Do we brave the cold? We are going to Medinaceli


Shall we brave the cold? We go to Medinaceli

Do we brave the cold? We are going to Medinaceli

It takes barely an hour and three quarters to get to medinaceli since Madrid , in the province of Soria , perhaps at a time of year when Torrezno Soria is more appealing than ever.

Seeing the village at the top of the hill, the first greeting is received air from Soria , almost as pure as ice cream, a warning that the city has faced all kinds of adversity to stay on its feet through the centuries.

Medinaceli can boast of having resisted the scourge of all kinds of conquerors who, at every step, left their mark on their lands. The conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by the romans , had a special fixation on Medinaceli, which was erected as an important step in the **Vía XXV, the Roman road that linked Mérida ** (Emérita Augusta) with Zaragoza (Caesar Augusta).

His position, in Jalon river valley and at a considerable height (1202 meters above sea level), turned this town into a real candy for later cultures . In fact, it was a very important enclave that served as a border between Christians and Muslims, hence many remains of the different cultures mixed together can be seen.

Cobbled streets of Medinaceli Soria.

Cobbled streets of Medinaceli

Medinaceli is declared as Historic-Artistic Complex since 1963 and it has so many things to do that it is very important to take it easy because the day is not short. Although the city center can be reached by car, it is always advisable to walk from the entrance and, once at the top, observe the spectacle of the valley seen from the top of the hill. The experience is priceless.


Undoubtedly one of the things that attracts the most attention when landing in Medinaceli is the majesty of its Roman arch.

Declared a Site of Cultural Interest in 1930 , was built in the 1st century at the time of Domitian , possibly as a gateway to and from the city, although it is not really clear. It is the only Roman arch that we have in Spain with three arcades and its state of conservation is quite good.

Plaza Mayor of Medinaceli

Plaza Mayor of Medinaceli

It is not the only trace we have of the passage of the Romans through the town. In the streets of the town you can find mosaics of what were great Roman houses, as well as remains in the old wall. On the way to the entrance of the village, An essential snapshot is at the source of “La Canal”, that supplied water to Medinaceli for almost 2000 years.

Medinaceli has been walled ever since, and remains of the Romans and Arabs, who reused the wall to defend the city, can be seen. On the part of the latter, Medinaceli still retains the Arab Gate , one of the four accesses that the wall had and that was the location of a market in another time. From the Arabs there is also a snowfield, where winter snow was stored for use after the cold and whose use was maintained after the Reconquest.

Also of the Arabs remained the castle , which was a old citadel whose remains are still visible. This alcazaba was later used by the counts of Medinaceli in the fifteenth century and once again reveals the interest of Medinaceli as a fortification.

In addition, Medinaceli boasts religious buildings that arouse interest for lovers of architectural art, such as the Beguinage of San Roman , which served as a retreat for women from high society, or the convent of Santa Isabel, still active. And the Christ of Medinaceli can also be visited in the Collegiate Church , another building dating from the early 16th century.

View of Medinaceli from the road

View of Medinaceli from the road


The Main Square of Medinaceli , with him roman arch , is one of the most important tourist attractions. Hundreds and hundreds of pages could be written about everything that has happened inside, a porticoed square that once housed the Roman forum of the ancient city of Occilis.

On one of the sides of the Plaza we find the Ducal Palace , an architectural marvel built at the beginning of the 16th century and a bastion of the counts of Medinaceli. Declared Well of Cultural Interest in 1979.

Inside we can find fabulous remains of Roman mosaics that are still preserved today. In addition, in the Renaissance courtyard (currently covered) they organize events and recitals. The Palace of the Dukes also houses the Art Foundation , which converts to Medinaceli in a very appropriate destination for lovers of contemporary art.

Plaza Mayor of Medinaceli during its medieval market

Plaza Mayor of Medinaceli during its medieval market

On the other side of the square is the building of The Alhondiga . An alhóndiga was a warehouse that served to accumulate the grain with which it was later marketed. It occupied the ground floor of this 16th century building in whose upper part was the Council House.

There, a small passage leads to the back of the house, where the old Medinaceli prison was located. And in front of this building, we find the Arqueologic Museum , a place where we can discover, model by model, the history of Medinaceli.


- It is said that the abbots of Medinaceli and those of Sigüenza fought for many years to maintain their privileges. It is already known, "To God praying, and with the mallet giving".

- Some alleys of Medinaceli they are so extremely narrow that they could not be crossed with the arms in a cross. In fact, the feeling when crossing them is a bit claustrophobic.

-The Christ of Medinaceli acquires his name by the own Dukes of Medinaceli, who donated the carving to the Collegiate Church. Although the image is very similar, the carving of Madrid was made in Seville and deposited in the Basilica that bears its name where, on the other hand, the dukes are buried.

Medinaceli smells like kid roast lamb and cochifrito

Medinaceli smells like kid, roast lamb and cochifrito

- The streets of the center of Medinaceli smell of kid, roast lamb and suckling pig. Without a doubt, leaving Medinaceli without eating a good barbecue is a real sacrilege. A few migas from Soria and a roast suckling pig are the perfect remedy for such a long route. You have to go to Medinaceli hungry, very hungry.

- It is believed that the author of the Song of Mio Cid (or one of its authors) was originally from Medinaceli, but this fact is not proven, obviously. What is true is that Medinaceli is named in the Song on some occasion.

- Instagrammer, the best snapshot will be taken from the castle.

Castle of Medinaceli

Castle of Medinaceli

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