How to see five planets (with the naked eye) in one night


Enjoy Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter and Saturn

Enjoy Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

Who cares about the cold when Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be within reach of your eyes? An experience that you can until February 20 Now all that is needed is clear skies to be able to enjoy this planetary parade.

"The alignment of planets occurs because almost all of them orbit the sun in very similar planes, evidence that they all formed from the same protoplanetary disk ; that they are close is something that happens with some frequency but that has no major consequence”, the astronomer explains to Traveler Cesar Fuentes , former member of Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and now at the University of Chile.

Can they be seen better from a specific place? "The planets appear aligned near the path that the sun travels in the sky, the ecliptic, therefore places near the equator will be able to see it more vertically ; to observe the planets it is recommended to observe in the direction of sunrise about 45 minutes before sunrise” , adds Sources.

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