Tell me what kind of traveler you are and I'll tell you which Greek island to visit


Tell me what kind of traveler are you and I will tell you which Greek island to visit

Happiness is in these islands

It may be their light, with which they envelop a landscape that is pure mediterranean essence . Or perhaps its magnetic profile, often heir to a volcanic past. The fact is that nothing can prevent the emotion before these sun drenched islands and scattered throughout the Hellenic country.

More than 3,000 are counted, although only about 300 are inhabited and on them rests the stock of images commonly held of Greece : the blue dome of a church dominating the bay, the resplendent beaches, the infinite olive groves, the whitewashed houses where bougainvilleas climb, the quixotic mills... and even the yogurt lady screaming in an impossible language.

Tell me what kind of traveler are you and I will tell you which Greek island to visit

All possible escapes fit here

There is in this mosaic of island pieces an addictive cadence of sarongs, siestas and sunsets. A cult for the good life, nature without canning, the enjoyment of the flavors of the land. And a lot, a lot of human warmth, that phylloxenia that they say there to refer to a hospitality that is part of the Greek experience.

In these islands foreign to the dictatorship of the clock it is learned that happiness may lie in a morning plunge into emerald waters or in a salad heaped with feta cheese on the checkered tablecloth of a tavern.

Then, of course, they are the echoes of antiquity, the mythological resonances, the mark left by the different civilizations (Minoans, Romans, Byzantines, Venetians...) who shaped its history.

And if to this is added the bug produced by rubbing shoulders with the beginnings of thought, listening to the precursory beats of democracy and imagining the first steps of art, science and philosophy, seduction is more than served: There will be no choice but to profess an eternal love for them.

Grouped into different archipelagos and caressed by different seas, discovering these islands requires doing something very simple first: decide which Greece you want to live in.

Tell me what kind of traveler are you and I will tell you which Greek island to visit

To each type of traveler, an island

Because it doesn't matter what is expected of them: They have such a combination of elements that there is room for every traveler.

Sunset hunters, clubbers, nostalgic for heroes, gods and poets, lovers of good food, seekers of lost cultures or mere mortals who may be crying out for a shipwreck in one of these paradises. So tell us what kind of traveler you are and we'll tell you which Greek island to be shipwrecked on.

For the most foodies...

Driving through Crete a northern route between Balos and Heraklion

Crete is haunting you

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