These are the bakeries that bake the best bread in Spain in 2019


Bread loaf

These are the bakeries that bake the best bread in Spain in 2019

This ambitious list is the result of a great journey through our geography, from Community to Community savoring crusts and crumbs of those bakeries that, in their workshops, create authentic magic. This is the journey that they organize every year from quality bread (a non-profit entity that seeks to "exalt bread in all its manifestations" through its magazine Pan Baker ) Y Panatics (the platform that brings together all the players of the baker world -workshops, organizations, companies...- to "position this product in the place it deserves").

The result is a great adventure of more than 25,000 kilometers, 150 hours by plane, 200 hours by train (according to Bread of Quality approximations) to map this ** Spanish Route of Good Bread **, which in 2019 has pinned more than 90 bakeries.

"In this edition, 1,000 bakers have signed up to opt for the star, which rewards the 80 TOP bakers, but we have given more stars because there have been ties", commented at the official presentation of the Route, one of its organizers, Marta de los Reyes-Garcia (Director of the magazine Pan Baker and the Bread of Quality website, organizers of the Route of Good Bread).


All the bakers and bakers had to present three kilo loaves that in mass had a weight of between 700 and 900 grams after cooking, and processed good with wheat flour , good with mixture of wheat flour and up to 10% rye flour (all of them, with their corresponding technical file) .

It is essential that those who present themselves are bakers who **lead a bakery (that is, have a production and sale point)** and who, in addition, present themselves to the different calls of the Ruta Buen Pan that have been held throughout the year in each of the autonomies to show their three pieces.

It is then that a jury (which changes according to the Autonomous Community), made up of four industry professionals and under the direction of a president ( Eduard Crespo, national coach of the National Artisan Bakery Selection ) carry out a blind tasting. In this tasting, the visual aspect, the crust, the texture, the flavor, the crumb, the aroma...

Still life of different breads

The great map of the best bakeries in Spain

The breads that obtain between 70 and 100 points are chosen to be part of the list of the TOP bakers of the Autonomous Community correspondent. And from that score the golden crumb each of the communities.

This last prize is awarded to the baker who throughout the year has stood out for his work in promoting bread according to the opinion of a jury made up of food journalists, chefs and bread-loving media people , as well as winners of the aforementioned award in previous years.

"We really don't want to talk about best bakers, because there is no best baker: how the bakery is something so artisan , one day you can get a good bread and the next day it can be a disaster. That's why it's artisan. we always talk about top bakers . The Migas de Oro in Madrid, for example, have been two: Pan.Delirio and Obrador San Francisco ”.

Baker kneading bread

all an art


On November 11, in the context of the Mediterranean Gastronomy Fair held in Valencia, the definitive bakeries were announced in this 2019 list. The President of the Jury, Edward Crespo , who was born kneading in the family bakery and became the World Champion of Artistic Bakery in Paris in 1992, took stock of this edition:

“We are very proud because we have seen how year after year they have been adding more bakers who want to become professional and make good bread : healthy, good quality and it feels good to eat it . When we see so many bakers united with this goal, we feel very satisfied. It's very exciting see the response of the young , especially".

Bakers who receive, as a symbol, a star that identifies them as participants in this map of good crumbs and better crusts.

These are the bakeries that bake the best bread in Spain in 2019

These are the bakeries that bake the best bread in Spain in 2019

One of the lucky and starry is Alexander Lopez Gonzalez , workshop of the Bakery Confectionery Álex de Ponferrada who commented excitedly to “I have been in this profession for many years, I belong to a long-standing saga of bakers (I am the third generation) and I have been working and training hard for many years . My grandfather started his baking life in 1945 Y this is a reward for all our effort . This means that we are on the right path to restore a bit of prestige to our trade, which is greatly underestimated . When you tell anyone that you are a baker, they almost give you condolences, because being a baker is not dignified . The stereotype we have is that we work day and night and we are not able to reconcile family life with our job. Yes, my day starts at 5 in the morning and ends at 9 at night on many occasions , and it's hard for my daughter to ask me if we're not going on vacation this year either, but the fact of doing something you like is worth it”.

The work and evolution of this bakery from Leon has led them to offer a selection of more than 30 types of bread at their counter "we work a lot with wheat, but also with other flours such as corn, spelled, rye, chestnuts, oats... and also gluten free (buckwheat) . Another of our strengths are the empanadas : apart from the typical ones, we also have black pudding with apple, baby eels with prawns or cured meat with cheese and caramelised pepper”, says Alejandro.


