Dark Sky Park, the park in Holland where you will see the Milky Way without a telescope


boy watching the milky way

It is enough to lie down on the ground to see the Milky Way perfectly

No matter how many millennia go by: what most fascinates human beings is still the freaks of nature : fire, waves, storms, stars . The sensation, for example, of feeling all the lights of the celestial vault unfolding before you is so overwhelming that we travel thousands of kilometers, to the solitude of the desert, just to enjoy it. And then we never forget her.

However, you don't have to go that far to witness the greatest show on Earth: just travel to Holland. There in his Dark Sky Park it is possible to perfectly distinguish the Milky Way without the need of a telescope, just lying on the ground and looking up. In fact, the park belongs to one of the 11 darkest places in Europe , a title that, living in the current light pollution conditions, is truly difficult to obtain.

The best thing is that this nocturnal hotspot is located in an extraordinarily interesting place during the day too: the Boschplaat nature park , on Terschelling, one of the West Frisian Islands. There is the oldest lighthouse in Holland, the Brandaris , which dates from 1594 and can be visited. In addition, his traditional farms, Specializing in cheese and ice cream, they preserve many of the traditional trades of this land.

Terschelling beach

Terschelling is well worth a visit

But, of course, since it is a natural park, the most interesting thing has nothing to do with man: it is his scenery those that delight travelers. Thus, for example, when the tide is low, it is quite an experience to walk along the bottom of the Wadden Sea , formed by dunes, sandbanks, marshes and mudflats. They are home to colonies of spoonbills, common terns and seagulls, as well as native plants and marine species. In fact, if you are lucky, it is even possible to see nice seals in them. There is also a very peculiar birch forest, the Berkenvalley.

In summer, it is also possible to enjoy its virgin beaches , as well as from Oil Festival , which is held in June and fills the island for ten days with all kinds of shows: theatre, cabaret, concerts, ballets... Doesn't that sound like the perfect getaway...?

Terschelling beach

an amazing island

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