From Bilbao to the Bay of Biscay: a walk along the estuary


Portugalete Suspension Bridge

The views from the Hanging Bridge of Portugalete will leave you speechless

Bilbao is much more than the Guggenheim, the Casco Viejo or its acclaimed pinchos. The Biscayan capital is also its estuary, through which we intend to make a tour without haste, but if you pause, to discover each of the attractions that it hides. Shall we start?

In total, 23 kilometers separate the heart of Bilbao from the Cantabrian Sea. 23 kilometers of estuary, the nerve , full of sinuous curves that contain surprises in the form of history, architecture, nature and, of course, gastronomy : We are in the Basque Country, did anyone really think that we would not talk about good food?

and to start we place the official starting flag in Portugalete , who wants to enjoy one of the most beautiful enclaves on our route.

Salazar Portugalete Tower

The Salazar tower, from the 14th century, is one of the most representative buildings in Portugalete

This elegant fishing village, with its historic center of medieval origin full of steep and narrow streets, It's perfect for getting into the mood and getting an idea of ​​what's to come.

You can visit the Salazar Tower, from the 14th century and one of the emblems of the town, or delve into the Basilica of Santa Maria , a Gothic-Renaissance style temple that will make you teleport to past times.

But, without a doubt, the great attraction of Portugalete is precisely in the estuary: the immense ** Hanging Bridge (or Vizcaya Bridge) **, built in iron at the end of the 19th century by Don Alberto Palacio Elissague, connects with the neighbor Getxo and is one of the largest and most beautiful works of engineering in northern Spain -It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO for a reason.

Cheer up, take the elevator up to its pedestrian walkway at 63 meters high And get ready: the views will leave you speechless.

Although if you are one of those who are always looking for a touch of adventure, we propose an activity that, rather than leaving you speechless, will make you scream until you say “enough”: goming Or what is the same, jump into the void from the top of the bridge tied by feet and waist of an elastic rope . It will make you release all that adrenaline that you carry inside.

The company Eye Guarena Adventure It hosts jumps several times a month, so all you have to do is muster up enough courage to sign up. And jump of course!

From Bilbao to Cantbrico, a walk along the estuary

Adrenaline at the foot of the bridge

If you manage to fully recover from the experience, you may want to collect yourself or take a short nap. One option would be to stay at the ** Hotel Puente Hanging **, a few meters from where you are.

So you can go to sleep and wake up with the beautiful views of this Biscayan icon just by looking out the window.

Back on the road, instead of doing the road “from Santurce to Bilbao” , as the mythical song says, we do it in the opposite direction and from Portugalete. And for this, what better way than to take a pleasant walk along the estuary?

The groups of gentlemen patiently sitting next to their fishing rods and the children playing are the omnipresent decoration of this scene that ends next to the port.

There, surrounded by innumerable little boats that seem to have been conscientiously created for the postcard, is the old Fishermen's Guild , today converted into Santurce Itsasoa Interpretation Center.

If you want to take a look inside, you will know the details of what this sardine-producing town was like in its beginnings. By the way, since you're here, you'll have to taste their star product, don't you think?

Santurce boardwalk

Santurce boardwalk

- With a full stomach, it's time to eat down, and for this there is nothing like continuing to walk, this time, uphill, and if it is with sports or mountain shoes, better than better.

It's time to upload 451 meters to the top of Serrantes , the mountain from which you will see the most beautiful panoramic view of the estuary.

On the right, Bilbao with its tall buildings. On the other, the port of the city and the mouth of the estuary to the Cantabrian Sea.

With his eyes he follows the sinuous line traced by the estuary and guesses, from a distance, other towns that live facing it, such as Sestao or Erandio.

If the time catches you sunset in the Serrantes, you are in luck. Enjoy the magic of the city lighting up as the sun disappears over the horizon.

If you do it at another time of the day, take the opportunity to do one of the various hiking trails that are signposted in the area. You can be sure that some sport will not hurt you before continuing with the route.

Mount Serrantes

Only 451 meters separate you from the top of Mount Serrantes and its spectacular views!

And it was the turn of ** Ciérvana **, another of the towns that, precisely because of its location at the mouth of the Bay of Biscay, lives facing the estuary. And this translates into four words: “charming seaside town”.

The history of the men and women dedicated to the sea for life is reflected in the sculpture by Xebas Larrañaga that welcomes you in the port. And in it, more colorful boats and more fishing nets: the essence of the estuary embodied in every corner.

But Ciérvana not only enjoys the sea: the mountain also decorates the landscape that surrounds it, providing it with innumerable hiking trails.

And since from so much walking and strolling, hunger is starting to set in again, what better plan than to make a technical stop at the Glory Restaurant , next to the port, to taste its exquisite delicacies: seafood and fish.

If you dare you can ask if it is possible to visit their nurseries. Just by crossing the street you will discover where the raw material with which you have just delighted comes from.

Gloria Cirvana Restaurant

Grilled sea bream from Gloria Restaurant, exquisite!

And it turns out that, without eating or drinking it -clearly this last sentence is a figure of speech-, you have reached the Bay of Biscay. But the thing does not end here, what is it: since you are here, why not launch yourself to discover some other treasure in the area?

To do this you will have to cross the right bank of the Nervión and reach the coast of Sopelana . Its immense and eternal beaches make up a landscape that you must enjoy.

We stay with the Arrietara , one of the most popular. This is a place to relax: sit on the sand, put your mobile phone away for a while, and Give yourself the pleasure of enjoying one of those sunsets that are never forgotten.

In case the weather is not for the work, a good option is to have something in the restaurant The Rock of Sopelana , located in an exceptional enclave, and admire the views before you.


The coast of Sopelana will make you hold your breath

If these proposals are not enough for you, and it turns out that you have a restless ass, take advantage of the bravery of the Bay of Biscay to throw yourself on the surfboard.

In Sopelana There are several schools where you can start or perfect your technique in the art of balancing on the waves: a true paradise for lovers of this sport.

And since we are talking about adventures, one more proposal. Have you heard of the coastering ? If not, it's time to experience it: it's time to put on a wetsuit, put on a helmet, some good shoes... and jump into the water!

As you read it: this activity will take you to explore the coast walking, climbing, jumping and swimming , according to touch, by the cliffs of Gorliz , a Biscayan town in which active tourism has a great presence.

truck is one of the companies that offers it. An original way to discover the most hidden side of the landscape.


The cliffs of Gorliz: the paradise of the most sporty

And yes, the end of the road is near. But, as so much hustle and bustle has probably whet your appetite again, our last proposal has to be, obviously, gastronomic.

go to the neighbor Plenty and enjoy yourself in passing in its fishing port: right in front of it is the kaian restaurant .

Surrounded by a young, fresh and elegant atmosphere, try your luck with marinated salmon, roasted octopus or spider crab Kaian style: you will not fail.

And in this way, while you drain what is left on your plate and savor the last sip of your glass of wine, the farewell arrives.

Of course, we assure you that You will leave with the best taste in your mouth that you could hope for.


Plencia: the end of the route along the estuary and a good place to start with a full stomach

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