The Solar Observatory of Chankillo, new World Heritage of Humanity



Chankillo, authentic masterpiece of architecture, engineering and astronomy

Before the Incas, there was another great civilization in Peru that worshiped the sun. They were the ones who, between the years 200 and 500 before Christ, set up Chankillo , a full solar horizon calendar recorded as the first in America and one of only two of its kind in the world.

"This complex – made of stone – has a ceremonial center, a plaza and 13 towers aligned from north to south . It was built by an ancient civilization some two millennia before the rise of another well-known sun cult, the Inca empire, allowing extraordinarily precise astronomical observations, according to recent studies. His goal was time with amazing accuracy the months, solstices and equinoxes, planting and harvest seasons, as well as religious festivals . The structure works like a giant clock that marks the passage of time over a year , considered a true masterpiece of architecture, engineering and astronomy", they explain from Turismo de Perú.

Thus, for example, during the December solstice, from an observation point to the west of the towers, sunrise is observed at the top of Tower 13 . Then, for the June solstice, from the same point, the sunrise is observed to the left of Tower 1, on a natural hill that was interpreted as the 'tower' on the far left in this profile. Thanks to these amazing characteristics, the Chankillo has just been declared by UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The archaeological site of Chankillo is located in Áncash, north of the city of Lima. It is the third monument to be declared a World Heritage Site in the area, after the Chavín Archaeological Complex –administrative and religious center of the Chavín culture– and the Huascarán National Park, the largest tropical mountain range in the world. The area is definitely becoming one of the essential stops on any trip to Peru.

Ancash Peru

Ancash, Peru

"Guarded by the Black and White Cordilleras, Áncash is the right place to connect with the Peruvian Andes and its ancient history . In this region to the north of Lima, lovers of mountaineering and trekking will enjoy like nowhere else on earth: here is the mythical Huaylas Alley and it's where you find the precious Llanganuco lagoon ; we are talking about the cradle of the Chavín culture and its legacy , which can be witnessed to this day", conclude from the country's tourism department.

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