Put on your headphones and listen: travel podcasts to dream from home


Mobile cafe with small earphones and notebook on wooden table.

Podcast travelers to get rid of the bug

Perhaps you will be encouraged to fantasize about new destinations. Or maybe what you want is to hear about the adventures and misadventures of inveterate travelers.

It occurs to us that you do to discover other ways to travel, to learn about unknown places or, why not, for the simple fact of enjoying hearing about what you are so passionate about: travel.

The question is that from time to time podcasts have become loyal companions in our daily lives, and more and more travelers are encouraged to share their experiences through this channel.

Sound motivations with which to make these days more bearable. Talks that allow you to fantasize about those wonderful places that you will visit in the future.

To make it? As simple as pressing play and letting your imagination run wild: treat yourself to a journey through the words that allows you to get rid of the bug.

Phone with Google Play app open and headphones wrapped around it.

Podcasts to continue traveling with your headphones


Journalist, content producer, communicator, radio host and, above all —and above all—, a travel lover. This is Iñaki, the Bilbao native who is behind Touchstone , a project that started as a travel blog more than a decade ago and that went on to become a lively radio program broadcast on Onda Vasca between 2010 and 2016.

But it turns out that precisely since the beginning of this 2020 Touchstone has come back even stronger ready to turn its seventh season into a new window to the world. On this occasion, betting on the podcast format, a sound journey with which every week we feel the desire to travel the world hand in hand with the most interesting guests.

A space in which Iñaki proposes to speak of adventures, of remote and nearby destinations, of interesting traveling projects, of cooperation and, of course —let's remember that we are talking about a Basque!—, of the mountain. A full-fledged invitation to dream through words and interviews with the most remote places on the map.

Piedra de Toque has more than half a million downloads and you can listen to it on Ivoox, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.


In 2019 he made a long journey through USA , part of him alone. Account Carla, journalist and author of the travel blog Carla's Suitcase , that there came a time during that journey when she got tired of going everywhere listening to music and decided to try livening up her walks with some podcasts. The result? Not only was she completely hooked on the format, but she thought: “And why don't I do this?”.

That was how she, back home, immersed herself for days in a deep analysis that led her to become an expert in microphones and recording programs. Come September, she made the leap: she presented her first travel podcast, a project that in these months has become weekly —In the beginning she published every other Sunday— and in which it tries to accommodate all kinds of content related, not only to travel, but also to entrepreneurship and sustainable tourism.

Interviews, lively talks, advice, warnings, practical information and laughs, lots of laughs. Because if there is one thing Carla is clear about, it is that she wants her talks to be pleasant little moments that make listening happy and motivate you. That they make you have a good time, after all. And believe us: she gets it.

You can listen to her podcast at Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Ivoox, Spreaker and Podcast Addict.


Rubén, Lucy and their little Koke They surprised us just a few months ago with a beautiful documentary in which they told us about the benefits of traveling in the first years of a child's life.

But since their creative minds never stop inventing, and they have that blessed need to share their stories with the rest of the world, now they also give us a series of travel podcasts that entertain, educate and amuse in equal measure.

The funniest? what they do from Arminda, name with which they have baptized the latest addition to the family: a van with which they plan to tour Spain —they had already begun to do so, only they had to put their plans on hold until all this is over—and what lies ahead of them in that commitment to continue making travel their lifestyle.

On the topics that you can listen to in its episodes you will find from advice on what it is like to travel as a couple, to confessions about what happens after returning from a long trip or, precisely, how to organize it. The coronavirus has meant that at the moment they have had to "stop production", but there are already several talks with which you can get into the matter. Pure inspiration!

listen to them on Spotify, Spreaker, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Ivoox and Apple Podcasts.

The family of 'Something to remember' in Viñales Cuba.

The family of 'Something to remember' in Viñales, Cuba


Luciano and Ariel They are two Argentines who talk with the occasional beer in between about the benefits of traveling, yes, but also about that other side that not everyone talks about: because traveling for long periods is not —according to them— as beautiful as they paint it. And because the world is full of colors among which there is also a place for gray and, of course, black. Even when a dream is coming true.

Both are experienced globetrotters who strive to entertain you with their talks, grouped into two seasons of episodes —and adding—perfect to make these afternoons of confinement a little more bearable. To listen to them? You can pull Spotify and Google Podcasts.


If you are a travel and photography lover, no need to look any further: here is the podcast you need! And it is that sandra valaure she is absolutely passionate about both worlds that, years ago, she decided to share with everyone who dared to listen to her knowledge, tricks and techniques to capture in an image those wonderful places that are scattered around the world.

