The new Duas Portas hotel or the perfect excuse to return to Porto


The new Duas Portas hotel in Porto is a family affair

The new Duas Portas hotel in Porto, a family affair

** Porto is a city that is closely linked to current architecture **. The teacher's interventions Fernando Tavora left an indelible and continuous mark from the middle of the 20th century to the 21st at the hands of his pupils and followers (such as Alvaro Siza Y Eduardo Souto de Moura ) .

Eduardo Souto de Moura is known for updating the roots of Portuguese architecture, with the utmost respect for the context, providing precision, purer and more nude lines with native materials. Although over time he has become more abstract and conceptual, he is discovering a taste for experimentation.

In 2011, he was awarded the highest award in the world of architecture, the Pritzker Prize. The **Porto metro**, the braga football stadium, Quinta do Lago, San Lorenzo de Barrocal or the Paula Rego Museum, are some of his most recognized works.

Duas Portas highlights the connection with the past and the present with simplicity and sensitivity.

Duas Portas highlights the connection with the past and the present with simplicity and sensitivity.

Nevertheless, this hotel is not his conception: it belongs to his wife, María Luisa Penha . Also an architect, he never worked together (although he did, for thirty years, with ** Álvaro Siza) **. She has been in charge of giving a new life to this space, whose renovation emphasizes the connection with the past and has brought it to the present with the utmost simplicity and sensitivity.

Eduardo and María Luisa have three daughters. The little one, María Eduarda, also studied architecture and is dedicated to art; María Paz, the middle one, is a nurse; and María Luisa, the oldest, is an architect, although she has decided to put it aside to fully take care of the hotel Two Gates .

“At least for now, this project covers all my concerns with prospecting trips, management development and contact with people . I help them connect with the city and what it offers of history, architecture art and design . It is a very specific public, with a way of life closely linked to travel and a sensitivity that understands luxury from a non-ostentatious point of view; if he luxury of tranquility and quality of small details ”, María Luisa explains to Condé Nast Traveler.

The light through the windows is fundamental in this house-hotel

The light through the windows is fundamental in this house-hotel

The light that enters through the windows is fundamental in this house-hotel. Here it is tried catch the light at every hour of the day that is reflected in the Douro River , located just in front of the two entrance doors that give the establishment its name. The large windows are one of its keys to give a more extensive vision of the splendid views.

There's a Nordic and relaxed air in each space , especially in the main dining room that overlooks an interior patio and a garden. Light wood, blank canvas for the walls, and an English green for the checkerboard floor, the rugs, and the structure of the interior spiral staircase. Everything is taken care of in detail and always in harmony.

Light wood blank canvas and an English green for the checkerboard floor

Light wood, white canvas and an English green for the checkerboard floor

In the set of furniture, white or natural wood, mix renowned designer pieces that go unnoticed, and others designed specifically for the hotel and made by local artisans. The expressive painting by the artist of the family, María Eduarda, illuminates some of the corners by surprise.

Our visit to the new Two Gates coincides with the presentation of the monographic publication on Eduardo Souto de Moura, Archives 4 . The architect welcomes us at the hotel and points out with the humor that characterizes him that he has had nothing to do directly with the hotel, although the family atmosphere can be seen in every corner: “It is a white house to sleep, rest , look at the Douro and prepare to visit the city. What is important is the availability of guests to experience different situations in relation to light, different points of view, the landscape (exterior and interior landscape) and color changes”, the architect told Condé Nast Traveler.

The luxury of tranquility and connection with the city

The luxury of tranquility and connection with the city

Natural light for a calm and artisanal luxury represented in delicate fresh flowers, good soap in the bathroom, linen sheets, a crispy croissant in the morning , the scented air of a small garden and the close, serene and familiar treatment who welcomes you and supports you on the journey.

"That's right, our Hotel Duas Portas it is a family matter”, concludes Luisa enthusiastically.

A crispy croissant in the morning and the scented air of a small garden

A crispy croissant in the morning and the scented air of a small garden

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