Six accessories to sleep like angels


sleep well

Photo by Chris Abney on Unsplash.

Sleep well , with all that it implies —getting to reconcile the sleep soon, doing it in one go and waking up with the feeling of having rested everything our body needs- has been for decades one of the greatest wishes of an increasingly growing group of people who, well suffering from insomnia or has some kind of difficulty sleep.

Put to order, we add to the list to do it anywhere and anywhere in the world, see several thousand feet high on the seat of an airplane or inside a sleeping bag and with the only company of a travel pillow; but at least in the quiet of our bed.

From the Spanish Sleep Society point out that this depends mainly on two factors, our internal biological clock and the synchronizers or habits that are responsible for starting it, such as maintaining a routine, an especially important aspect in exceptional situations , both in the case of kids Like, of course, adults.

sleep well

Photo by Kalegin Michail on Unsplash.

Wake up and go to bed at the same time, but also keep a schedule of meals and activities as similar as possible, and that includes weekends, is without a doubt one of the best synchronizers. get up with light and start the day with activity, while you dedicate the last hours of it to behaviors designed to relax and prepare the body for bedtime. sleep is a key aspect.

Eating dinner at least two hours before going to bed and avoiding the consumption of stimulating drinks during the last hours of the day are other tricks that make let's sleep better . If you still think you need a little more help to To fall asleep , we select some of the most popular gadgets. All of them have been designed with a clear objective: sleep like angels , once and for all.


The solution to get up with light, without the need for sleep with the blind raised, it involves resorting to the help of an intelligent alarm clock that simulates both sunrise and sunset, thanks to a mechanism that gradually increases or decreases the intensity of the light. The Fitfort brand, the best valued in amazon , has 20 brightness levels and 7 different colors; In addition, it offers the possibility of adding different natural sounds and setting two different alarms at the same time.

sleep well

sleep well


Information is one of the keys to identifying any problem and, in the case of those who avoid reconciling the sleep that implies knowing its quality. Although there is nothing like the help of an expert, resorting to an activity bracelet is a good first step. The list of options is very numerous, but among all of them the ** Xiaomi Band 4 ** has become one of the most popular. It is also one of the simplest, enough to know, in addition to physical activity and our heart rate, our sleep habits.

sleep well

sleep well


An option, similar to the previous one but more focused on carrying out an exhaustive analysis and monitoring of the sleep , is Sleep Analyzer. It is a sensor that is placed under the mattress to measure parameters such as sleep cycles, heart rate and even snoring. All the data is analyzed by a mobile application that offers all the information on a daily basis, in order to help you change your habits and improve the quality and time of your rest.

sleep well

sleep well


Going to bed with a relaxed body and a clear mind is an aspect directly related to the speed with which we will achieve To fall asleep . In the Renpho brand, they propose to achieve this with the help of a mask that massages the eyes, while offering a sensation of heat.

sleep well

sleep well


We know that eliminating all kinds of stimuli is key to achieving sleep faster and better, but the truth is that there is a percentage of the population (and it is higher than we think) that needs music or the help of the radio to reconcile sleep . Resorting to headphones was, until recently, the only solution to avoid disturbing the roommate. In pikolin They have created a viscoelastic pillow with built-in speakers that, as they say, are invaluable to the person sleeping next to it.

sleep well

sleep well


It is no secret that there are aromas that can instill an instant feeling of relaxation, just by lighting a candle or spraying some essential oil. the cosmetic company This Works has created a spray for the pillow, baptized Deep Sleep and made from essential oils of lavender, vetiver and wild chamomile, which promises to calm the body and mind to not only fall asleep faster, but also wake up with a better feeling.

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