Iguazú: how to enjoy one of the seven natural wonders of the world


We tell you the best way to enjoy paradise and how to do it literally 24 hours a day.

We tell you the best way to enjoy paradise and how to do it literally 24 hours a day.

Already from the plane one intuits that this place is going to be special. Upon landing on the Iguazú Falls International Airport , the only thing you glimpse is a small landing strip surrounded by greenery, that stretches as far as the eye can see.

Are miles of leafy trees that make you feel as if you had been left in the middle of the jungle.

The reason is that the airport adjoins the Iguazú National Park, one of the green lungs of Argentina and Brazil, with a surface that spans four times the length from the city of Madrid and where the Iguazu waterfalls , one of the seven natural wonders of the world and why we have come here.

The mouth open and the camera at full capacity

The mouth open and the camera at full capacity

The falls can be seen since Brazil Y Argentina and are one of its great tourist claims.

The Iguazú River traces the border between the two countries and flows into the Paraná River , where the borders of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Its waterfalls and jumps -with heights of up to 82 meters- , range from 275 , in the rainiest seasons, to 150 , on dry days, and contemplating them up close is a unique experience.


From the airport we go directly to the Gran Meliá Iguazú hotel, where as soon as you enter you can look at the falls through the glass windows. It is the only hotel that is **inside the Argentine national park. **

One time The park closes at 6:00 p.m. you and the rest of the hotel guests will be the only ones who can continue enjoying its views while you drink a cocktail in the infinity pool or on the rooftop.

Pool of the Gran Meli Iguazú hotel

Swimming pool at the Gran Meliá Iguazú hotel

When you go to the room, you do not want to close the curtains so as not to stop seeing them; and at dawn, you can have breakfast in the restaurant while still witnessing privileged views From this place.

Another reason to stay at this hotel is that you can avoid the queues that form at the entry point and be one of the first to visit the falls when the park opens at 8 in the morning. Just follow the path behind the pool to get started one of the three circuits.

In the lower circuit, which extends along some 1,400 meters, You will be able to see some of the most impressive jumps like Two Sisters and Bossetti. The top walk, 1,750 meters , offers you a different perspective from the top of the falls as San Martin jump.

The third ride, the most popular, is The devils throat , which you can reach fucking the Jungle Ecological Train or walk a kilometer until you reach the station, from where you will have to walk along some footbridges located on the Iguazú river.

A magical destiny...

A magical destination...

It is a smooth ride until you approach throat. when you look up, you will see a torrent of water falling about 82 meters high and forming a mist that will prevent you from seeing the bottom. An abyss shaped like a 'u' that you will want to immortalize again and again because you have rarely seen something like it.


On the Argentine side you can spend a couple of days quietly visiting the falls, and more if you want to see them up close with one of the boat rides offered by the Iguazú Jungle company.

A walk in the moonlight

A walk in the moonlight?

If you like adrenaline and want to get soaked under the falls, your tour is the Great Adventure. Start with a tour in an all-terrain vehicle along the 5.5 km Yacaratiá trail , in which one of its guides will tell you the secrets of its flora and fauna.

Here they grow 90 types of trees , some can exceed 20 and 30 meters in height, which coexist with 2,000 protected vascular plants, 80 types of mammals and 450 species of birds.

After the ride, you will change the ATV for a boat with which they will take you to the falls to be as close as possible to them. They will put you under the San Martín waterfall to receive a full-fledged baptism of which we assure you you will come out totally soaked.

If you are lucky enough to be in the days that there is a full moon , the park offers you a walk to the Devil's Throat so you can see the falls in the moonlight. **

It is usually done five nights a month and each has three outings. We recommend that you book in advance because sometimes tickets are sold out soon.

Devil's throat

Devil's throat


The visit to the falls will not be complete if you do not look at them from the Brazilian side. To get there **you can book transportation with the hotel or go on your own. **

In front of Gran Melia Iguazu there is a stop that will transport you to the Puerto Iguazú bus station, where will you have to take another bus with which you will cross the border to reach the Iguacu National Park.

Once in the Brazilian national park, the lines are usually a bit long to get on the bus that will take you from the entrance to the first waterfalls, and where is the Hotel das Cataratas.

The circuit from this side is shorter , does not require more than a day, since** two thirds of the falls are on the Argentine side.** But the views are just as impressive, offering a great panorama.

The walk ends at floriano jump , where the catwalks bring you as close as possible to the Devil's throat , which you saw from above on the Argentine side but here you will see from below, And where will you get wet again?

Naipi viewpoint

Naipi viewpoint

you will have to have patience to take a good photo or selfie, because in this area is where the majority of tourists crowd. You can finish the walk by going up to the Naipi viewpoint, a 27-meter elevator with views of the falls.


The last way we have left to admire the falls is as the birds see it. The Brazilian company Helisul, what is found 350 meters from the exit of the national park, offers helicopter rides of 10 minutes and 35 minutes, depending on if you only want to see the falls or also the national park and the area where the borders of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay meet.

The landscape from above is even more impressive

The landscape from above is even more impressive

Its panoramic views will make you feel small when you see how the vegetation stretches for miles, only interrupted by the river and its waterfalls.

This experience will put the finishing touch to your trip, in which you will have contemplated in all possible ways one of the most impressive places in the world.

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