And besides, she also shared her talks: those that she held with the most renowned photographers and travelers in our country. And we speak in the past tense because, sadly, two years ago Sandra decided to stop publishing them: the luck for us is that all of her episodes are still available to listen to.

Take a look at the long list of her podcasts and find names like Tino Soriano, Ángel López Soto, Joan Vendrell, Jordi Canal and Roberto Iván Cano, great travel photographers with whom Sandra shared very interesting conversations that will not only entertain you these days: they will also They will inspire you, and a lot, to continue traveling and capturing the world as soon as the situation allows us. We have already said it on other occasions: Nothing and no one can prevent us from dreaming, right?

Listen to their podcasts on platforms like Ivoox.


Can you imagine what it would be like to live traveling in a van? Carry your work on your back —or not— and travel the world while earning money? And working in the places you travel to? Did you ever consider it?

Íñigo Mendia, a born traveler who has traveled halfway around the world, he launched in 2019 to create a podcast in which to share with his listeners all his knowledge about the world of camper vans, a way of traveling and living that gives him the freedom he has dreamed of all his life: that is how he was born traveling simple.

In those few moments, which already amount to 52 episodes, take the opportunity to to give tricks and advice, but also to chat with other travelers who, like him, have dared to live or spend great seasons on four wheels.

But Íñigo did not stop there, what's up: since the beginning of 2020 he started a new sound project, another podcast in which the theme is focused on reveal all those different possibilities that exist to live traveling. Hence his name: How to Travel

Deliveries that he will publish a couple of times a month and in which he will also chat with other great travelers who have achieved make his passion – travel – his life, whether as digital nomads or looking for work in those destinations to which they go. A mine of practical information, of that there is no doubt.

listen to them on Spotify or Ivoox.


Perhaps, if you are a big fan of photography and quite active on social networks, the name behind the F 2.2 podcasts. sounds like you And it is that Mauro A. Fuentes —aka Fotomaf— has been sharing information, tips, reviews and tricks about photography for a long time, well in general, in the virtual world. A help that every fan of this art values ​​very much.

The good thing is when Mauro calls his friend Ignatius Left As is often the case, photography podcasts veer in one key direction: photography, yes, but travel. And it's just that there's nothing else, but if Ignacio has something, it's experiences and anecdotes to tell about his journeys around the world, of which he has traveled a good part.

that, and also a wonderful sensitivity to capture with his camera what he has in front of him and that many of us are not able to see even with our own eyes. So when the two get together… the talks flow and the good vibes too.

If you feel like spending a little while entertaining, discovering new destinations, photography tricks, and finish charged with positivism, this is your podcast! You'll find them on platforms like **Ivoox, iTunes, Spreaker and Overcast. **


Not only travel lovers bet on telling their adventures through podcasts: there are also those radio programs, the classics of a lifetime, that we have been listening to for years through the airwaves of the most important radio stations in our country, and whose episodes are hung for posterity in this format about which we talk so much today on their respective websites.

That is, you have available at the reach of a click hours and hours of traveling content to mentally move you wherever you want!

And we talk to you about Gente Viajera in Onda Cero, with Esther Eiros at the helm, that every weekend makes us fly to the most diverse destinations on the planet and whose programs are automatically available online.

also from Being Adventurers, from Cadena Ser, directed by José Antonio Ponseti, who every Saturday echoes the most curious news about adventures and offers the most useful information through great travelers.

And we should also refer to Nomads, in this case on RNE, directed and presented by Álvaro Soto, that already has no less than more than 540 programs behind it; Already 20th parallel -among many others-, Radio Marca's travel program , which you can listen to live every Saturday and Sunday and deferred, through podcasts, whenever you want. So why not now?


One of the great communicators of our country in terms of travel also recently launched into the exciting world of podcasts. we talk about Paco Nadal, journalist and an absolute lover of radio, where he has been motivating and inspiring his listeners to travel for 16 years in his collaborations with Cadena Ser, the house where he has worked —and continues to do so— together with Carles Francino both in Hoy por Hoy and in La Ventana.

The reason for this jump? "I think it's a perfect means of communication to recount trips because it manages to transport you to distant worlds just with the evocation caused by sounds" he tells us.

That is why he was clear that his evolution would lead him, sooner or later, to bet on this fresh format to which he wanted to give a very personal touch: "Paco Nadal's podcasts are born as audio guides to my favorite destinations. Half an hour of practical and useful information in which I tell what I want and how I want, just as I would advise a friend who asks me for information for their next vacation”.

So far it has been published two episodes dedicated to two of his most beloved places: New York and Namibia. Although the list of corners that is to come, we have no doubt, is infinite. Paco Nadal himself tells us: “This has only just begun!”.

Cheer up to listen to their podcasts on Ivoox and Spotify.

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