**Catalonia (21) **

Cloudstreet Bakery (Barcelona), Forn Ginebra (Barcelona), La Forneria (Barcelona), L'Obrador dels 15 (Barcelona), Galette & Pastim (Barcelona), Forn de la Rambla (Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona), Forn de pa Elias (Barcelona), Forn Baluard (Barcelona), Forn Mistral (Barcelona), Pan Bou (Barcelona), PaPanBread (Lérida), El Forn de la Lola (Barcelona), Fleca Balmes (Barcelona), Forn Sant Tirs (Barcelona), Forn de pa Gil (Barcelona), Forn del Passeig (Barcelona), L'Espiga d'Or (Barcelona); Forn Sistaré (Reus, Tarragona), La Espiga d'Or (Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona), Forn La Fogaina (Les Preses, Gerona), Forn Sant Josep (Barcelona).

**Community of Madrid (12) **

Wild Yeast (Alcalá de Henares), Bread.Delirio. , Spelta Bakery, Babette's Oven, 3letrasPAN, Crustó, Hornera, Panàdarío, Obrador San Francisco, John Torres and Yeast Mother (Madrid); Bread from Mother Earth (Valdemoro) .

**Andalusia (12) **

La Tahona de Pedraza (Níjar, Almería), Hnos Fernández Bakery (Córdoba), Capileira Bakery (Capileira, Granada), Obrador Cordon (Seville), Federico Jiménez Bakery (Motril, Granada), Gerardo Bakery (Órgiva, Granada), El Obrador Juanito (Alcaucín, Málaga), La Cremita (Chiclana de la Frontera, Cádiz), Francisco Bakery (Málaga), La Molinilla Bakery (Aracena, Huelva), El Rinconcillo Bakery (Higuera de la Sierra, Huelva), Vélez Oven ( Lebrija, Seville).

Grand Prizes for Crafts

Grand Prizes for Crafts

**Basque Country (6) **

Okindegia Iza Hnos Bakery (Orozko, Biscay), Berteiz eta Mendiondo (Guernica, Biscay), Artepan (Vitoria), Helen Okindegia (Basauri, Biscay), Roberto Fernández Echevarría (Bizkaia), Obrador Asúa Berri (Bizkaia).

**Galicia (9) **

Germán Bakery (Fisterra, A Coruña), O Forno de Mosende (Porriño, Pontevedra), Amaquia Bakery (Porriño, Pontevedra), Pan da Mo a (Santiago de Compostela), Amásame Bakery Lab (Pontevedra), Forno do Carlos (Cea, Ourense) and La Pintora Bakery (Nigrán, Pontevedra), La Bulanxerí (Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña), O Pan de Leis (Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña)

**Castile and Leon (4) **

La Casa del Jamón (Miranda de Ebro, Burgos), Manuel Flecha Bakery (León), La Tahona de Sotillo (Sotillo de la Adrada, Ávila), Alex Bakery-confectionery (Ponferrada, León).

**Valencian Community (8) **

Better Bread (Alicante), Balvent Oven (Mislata, Valencia), Bartolomé Oven (Valencia), Blanch Bakery (Castellón de la Plana), Gold Pan (Alicante), Morente Panaderos (Benicarló, Castellón), Dolços Monpla (Valencia), San Antonio Oven (San Antonio de Benagéber, Valencia)

**Castile-La Mancha (3) **

Sahuquillo Bakery (Villamalea, Albacete), Emi Bakery (Puebla de Montalbán, Toledo), Artisan Bakers J. Sánchez (Ciudad Real).

**Aragon (3) **

Llerda Oven (Cretas, Teruel), Mother Dough (Zaragoza) and Julia Oven (Alcampell, Huesca).

**La Rioja (2) **

Veritas Panis (Logroño) and Horno Arguiñano (Logroño).

**Murcia Region (3) **

La Subirana (Molina de Segura), La Solera (Murcia), Bakery Confitería Otón (Cartagena)

**Cantabria (2) **

Oslé Bakery (Gajano), La Asunción Bakery (Torrelavega)

**Extremadura (3) **

Ecotahona del Ambroz (Plasencia, Cáceres), Oven La Tradición (Cáceres), Obrador Artesano Quintana (Villanueva de la Serena, Badajoz)

**Balearic Islands (3) **

Fornet de la Soca (Palma de Mallorca), Forn i Patisseria Gelabert (Llubí, Mallorca), Pastisseria Real (Palma de Mallorca)


**Canary Islands (2) **

Levain Mada Madre Natural S.L. (Las Palmas), 100% Bread and Pastry (Guía de Isora, Tenerife):

**Navarre (1) **

Sarobe Bakery (Bera)

**Asturias (2) **

La Vienasa Bakery (Mieres), La Portalina Bakery (Villaviciosa)

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