We get lost in Estepona, the garden of the Costa del Sol


We get lost in Estepona, the garden of the Costa del Sol

Estepona, the garden of the Costa del Sol

Although surrounded by tough competitors -let's say Marbella or Puerto Banús- that monopolize much of the prominence of the Costa del Sol, Estepona has been establishing itself for years one of the most surprising destinations in the region.

And that is something that one experiences in a very simple way: it is just setting foot on its promenade or in its historic center, it does not matter, that this seafaring town makes you, inevitably, fall in love with her.

And we, who are very into giving everything when we fall in love, the first thing we want to do is know each of the secrets and virtues of our beloved. So, ready to conquer her heart with kicks pure and hard, we set off for the epicenter of the town.


But wait, wait… Let's not be in such a hurry. Before we start our conquest, why not learn a little more about the future lover? For example, that her excellent location, between the sea –the Mediterranean- and the mountains –the Natural Park Los Reales de Sierra Bermeja -, makes her even more beautiful.

It lives facing the Mediterranean and through its streets poetry is distributed

He lives facing the Mediterranean and poetry is distributed through its streets

It is also worth knowing its origins, which date back to nothing less than the Neolithic era -in its Archeological Museum , located in the Casa del Aljibe, a beautiful 19th century building, there is evidence of this-, although it also has amazing remains of Phoenician and Roman settlements , like the traces of the funerary building of the fourth century AD. of C. found in the very historical helmet. Next to them, the remains of the Castle of San Luis, ordered to be built by the Catholic Monarchs.

To top it off, there is a whole series of beacon towers -seven in total- spread over Estepona territory that recall the defense system that protected the city until well into the 19th century.


Now yes, let's explore the heart of this beautiful Malaga town . Although we warn you: we run the risk of being trapped by its charming streets.

And it's been eight years since Estepona began to experience an immense transformation summed up in one key fact: the pedestrianization of 120 streets of its urban nucleus . The consequence of this decision was clear: the customs of yesteryear, such as that in the late afternoon the older ladies conquered the streets with their chairs to take in the cool air and the children ran from one side to the other without the slightest fear of traffic, they resumed.

Flowers are the main protagonists more than 10 thousand pots

Flowers are the main protagonists: more than 10 thousand pots

To see how that essence of the past is present again, you just have to take a leisurely stroll through the labyrinth of narrow streets in its historic quarter. We soon realize that here flowers are the main protagonists: more than 10,000 pots –eye: 10,000!- colors now populate streets, squares, balconies, walls and windows filling every inch with life and color. Every nook. Every bit of an Estepona that had never looked so beautiful.

We go up and down steps, we face its slopes and we walk along a paved paved floor in search of the corner that seduces us the most.

Juan Bazan Square , transformed into a typical southern patio in which the water of its two fountains set the rhythm, surprises us. Also the narrow and picturesque passages by Francisca Contreras or María Cintrano , which occupy the space left by old abandoned buildings that the city council acquired and demolished.

The idea was to feed this network of alleys with small passageways, thus linking some roads with others. After passing through an arch of bougainvillea, yet another passage: that of Alicia Padierna . Wonderful.

Narrow and picturesque passages surrounded by old buildings

Narrow and picturesque passages surrounded by old buildings

In our wanderings we come across neighbors hanging out their laundry on their balconies, families returning from the beach with their unicorn floats, and the occasional straggler finishing up their lunch shopping. The tourists, meanwhile, uncontrollably crush the trigger of their cameras. How we understand them!

appears before us Church of Our Lady of Remedies , an architectural gem. You have to pay close attention to its façade: two peculiar reliefs in the shape of a face decorate its front part and reveal a clear colonial inspiration. Just a short walk away, clock tower , which in the past belonged to the Old Church of Los Remedios, was the only survivor of the building after the 1755 earthquake.

And more surprises: culture has also taken over the heart of Estepona. every few steps, a mosaic invites you to recite aloud the verses of national poets and foreigners in several languages ​​–there are up to 32 scattered throughout the city-. Characters who are honored again in the Andalusian Poets Square , where several busts and a huge mural decorate the space.

And speaking of art, did you know that there is a route throughout the town to discover the 51 murals that adorn its residential buildings? Discovering them little by little is a joy. Our favourite? Fishing Day, by José Fernández Ríos . Finding the right perspective to admire the largest artistic mural in Spain -1,000 square meters spread over five different facades- is quite a challenge.

The Orquidarium crowned by three dazzling domes

The Orquidarium, crowned by three dazzling domes

Very close, by the way, is another attraction: the immense ** Orquidarium with more than 5,000 plants crowned by three dazzling domes **. Does anyone doubt at this point that we are in the true garden of the Costa del Sol?


Just like someone who doesn't want the thing, one feels like stopping and resting under the shade of a tree. Or better yet, with a soft drink in hand, which is already time.

A perfect place for this is the ** Mercado de San Luis **, an old market square transformed into one of those gastronomic markets in which the most diverse culinary proposals – sushi, Iberian, pizza or fish - share space.

But the gastronomic offer goes further: next to the Plaza de las Flores is La Bodeguita del Chato , one of those businesses with tradition in which authenticity is breathed. Here you have to taste its famous vermouth . “Simple or 'preparao'?”, they will ask you. Be emphatic: the second option does not disappoint. Wall to wall, one of Estepona's gastronomic revelations: ** La Casa del Rey **. Throw yourself with its partridge with mustard or with the deer ragut with rosemary. You will lick your lips.

Of course: if you prefer to give yourself a tribute, there is no doubt: The Rada , facing the beach that gives it its name, is a local classic that has spent a lifetime serving the product of 10 and pleasing the most exquisite palates of the Costa del Sol.


Yes, it was time to taste the Mediterranean . And in this case Estepona does not skimp on options either: 23 kilometers spread over 17 different beaches They offer alternatives for all tastes.

Starting with its urban beach, La Rada, a real temptation for being two steps from the town center, and passing through the Christ Beach , a small cove next to the Marina that delights lovers of swimming.

More options? Definitely: La Galera, Arroyo Vaquero, Punta de la Plata, El Padrón, El Saladillo or Atalaya These are just some of the beaches that are spread along the Estepona coastline. For those who practice nudism, Nature Coast it's your place.

Christ Beach Estepona

Christ Beach, Estepona

But when the afternoon arrives and what you want is to relax and have a good mojito while contemplating one of the best sunsets, it's time to fall asleep before the charms of ** La Buena Vida **. An indisputably enjoyable corner.


And we reiterate: Estepona is a coastal destination, bathed by an incredible sea full of possibilities. So why not try one of the many active tourism offers in the area?

One option is to head for Leisure port, sports port , where the private boats and yachts of those lucky ones who live in the surroundings rest, in addition to many of the companies that offer all kinds of water activities: snorkeling, diving, paddle surfing, jet skis … Does anyone give more?

Succumb to the contemplative life... from the sea

Succumb to the contemplative life... from the sea

We, however, opted for a much more relaxed ending: we set out to sail the sea aboard the Intrepid, a very precious sailboat of 18 meters in length captained by Manolo , a former bank worker to whom fate gave him the opportunity to forget his years between office walls in order to live, not without risk and sacrifice –although with great enthusiasm-, of what he loved the most: the sea.

And in this way, glass of wine in hand and with a calm chat with Manolo while he steers the rudder in search of the perfect sunset -which, hopefully, can be enjoyed accompanied by a group of lively dolphins-, it's time to end this visit. to the charm of this typical Andalusian white village which has definitely made us fall in love.

The perfect sunset in Estepona

The perfect sunset in Estepona

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