with the highest volume of all those that flow through the Pyrenees, and crosses the counties of Pallars Sobirà and Pallars Jussà before joining, after 135 kilometers, to the waters of the Segre River.

The small town of Lleida Sortes a good base to make descents through the Noguera Pallaresa, river in which whitewater sports were born in Spain.

With level IV rapids (VI being the most dangerous level of rafting) fun is guaranteed in a natural environment that invites, after living this exciting adventure, relaxation and rest.


In the center of the island of Tenerife, like a colossal Neptune who only seems to lack the trident to declare himself god of the Atlantic, Teide rises. This volcano, the protagonist of Guanche legends and myths, is also the cornerstone of the most visited national park in Spain.

Paragliding in Tenerife port of Izaña

If you jump from the Izaña track, you will never forget its views

On the ramps near Teide is where you can find Puerto de Izaña, a place where paragliding lovers find their little paradise.

The Izaña runway allows a spectacular flight with a drop of 2,200 meters – one of the highest in Europe – over the Güímar or La Orotava valleys, depending on the direction in which it is carried out.

whether in tandem or solo specialty, the incredible feeling of flying like a bird next to Teide, the Cho Marcial volcano, the valleys covered with pine trees and farming terraces, and the endless dark blue of the Atlantic, is something that is not easily forgotten.


Those who have fallen under the spell of surfing say there are few sensations as liberating and energetic as riding the waves on their boards. That's what they think, too, in the Surf School of Barinatxe beach , beautiful sandy area located in the Basque region of Uribe, between the towns of Sopelana and Getxo.

The beach is known by the nickname of the wild, due to its virgin aspect and its constant waves. Almost 800 meters long, it is surrounded by cliffs covered in green grass, creating a gratifying feeling of isolation and immersion in nature.

Thanks to constant waves, La Salvaje is a perfect place to practice surfing, with some areas for beginners and others for intermediate and high levels. Also, as if that weren't enough, the thermal currents in the area are usually ideal for paragliding, so surfers are flown over, almost daily, by those humans who play at being birds.


It is true that Pontevedra is known for its wonderful seafood from the Rías Baixas, its refreshing wines and its important cultural heritage (reflected in places as little visited as the Royal Monastery of Oia and the castle of Soutomaior).

However, the generous nature of Pontevedra offers the possibility of descend the river Umia surrounded by trees, vineyards and country houses. There are routes of different length, flowing, all of them into the Arosa estuary, where you can admire the hard work of the shellfish workers and regain strength by trying some pieces of their catch.


At one of the entrance doors Natural Park of the Sierra and Canyons of Guara - which extends through territories of the province of Huesca - is found Alquezar, one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Spain.

Make exploratory incursions into the twisted and spectacular ravines of the Sierra de Guara

Make exploratory incursions into the twisted and spectacular ravines of the Sierra de Guara

Alquézar exudes romance, offers good food and is an ideal place to retire to rest and forget about the outside world surrounded by stones that tell stories of past and buried centuries. However, it is also the perfect base for carry out exploratory incursions into the twisted and spectacular ravines of the Sierra de Guara.

The water of the rivers that cut through the mountains - a splendid turquoise blue - has penetrated the limestone rock walls, drilling them at will and sculpting a complex system of caves, jumps, pools and narrow open-air passages. The result is a real amusement park for lovers of canyoning.

There are different routes that present rappelling areas, jumps, climbing, sliding down slides and relaxing, and deserved, rest baths. All this surrounded by an enchanting nature, where the rock walls house nests of griffon vultures, imperial eagles and bearded vultures.


Although many of the travelers who visit Alicante do so in search of relaxation on its beaches, there are also those who want to experience strong emotions. The coasteering technique consists of taking advantage of all the fun that a rugged seacoast offers. Swim, climb rocks, play with the currents and jump from heights of up to 12 meters into deep turquoise pools are some of the attractions of this source of adrenaline rush.

Swimming climbing rocks playing with currents and jumping from heights of up to 12 meters

Swimming, climbing rocks, playing with the currents and jumping from heights of up to 12 meters

This adventure sport was invented in Wales, where the waters are quite cold and the wetsuit becomes a more than necessary accessory. However, on the coast that joins the Alicante towns of Villajoyosa and Benidorm Coasteering without wetsuits is possible between May and October. With booties – or slippers –, gloves and helmet It will be enough.

Here cliffs covered by typical Mediterranean vegetation and crossed by narrow paths traveled by hikers are outlined; coves with crystal clear waters, abundant in marine life; and even a historic watchtower from the 16th century – the Torre del Aguiló – which prevented pirate attacks and today offers the best possible views of Benidorm.

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