Describing Your Perfect Sunset Might Take You To The Concert Of The Summer


Larian sunsets

Gin and tonic in hand and our favorite bands playing.

Updated on the day: 07/08/2021. There is no summer without a sunset in front of the sea. contemplate how the sun colors the water and blushes the sky, delight in that moment before it is lost behind the horizon, it is one of the essentials any mediterranean summer that is worth

This year, more than ever, is the time to celebrate small pleasures , to venerate the most genuine experiences and, at the same time, the most lasting. And what better setting for toast to those shared moments to attend the Atardeceres Larios at Starlite Catalana Occidente on the day July 26, 2021.

Here is the summer plan you were looking for

Here is the summer plan you were looking for

The one that can boast of being the most Mediterranean gin has chosen that corner of Malaga -city where its origins reside- to turn it into the stage where national artists such as Camilo, Rosario, Juan Magán or Bonnie Tyler They will perform live performances.

East multisensory event invites us to enjoy an explosion of sensations: starting with the intoxicating orange blossom scent that takes over the environment; continuing with performances capable of conquering any spirit willing to dance and putting the icing on the cake with a succulent and refreshing drink of the new Larios 12.

Are you going to miss it

Are you going to miss it?

Live the Larian Sunsets in Western Catalan Starlite the day July 26, 2021 . You just have to answer the question: What would your perfect sunset look like?

Larios makes it possible for you to live this unforgettable experience, so participate and get 2 double tickets with access to the VIP terrace of Larios , a privileged location with extraordinary acoustics, limited capacity and premium service. Enjoy the sunset that you have been waiting for so long. Do not miss it!

Fill out this form and answer our question before Wednesday, July 21. You can consult the legal bases in this link.

Enjoy responsible consumption, 40º


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