Siurana, one of the best viewpoints in Spain



Siurana, the last Saracen stronghold in Catalonia

In the late afternoon, the sun begins to hide behind a sea of ​​clouds that reflect its rays, first golden, then orange, and ending in a purplish violet. Those same colors gradually dye the impressive limestone crag on which sits the village of Siurana, in Tarragona.

Its three cobbled streets, which are overlooked by massive stone houses, seem to hold their breath, creating an atmosphere of respectful silence broken only by the squawk of a bird of prey that flies high over the forests, cliffs and the reservoir that surround Siurana.

In the midst of that silence, Two symbols of opposing religions are twinned, a Romanesque church and an Arab castle, which decided, centuries ago, to seal peace to enjoy a natural image that can only be the work of a Mother Nature that does not understand human beliefs.


Siurana, a village with a lot to tell


Siurana is one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Spain and, in turn, an exceptional viewpoint. However, in times of war, it was not this scenic beauty that led the Saracens to build an impregnable fortress here.

The silhouette of the ruins of Siurana castle is still silhouetted against the horizon. Its imposing solidity rises 730 meters above the sea, next to cliffs 250 meters high, at the eastern end of the magnificent and wooded mountains of Prades.

The fortress is of Andalusian origin and was erected in the 9th century, as part of the defensive belt that the Arabs created to defend the Superior Mark of Al-Andalus of the attacks of the Christian counties of the peninsular north.

Hisn Xibrana (Arabic name of the fortress) dominated a vast territory that encompassed part of the current Catalan counties of Baix Camp, Priorat, Alt Camp, Les Garrigues and Conca de Barberà. Protected by its natural environment, it resisted the Christian siege to the end, being the last Muslim stronghold in Catalonia. In 1153, the combined troops of four Catalan counts managed to surrender it after a long siege.

In the 17th century, the castle would be destroyed by the troops of Philip IV and its remains were attacked and burned by the French during the War of Independence. Today, There are still vestiges of rooms and towers, highlighting what must have been the great tower of the castle, raised on rock in the highest part, right on the edge of the ravine.


Ruins of the ancient castle of Siurana


That precise ravine is the protagonist of the most beautiful and sad legend that Siurana treasures.

According to the same account, when the Christians closed the fence around the fortress and its surrender was imminent, the beautiful Moorish queen Abdelazia could not bear the thought of falling into the hands of her enemies and she mounted her white steed to jump off the cliff.

Since then, and forever, the horseshoe of the horse was marked on the surface of the rock from which she jumped. Some say that the notch is due to the fact that the poor horse tried to stop his empty gallop when he realized where his mistress was leading him. Nevertheless, others defend that the animal accepted its fate bravely and took a great impulse, leaving the mark in the stone.


Those limestone rock walls on which Siurana stands are not only the scene of the tragic deaths of beautiful Arab queens, but, in modern times, they have become an irresistible attraction for lovers of climbing.

Climbers from all over Europe come to Siurana and its surroundings every year to climb limestone walls hundreds of meters high. Here they find more than a hundred routes already opened by other lovers of this sport and, in addition, they are rewarded with unbeatable views over the Montsant and Gritella mountains, as well as the Prades mountains and the beautiful Siurana reservoir.

This reservoir is one of the most visited places in the hot summers of Siurana. Its calm and blue waters are unbeatable to enjoy a refreshing swim or, for the more active, practicing water sports, kayaking being the one with the most followers.

Those who do not feel comfortable about the liquid element, have the possibility of explore the surroundings of the swamp on foot, on a route that presents a good number of places where you can stop for a country picnic with unbeatable views. In addition, there is a tangle of trails -of different difficulties and durations- ideal for getting in touch with nature, finishing or starting, many of them, from Siurana itself.

Siurana one of the best viewpoints in Spain

Siurana, one of the best viewpoints in Spain


Around that nature that attracts so many tourists, both national and foreign, to Siurana, the olive groves bear fruit an olive oil of such purity that it has received a protected designation of origin.

The production area of ​​olive oils covered by the Siurana Denomination of Origin is made up of several municipalities in the province of Tarragona, covering the counties of Priorat, Ribera d'Ebre, Baix Camp, Tarragonès, Alt Camp, Conca de Barberà and Baix Penedès.


Siurana olive oil has a protected designation of origin


Oil and good food are two of the protagonists of the Siurana festivals, which take place in mid-August. During these days, the town takes on an unusual life and competitions and events of all kinds and for all families are organized, from hot chocolate to climbing championships, passing through the classic and spectacular human towers formed by the collas de castellers in the area.

The rest of the year, Siurana rests calmly on her rock, wanting to enjoy for millennia a peace that took centuries to find.


Aerial view of Siurana

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