Is the Nordic diet the new Mediterranean diet?


More cereals vegetables and rapeseed oil.

More cereals, vegetables and rapeseed oil.

The **secret of Nordic happiness** has no secret. It is the food and it seems that it will be the new mediterranean diet and the one that they will fervently recommend to us in the coming years.

The New Nordic Food became the talk of the town in 2004 when some of the Baltic's most reputable chefs and members of the Nordic Council of Ministers agreed to draw up a manifesto based on four principles: the diet should be healthy , potentially gastronomic, sustainable and had to respect the nordic identity.

But it has been the Health Organization the one that has been in charge of putting it on the European tables with a new report presented in the month of May. The Health Evidence Network Synthesis Report It talks about the benefits that both diets have on our health.

Both reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases , type 2 diabetes, cancer, and for its part, the Mediterranean diet helps in diseases such as Alzheimer's and the Parkinson's , while the Nordic is recommended for weight loss.

If the Mediterranean became famous, it was because of the high quality and quantity of plant-based foods and the olive oil it contains, as well as the moderate intake of fish and poultry. On the other hand, it is characterized by a low consumption of dairy products (mainly yogurt and cheese), red meats, processed meats and sweets, which we substitute with fresh fruit.

oh! and let's not forget the NAP Y our long after-dinners which have also been reflected in the report, but despite what we might think, as something beneficial.

The Mediterranean diet is the best.

The Mediterranean diet, the best.

But what do we know about the new nordic diet ? First we place it on the map and they appear Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway Y Sweden.

The main components of the pyramid of Baltic Sea They include berries and fruits, fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, and salmon, as well as lean fish such as cod. They include many more legumes, vegetables like cabbage and root vegetables, and more whole grains, including barley, oats, and rye.

And here is the big difference with the Mediterranean diet : the canola oil either rape . It does not contain as many antioxidants as olive oil but it is rich in monounsaturated fats, which help the health of our heart and in good cholesterol. And another one: the vegetable origin it is much more careful, more local and generates less waste.

In Finland you will find the neo-Nordic diet.

In Finland you will find the neon-Nordic diet.

In 15 countries in Europe The neon-Nordic diet is already being implemented, but there is still a long way to go, meanwhile this is the decalogue with which you can start practicing:

1. More fruits and vegetables every day. Better fresh and not precooked

2. Eat more cereals

3.Fish and the sea are your allies. Greenpeace helps you shop more consciously

4. Add wild ingredients to your diet

5. Less meat and better quality

6. More organic products

7. Do not forget about seasonal foods

8.Homemade food is the best. Don't be lazy and cook!

9. Reduce additives in your meals

10. Start thinking about the environment and reduce waste.

The secret to Nordic happiness is in their diet.

The secret to Nordic happiness is in their diet.

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